1- Intruder.

It most definitely was not an easy fight. Despite the prince's smaller size compared to Hellboy, he was definitely skilled. The red skinned male was beginning to lose stamina, and so was the prince, but both were far too stubborn to give up.

HB tried to talk some sense into the prince's head, but to no avail. Nuada's sister tried as well to make him understand that his actions were wrong. Everyone tried to make him see his mistake; but Nuada was far too blinded by rage, vengeance and greed, to understand anything at all. His obsessed desire to control the golden army, destroy and make the lives of humans miserable, all in need to avenge his people, had fully taking possession of his mind.

By this point, the battle was quickly coming to an end, and it was clear that the prince had to be killed in order to stop the uproaring madness. He took the lives of the innocent, sent his servants to slay for him, leaving people to deal with blood thirsty creatures which were now forgotten by mankind.

He attempted to kill HB, used his sister as bait to lure his victims, tricked Abe by making him give up the crown piece in exchange for his sister, and once again attempted to kill HB.

But now the fight was over, Hellboy was able to take away Nuada's spear, and he had won the fight.

"Kill me, you must, for I will not stop. I can not.." Said the prince. But the half demon had other things in mind. Despite Nuada's behavior, he will not kill him, and as he turned around to walk away, Abe was about to head towards Nuala, to check up on her, but that's when he saw that Nuada had gotten up, pulled out a knife and was headed towards his friend.

Time seemed to stop.

Abe turned back at Nuala, only to see that she had a weapon similar to her brother's, but instead was aiming at herself;
Nuada was right behind Hellboy ready to kill him;
Abe called out to both siblings;
HB had turned around in confusion;

And lastly, the princess was finally about to end her life; blade above her head, ready to strike...but it was knocked out of her hands.

As everyone looked back to see who had arrived at the scene, someone had rushed past them, heading straight for the princess and tackling her to the ground. Nuada was right about to remove whomever had tackled his sister from her person, and possibly kill them, but soon realised he could not move. 

"What? How is this possible?"  The prince thought, and that's when he felt cold. He felt the chills envelope his legs and the arm in which he held his dagger.


He looked back at his previous opponents only to see a look of shock on their faces as well; now facing the intruder, who slowly rose up from the ground, curly, dark chocolate hair, cascading down their face and shoulders, reaching their mid thighs, and finally rising to full height. They seemed to be of average height and...It was a female. She had a bow in hand, as she looked straight at Nuada with her dark eyes, which seemed to reach his soul, and make him shiver. She then looked down at his sister who was now stuck to the ground, enveloped in ice as well. She gave Nuala an apologetic look before crouching down and speaking.

"Apologies for being so rough, I just really dont want any blood shed today, and I want to make sure you won't do anything to hurt yourself. I promise to free you as soon as all of this is over."

Her voice was soft and sweet to the ear. A comforting voice that anyone would feel soothed to.
She rose and descended down from where she stood, only to prove that she was slightly shorter. She calmly walked up to Nuada and spoke up once again.

"Prince Nuada Silverlance. You shall be brought back to the B.P.R.D organisation, for there, we shall decide what to do with you, no one will kill you, and your sister in not going to kill herself either just to stop your foolishness."

Snapping her fingers, men who seemed like guards from the organisation, handcuffed Nuada's  hands behind his back. Ice was no longer present on his body even though some remnants were still present on his legs to prevent him from moving around too much. If so, the ice shall slow him down, making it quite easy to tackle him and even sedate him if necessary. "You may take him away."

But before the guards took him away, Nuada looked at the new guest present in the room with a look of pure hatred.

"You will pay for this. You will pay for your interference...You disgusting human...". He spat out.

To be quite frank, Nuada was expecting a witty remark, a mean glare, an icy stare or the usual "No, it is not I who shall pay, but you."
Anything; he was expecting anything. But what he wasn't ready for, was the sad look she gave him. Her eyes held such sorrow, such pain as if she felt guilty, as if she wanted to apologise for her actions. But her face was the last thing he saw before he was blocked by the massive body of Hellboy and being pushed further away from where all was suppose to take place, in order for him to start his army, and avenge his people from all the wrongdoings of man.
