3- Rage

A week had past since the incident with the twins, and Nuala was still in the recovery room, to make sure her vital conditions were alright. She was, after all, a different specie, so they had to make sure they took care of her in the right way, since she was also connected to her brother.
Speaking of brother, he on the other hand was being held in a different room, away from his sister. He did obtain a few injuries here and there, for he had a large bruise on his back which he received after he landed on the ground harshly because of Hellboy.

Nuala was following all medical orders and trying to relax her mind, as she was informed that if she keeps up the treatments, she will be able to move around freely. While she waits, they had to find a way to free her from her twin brother, for he could do anything out of desperation just to get his revenge and people feared that by doing so, he might harm his sister. Or perhaps vice versa, like the incident that had occurred only a week ago.

Unlike his twin though..Nuada was angry. He raged and yelled, wanting to be free, cursing every human that came in sight. He was held in a room that was isolated away from everyone else at the base. The room had a large, glass window, and a door on the side, which permitted doctors and guards to enter. He was being treated but that didn't mean that he had been forgiven. One could say that room was similar to a mental hospital institution. So in the end, it was a mini jail.

"Free me you insolent humans!! Free me! I will get out of here, and I will kill you all for treating my like some ungodly animal!"- he said now pounding harshly on the glass. The few doctors that were there tried to make him calm down, for they had to check on his health and give him to eat. But the elfen prince was far too enraged to be approached. The male had refused to eat anything for four days straight, and only sustained himself with water. Although, only once in three days, had the doctors been forced to put him under high anaesthetics to be able to give him the medication and fluids he required in order to recover. But then as they were about to place a feeding tube, he had woken up to everyone's surprise, and had injured a doctor severely. From that day, he had gone a few days without eating, and was slowly depriving himself from sleep.

Things were seriously getting out of hand.

Karina, was currently sitting next to Abe, trying to calm his nerves, since today was the day, everyone was going to meet Nuala again. The poor thing was nervous and didn't know how the princess would react to seeing him.

"Don't worry Abe". She said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I have a great feeling that she will be happy to see you."

Abe looked at the female beside him, to see that she had a very confident and optimistic smile on her face.
He sighed and smiled back nodding his head. Karina squealing in delight, took a hold of his hand and began to immediately drag him away.

As everyone finally reached the room, there seemed to be a moment of hesitation, but Karina was the first to knock on the door.
A delicate voice replied telling them to come in, and so they did.

Nuala was sitting in a near by couch that was close to her bed. She had a long white dress, but atop of that was a silky, night blue robe. Looking up from the book that she was currently reading, she saw the people that stood before her, and if her breath didn't stop in that moment, it most certainly did, once she laid eyes upon the amphibian creature. 
Said male fidgeted a bit as her gaze was now fixed on him, but he soon looked up, and waited for her to move.
There was silence in the room, and the two doctors, HB, Liz ,Krauss along with Karina, all seemed to wait for their next move. But apparently none of them looked like they were about to move anytime soon. Therefore the new member of the group calmly walked up to the princess and took her hand, snapping said female's attention back to reality and turning her attention towards Karina. The princess looked at her with her big eyes, only to recieve a delicate smile.

"Her smile..such a comforting smile..". Nuala thought.

Karina slowly guided Nuala towards Abe, she noticed how nervous she seemed, and after whispering a few words of encouragement, she moved away from the couple, giving them space. Soon enough, they hugged each other, both so happy to be in the other's embrace.

"How are you feeling?". Abe asked. The princess gave a soft smile and nodded her head. "I am doing good. Thank you.."

She traced her knuckles over Abe's cheek as he leaned into her touch. "Unfortunately..". She continued. " I can't say the same for my brother. "

Karina frowned at this. "Why?"

This took the attention of Nuala. "I can feel his anger. His rage swirls and spins like a tempest. I can also feel how weak he is at the moment..."

"How is that possible? I am quite sure they are treating him to make sure he's alright, despite him being locked away from everyone and forbidden to see the outside world."

"Actually...". Hellboy stepped into the conversation. "I have heard from bellow that there has been a problem. The damn freak is throwing a tantrum and he isn't taking any treatment because he keeps on pushing everyone away. The guy even messed up a doctor pretty bad. "

Nuala, upon hearing the news, looked away, ashamed of the actions of her brother. She somewhat felt guilty for his actions, but couldn't do much about it. Abe noticing her distress, lifted her head, and placed his forehead on hers, hoping to calm her down. She smiled at the gesture and leaned into him more.

Liz, Krauss and HB, were talking and thinking about what to do with Nuada's behavior. "Look, it's simple, I'll just go down there, give him a piece of my mind, and it's done! I'll even pound him if I have to! I'll show him." Said the red man. "Red dont even think about it, this is serious." Liz said, pintching the bridge of her nose in frustration.
" I am serious!"

" I think we should find another way. We might enter the room and force him down, strapping him to a bed and forcing him to behave without using much violence. " Kraus opted.
Karina, getting tired of everyone bickering around finally spoke.

"Guys." She said in a ferm voice, earning silence in response. "We will not use any form of violence. We will approach him kindly. Let me handle it." She said with confidence.

".....'Nicely'? You want deal with that crazy guy 'nicely'? Sorry girl, but I dont think you understand the situation here." HB said giving her a not so convinced look. "Actually" Karina continued. "I think I do. Far more than you and that's for sure. Mr. Krauss mind leading the way to Nuada's room?"
Said man simply nodded, and everyone watched as the female left the room leaving a grumpy Hellboy behind.
