20- Gathering

"I don't think this is a good idea! C'mon! He nearly killed me!" Hellboy yelled out in frustration.

"Red!". Liz cautioned.

The room became silent as Hellboy soon sighed in defeat. "Look, don't get me wrong..I do not wish for the guy to die. If I did, I would have killed him. And I hope that he changes too, it's just that..ya know..this is still the guy who brought a tree giant into the city and hurt a lot of people. Not to mention those damned insects that ate more people. Oh and also-"

"Red. We get it."

The red man saw the saddened face of Nuala soon realised his mistake. "Ehm, but that does not mean he didn't change am I right? I mean from what Karina told us, the guy is less eh...ehm..Liz?". Not knowing what to say the big male whispered for aid towards his wife.
"He's less aggressive and more compliant."

"Yea compliant!"

Nuala smiled at her friends attempt to try and cheer her up. She soon felt the cold hands of Abe on her shoulders.

"Don't worry, we will all try to get along, and make him feel less like a prisoner."

She smiled ever so sweetly at him, as it made the male's heart skip a beat.

"Thank you everyone, this means so much to me."

That evening, everyone was finally going to meet Nuada face to face once again. But this time on more friendly terms. At least, that was what they hoped for.

"He's soon going to be here.." Nuala whispered to Abe. "Do not worry, even if he did had ill intentions, he most certainly won't harm you." That didn't seem to make her feel better though. Abe tried to come up with something else. "B-but don't worry, I'm not trying to say that he will kill us, like HB and Liz said, he's more compliant now". That seemed to do the trick to calm the female's nerves.
As Liz and Hellboy just finished to set the table, the large doors of the living room opened to reveal their two awaited guests.

Karina had a simple pastel blue dress on, that reached her knees. Her dark leggings peeking out from underneath. A slim black belt hugged her waist, and she wore black flats.
Nuada, on the other hand, was wearing his usual black attire, the only difference was that his choice of clothing was more of a "dinner out with friends" rather than a "I am here to end you" kind of feeling.

His arms were folded behind his back, as he stared at the audience before him, analysing each member. His eyes slightly widened seeing Liz, since the last time he saw her, her stomach was flat, he was pretty sure of that. But now the baby bump was more pronounced. His eyes then fell on Hellboy, as the bigger male gave him a slight nod to welcome him. But soon his gaze fell on his sister...who was far too close to the damned amphibian for his liking.
Speaking of which, Abe and Nuada basically had a glaring contest before Karina cleared her throat to get their attention.

"So guys, as you may know, Nuada will be hanging out with us from now on, because I think he deserves a chance, not only to forgive his actions, but also for us to come to understand his point of view as well. After all, this organisation is to welcome all species. Well...the good ones at least..
Anyway. Let's all look beyond the past, and try to have a nice evening, k?"

The females present in the room smiled and nodded, as for the males, they simply grunted.

Everyone sat at the table, and to Karina's surprise, and relief, there was no awkward silence. HB was currently telling the story of his last mission to which he just recently returned from.

"You see? I told you, you should have let the goblin say what he had to say, but you just decided it was best to strangle him!" Liz exclaimed.

"He was holding the damn stone! And besides, he had nothing important to say!"

Karina soon came into the conversation.

"Well, you wouldn't have had a wooden plank on your head if you had just listened. Most importantly, payed attention to your surroundings. "

Although during this bried banter, someone came in.

"Mayer! Old friend! Where have you been?". HB said as he got up to great the man.

After presenting the man to Karina, he sat beside her. Which unnerved Nuada for some reason.

"And returning back to what you said Karina, I'm pretty sure you would have been 'oh so perfect' if you were in my shoes?". Hellboy asked, pulling unto the girls strings.

There was silence in the room, as everyones eyes were on her. She looked up from her plate, stared straight into HB's eyes, flipped her hair, and with a proud look on her face accompanied by a smirk, she replied.

"Precisely. May I remind you that so far, in training, you still haven't beaten me honey. "

Liz and Nuala began laughing as Myer and Abe began a chorus of "oh's".

But everyone was surprised to hear Nuada laughing as well. As they all stared at him, said male, made eye contact with the red man.

"I had a hard time with her myself. But dear Hellboy, not even winning once? Pity...". Nuada elegantly grabbed his cup of water and took a sip.

"Hey! I'm telling you, I will beat her! I'm just waiting for the right moment to strike."

Karina faked a gasp. "Oh dear! You're going to pass all your lifespan waiting for such a moment? How tragic..". She then took her napkin, pretending to wipe away a few fake tears.

"Why you.."

Everyone at this point couldn't hold in their laughter.

Dinner was soon coming to an end, and as Nuala and Abe talked, the male happen to pull her into a hug as Nuala laughed. But the moment was soon ruined by an enraged elfen prince.
Nuada got up abruptly, almost knocking his chair over as the room fell silent once again. "Remove. Your filthy. Hands. Off; my sister." There was no room for amusement or fake friendliness or threaths. Nuada was low with his voice and was basically growling at the male. He had been watching them the whole evening, and he had a feeling Abe knew that, and was flaunting with his sister.

But Abe wasn't having it either. "Why should I?" But before Nuada could snap at him, his sister immediately interjected. "Nuada, enough! Stop this! "

She was now standing too, and both siblings were now glaring at each other.

"What is it that you find in him? What is so special about him? Answer me Nuala!"

Nuala was about to reply harshly when Hellboy came in.

"Are you two done?"

They both looked at him to see him eyeing Karina, who now had a emotionless look present on her face.
