17- Worrying Heart

Karina hadn't visited Nuada in two days. After the training, she couldn't help but think over the event again and again. Her heart would leap each time when she recalled how he hugged her, and how he was apparently enjoying her scent.

The thing was that the young woman hadn't only stopped visiting the prince, but she had also barricaded herself in her room.
Soon enough, as she was still curled up in her silky blue sheets, she heard someone knock on the door.


"Karina? It's Liz. Mind if I come in?"

"No. Yes. Maybe.."

There was silence for a while and soon Liz made her way in.
She saw how the other female was curled up in her sheets with a worried look. Her cheeks dyed a light shade of pink.

"Karina, you ok?" The woman asked.


She covered her face with her blankets, as Liz sighed and walked up to the bed and sat on it. Now in front of the girl she spoke up once again.

"What's wrong?"

And so that was Karina's cue to begin and everlasting rambling.

Forty eight minutes had passed and the girl was still spilling her soul out.

"And then two days ago he did all that hug thing, a-and told me how I smelled nice, and then I felt my heart pounding and for some stupid reason before scramming out of there I kissed him on the cheek! Do you realise that Liz? A KISS! What was I thinking?! But he didn't look like he was disgusted...but I didn't have the time to see his face since I ran out, due to embarrassment...
But I dont know why I have been feeling this way. Anytime he calls me by my name, I feel like my heart stopped beating, or I would simply-"

Liz couldn't take it anymore. She couldn't hold back her amusement any longer as she bursted into fits of laughter.
Karina stared at her dumfounded. Why was she laughing? This was a serious situation.

"Oh my God Karina.."Liz began. "Don't you understand; from how I see it, you have fallen hard for the prince." She said grinning.

"What?! No! I couldn't possibly....love? But how? I-"

Karina had no words. After all, what other explanation was there?

Soon though, her visitor had stopped laughing. "Karina." Liz said sternly. "You must understand though, that this is Nuada we are talking about, and he is still a prisoner."

Karina looked down in disappointment.

But then an idea came to mind.

She looked up at Liz with a huge smile her face. Puzzled by this, Liz asked what could possibly be on her mind.

Twenty more minutes passed, only for both girls to find themselves in front of Professor's Krauss' office.

"How did you drag me into this exactly?" Liz asked as she rubbed her face in frustration.

"Because you love me."

The short haired woman sighed at Karina's childish antics, as the man behind the door gave them permission to enter. She gulped, knowing already that the German man..or German fumes? She honestly didnt know. All she knew was that she was going to get an ear full from him, for even considering Karina's idea...
