10- Attempt

Karina held the glass that contained the dark liquid, as she slowly made her way downstairs.

Today was the day.

She was finally going to convince him in taking the treatment, the last thing that he needed in order to fully recover.

Karina felt as if she had to use all the power withing her to be able to lift her legs and move her feet just to be able to walk down the many stairs that now seemed longer than usual.

With each step she took, her heart didn't seem like it wanted to be contained in her body anymore as it slammed madly against her rib cage. The spiral like stairs made her dizzy, her sweaty palms almost dropping the glass she held in her hands.

The air began to feel heavier making it hard to breath.

But before she knew it, she was at the bottom of the stairs.

She swallowed hard. Her feet were glued to the concrete, her body no longer responding to any of her commands. She wanted to go back up, she wanted to pour away the contents in the glass. Hell; she wanted to sprint back up and act as if none of what she had planned had happened. She-

"So for how long do you plan on remaining behind that wall snow flake?". Said the deep and silky voice, now barren of any venom.

That seemed to block her even more. She was going to do it. She was going to throw away almost a month of hard work.

The room soon became pregnant silence.


"Aww shoots, I thought I could surprise you!". The girl said as she walked calmly into the room, her smile as bright as always.

The male got up from his meditation, as he walked closer to the glass to see what the girl had in store for him today. But soon he stopped in his tracks when he saw what she had in her hand. He recognized it very well. His calm demeanor soon changed into one of anger, his aura no longer as welcoming.

"What is that?". He asked through gritted teeth. Karina gulped. "Oh this? Well, you see, you've finally recovered to the point you can start taking medicine." The girl said, trying with a calm and friendly approach. The elfen prince stood his ground.

"I thought that since, you have regained most of your strength, you could take this, since it's the only thing that will help you to recover to the fullest. And-"

"You may as well leave. I will not take that." Nuada interrupted, and with that said he turned around to go back to his meditation. "Nuada-" The girl tried again, but what she got next caught her off guard. The male spun around with speed, yelling at the top of his lungs.

"I WILL NOT TAKE IT!!". The glass fell to the ground, and shattered in thousands of pieces, it's content pooling onto the floor. The female stood there in utter shock.

"You were waiting for this moment weren't you? I knew I shouldn't have trusted you. You were waiting to get on my good side and have me drink that filth. Who knows what you mortals placed in that repulsive concoction.." He said. Venom dripping from each word he uttered. Hatred surrounded his being as he glared down at the girl, who now felt her own rage rising. "And who gave you the right to call me by my name you worthless mortal? Just because I allow you to linger around my presence does not give you the right-"

"Hold your tongue elfen prince." Said a stern and feminine voice. Karina's demeanor had changed as well. Her eyes flashing a light blueish color as she glared right back at the prince. This took said male by surprise as he stared at her.

"I have had nothing but your best interest in mind this whole time. And since you think that I want something from you so badly, then let me prove to you that you're wrong." She walked towards the glass without fear and stood just a few centimeters away. The male still had a baffled look on his pale features. Never, and he repeats, never, had she looked at him the way she did now. "Like I said I have had nothing but your best interest in mind. And to be very frank with you, you don't make things easy either. People here, despite some of their behaviour, are just trying to make you feel better. If anyone was trying to harm you, they wouldn't have kept you here, but in a closed prison where you won't even have any sort of living being interaction." She said as a matter of factly. The female slowly started to walk towards the entrance. "Besides, if I really wanted something from you, I prefer to own it the hard way. It makes me appreciate it more."

She was about to turn the corner and walk the steps, when she stopped and turned around to look at Nuada once more. The male felt an odd feeling in his chest as he saw her eyes were back normal and was now giving him a look of hurt. She soon looked down, as if embarrassed, and spoke once again.

"Also...someone would like to see you.."

With that said, she left.
