16- Training...or is it?

"Is that all 'miss snow flake' had to offer?"

"Hell no!"

The two had been training for about an hour and Nuada was surely not an easy opponent. Karina was now having a hard time catching her breath, but she'd be damned if she at least doesn't startle him once.
She had decided to not use her powers for a fair fight, but let's be honest. She was very tempted to break that promise...

As she swung her fist towards his face, he blocked her, but before he could lock her arm behind her back she swiftly spun around and elbowed him in the chin, but not too hard to actually hurt him.
The prince was startled by that as he took a few steps back while Karina took her fighting stance once again, only to soon start laughing as she collapsed to the floor. She was far too tired. Her previous training had drained her, but due to excitement, she began training with the prince as to see how it would work out.
But she was, after all, only human and she was tired. As she panted, she felt the male's presence next to her.

"You are breathing too hard. Relax yourself. "

She looked up at him, only to see their faces mere inches away from each other. Nuada didn't seem to mind though as he told her once again to regulate her breathing.

"I must admit you are pretty good. You're quick, but you have to work on your indurance."

And here she thought she had everything under control; she thought sarcastically.

He gently took her hand and brought her up.

"Take slow, deep breaths Karina."

And there he goes saying her name again. Karina had been having a mental war with her inner self since she was trying to understand why she felt so suddenly shy when he said her name; why she felt her cheeks heat up, and how she would instantly freeze. She felt embarrassed with herself.

Thus, despite her mental battle, she did as she was told.

Soon Nuada began to teach Karina how to turn her bow around her neck, or any long ranged weapon that was enoughto fulfill the task.
The prince's spear, which was longer than her bow, was particularly difficult to handle since it was longer and she had a great fear of striking herself in the face.
She would twirl the weapon in her hands with ease, but when the time came for her to perform the move, she would immedietely freeze and chicken out, which made Nuada laugh. His laughter had stunned the Cryokinetic girl at first, but soon she began to pout and claim that she didn't feel like practicing anymore.

"Forgive me, my dear. Mm..how about you come here?" He said, still trying to hold in his laughter, but in a way he felt bad for her. After all, it wasn't easy for him at first either. He remembered all the times he would lose the item, making it fall to the ground, and sometimes on his foot. And the classic headbutting against the hard surface of the weapon, were no stranger to him either.
Karina still holding onto her pouting face, soon felt a pair of hands grabbing onto her shoulders and gently turning her around. He smiled at her and pulled her at the center of the room, grabbing the spear off the ground and giving it to her.

He then placed himself behind her, grasping unto her hands from behind to assist her. Karina could feel his toned chest against her back as her face made no effort to hide its redness.

"Now "...he whispered into her ear. "Twirl the spear to your side.."

And with that said, he began to guide her. She soon became focused on the task as she tried to memorize each step of the lesson. But the male couldn't help but make her repeat the same steps over and over again; gradually making her spin the weapon faster and faster; not because he was eager to teach her, oh no, it was the fact that he loved the way her skin felt.
She was warm. Her skin was smooth and he didn't know how it was possible that she still smelt good after all the workout she had done.
It was a scent that had some sweetness to it, and she seemed just so small compared to him.
And he had to admit that he enjoyed how much effort she put in as her face seemed so concentrated at the task at hand. Or better, their hands.

Soon he showed her the remaining steps, and soon she was able to do it at average speed.

"See that Nuada? I did it!" She said, smiling so bright he swore he felt his heart almost melt. The look of happiness upon her face was something that for some reason, gave him pride.

Because he was the cause of that smile.
Unexpectedly though, she ran at full speed, nearly knocking the air out of Nuada, as she embraced him in a tight hug.

"Thank you so much Nuada, I'll be sure to practice more often!"

Said her muffled voice, due to her face hidden in his toned chest. At first he did not move, but soon returned the hug, burying his face in the crook of her neck as he let a low chuckle. "You are quite welcome snow flake. And I am pleased to know that you will put my lesson to practice."

His warm breath fanned against her neck as it sent shivers down her spine.

The two were still holding unto each other, and when Karina noticed this, she was about to pull away; but as if reading her mind, the prince's hold tightened. And this made her scared for a second.

His nose, brushed past her ear, as he soon whispered. "You have a really..intriguing scent, Karina."

" O-oh...I'm sorry?"

He chuckled even more.

"Why do you apologise? I am pleased with it.."

In all honesty, the female didn't know how to reply to that, and just stayed in silence as she processed what the male had said.
Soon coming to realisation, she quickly pulled away.

"Oh would you look at the time, gotta scurry now, thanks again Nuada, bye!"

She said hurriedly, kissing him on the cheek, closing the door and running off as if nothing had happened.

But little did the prince know the female was cursing herself.

"Why the hell did I kiss him?! What was that all about?! I think I'm going to faint!"

Nuada was in his room, trying to sleep, but couldn't. The events of that day still played in his mind.
He felt his own face warm up, at the thougt of the female who had been in his temporary chambers just a few hours ago. When had he become this intrigued by her? He thought he had feelings for his sister but apparently that's not the case anymore.
And the more he thought about it, the more he yearned to see the dark haired woman once more. He wanted to hold her again. He wanted her to hold unto him again. He wanted to take in her sweet scent, and he most definitely wanted to feel the softness of her skin. But most importantly, he wanted to do more things that will make her smile.

Her smile...

Such a sweet, innocent, bright smile.

Soon, drowned in his thoughts, he fell asleep, pushing aside the ridiculous thought that was slowly creeping its way into his mind.

The thought of only wanting that smile for himself.
