25- Alarm

Karina made her way out of the gym and was about to head straight to her room, but soon bumped into someone. She looked up, a smile gracing her face as she saw who she had ran into.

"John! So sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going". She said sheepishly.

The male simply laughed and told her not to worry, but his next choice of words stunned her.

"Karina, you're actually the person I was looking for. I was worried you had already reached your quarters."

"Oh?" She asked surprised.  "Well here I am; what is it that you need?"

"I was wondering whether you wanted to go out sometimes?"

Again, the girl was frozen for a few seconds.

"Oh, sure!" She said with her signature smile.

"Are you free this weekend?"

"Ehm, I think I am?"

"Great, would it be alright if we go out in the evening? I'll take you out to dinner, since we won't dine with the others...unless you want to dine with them, I dont mind going out a bit later..". John began to feel nervous as he started messing up with his words. But Karina only laughed softly at his antics.

"Don't worry, I don't mind eating outside. Dinner it is. Do you already have a place in mind?"

And that was when the man gave a teasing smirk. "Yes, but that would be a surprise."

Karina pouted and playfully punched his shoulder. "Jerk". He laughed.

Little did they know that there was someone who was watching them the entire time.

For the rest of the week, Karina and John soon became best of friends and always seemed to hang out with each other.
But the elfen prince, seeing them, each time at dinner, was boiling with rage. He felt like dicing the man into tiny pieces. He felt like dragging Karina way from him; he couldn't stand John's presence. Soon enough, he requested for his sister to bring dinner to his room, so that he wouldn't have to see Karina with him.

On the night the two went out, Nuada was more than angry. In fact, that would have been and understatement. To be quite frank, his angry aura could be felt a mile away, which made everyone avoid him.
Two days after the night out, Karina had left for a very important mission and wouldn't return after three days.
And in those three days all that Nuada did was train.




He was putting all his anger in his trainings.
He couldn't help it. He was trying his best not to trash the entire room like last time, but it soon became difficult in doing a simple task like that. His rage was just too immense.

"Mayer sure knows how to steal people's girls, doesn't he?"

Nuada quickly spun around to see Hellboy. "What are you talking about?" He asked rudely.

"Cut the cr*p Nuada. I know you love her. I've seen you during meals. Don't worry, I know exactly how you feel."

"You know nothing of how I feel. You do not even have a single idea of how I feel." The prince said through clenched teeth.

"Oh I do. Because when he came around he did the same thing with Liz."

Nuada was a bit shocked at that. Now the male demon fully had his attention.

HB went to grab some bandages to put on his hand. Only on one though, for we all know his other hand didn't need protection.

"He was so chatty with her. He even took her out! Offered her coffee and all. I eventually came to realise that they were just friends, and he was trying to make Liz return to the B.P.R.D. But nonetheless, I felt like f*cking up that face of his." Hellboy said through clenched teeth as well.

Nuada couldn't help but smirk at that.

"Indeed..". He said softly. "But why are you telling me this?"

HB sighed.

"I am telling you this, Nuada, because Karina is kind. I have never seen such a kind soul. You can stab the girl on purpose, tell her your sorry, and she won't even hesistate to forgive you."

Nuada at this point did not even notice that he had stopped his movements; that his anger had dissipated. Not entirely, but he felt calmer.
He nodded at HB's statement. It was true. Karina was selfless. She was pure of heart.
The red male soon began hitting the punching bag, slightly snapping Nuada out of his thoughts.

"You have to talk to her. Tell her how you feel. Show her how much she means to you, and that you're ready to do so much for her."

"You speak as if I am willing to grovel at her feet."

"No offense man, but you sure look like you would do it, if that would stop her from hanging out with Mayer."

The prince turned away, as he felt his face heating up due to embarrassment.

"Talk to her Nuada. She has a very soft spot for you. And something tells me, you would make her happy by telling her your feelings."

Making her happy?

Would she smile that radiant, beautiful smile of her's, if he told her his feelings? Will she smile only for him then?

Before the prince had the chance to reply, both male's heard Nuala's screams in the halls.

