Unexpected Plan part 2

The idols have gotten a rare break from their busy schedules and have been given permission to go on a vacation, but where? That was their decision. Therefore the senpais, kouhais, and Haruka all gathered in the living room in the master course. Sadly, Tomochika could not join them because of her struct and menacing senpa; poor Tomochika. Anyway, everyone was chatting in the living room until Reiji finally decided to plan for their departure. "Okay, minna, we are going to the beach next week!" Everyone looked at Reiji, some had 'Okay, I don't mind' faces and others had 'Why?' faces. "Why the beach, Kotobuki-senpai?" Tokiya asked. "No particular reason." Reiji said in a cheery voice. "Something is definitely going to go wrong on this trip." thought Masato, Tokiya, Ai, and Syo. "Why can I here your thoughts?!" in a bit of an offended way. But Reiji let it slide and continued, "We are going to the beach, you don't have a choice. Unless you rather me make Ai triple all your schedules. This made all their faces turn blue, except Ai , and shook their heads vigorously (even Haruka). "Tch..I guess we don't have a choice. " Ranmaru retorted. "Ran, don't be like that. Right Hijirikawa?" Ren said. "For once I agree." Masato said calmly. "This is going to be so exciting right Nanami? " Otoya said cheerfully. "Of course it will! 'Especially when you are with me Otoya-kun'." Nanami said and thought. "Won't this be exciting Syo-chan? " Natsuki said. "Yeah, what abiut you Ai are you....where's Ai?" Syo asked. "Ah, he was a bit tired, so he was told to shut down a bit and recharge." Reiji said. "Oh." said kouhais. "Well it's decided! Everyone finish your work and then we will leave the day after tomorrow!" Reiji said. Everyone nodded and started to leave one after the other until only Ranmaru and Reiji were left. "Tch...stop putting up an act." Ranmaru said. "What do you mean Ranran?" Reiji replied cheerfully. Ranmaru went over to Reiji and sat down. He then put the brunette's head towards his chest. "If you're gonna cry, you can. No one else is around. " Ranmaru said in his very rare, reassuring, soft voice. By this action, Reiji started to bawl out his feelings. "What am i supposed to do? Aine is coming back, I'm really happy, but what's going to become of Aiai? I ....I..." and Reiji continued to cry as if a mother had lost her child to death. Ranmaru just sat there staying in silence but yet comforting Reiji at the same time. This continued more than a few hours, but they never noticed that a certain composer was listening to their conversation.
Back with Ai, he was recharging as mentioned earlier. Although he was in a slight different position than ge usually was. He was actually hugging a purple bunny plushie while recharging. He wasn't really aware of what was going on. However, from his data, Quartet Night, STARISH, and the girl composer were going on a vacation. Knowing how Reiji works, the vacation spot is probably the beach. The beach, the place where Aine tried to drown himself. Aine was probably working on his muscles so he would be able to walk again. Although, Ai knew this would eventually happen, he couldn't help but feel a bit of pain in his chest. He was an android, artificial intelligence yet, why does he feel pain? He was always programmed to feel emotions but, he was unable to and was considered a failure. A word Ai dislikes the most, he is a perfectionist after all. But he wasn't perfect he was a failure, a replacement. He wasn't as passionate as his kouhais, Natsuki and Syo. Natsuki was a pain with all his obsession for Piyo-chan and cute things. And even worse if he turns into Satsuki. But the senpai is somewhat happy that Natsuki is able to sing and keeping his schedule. Syo, on the the other hand, is a trouble maker. He disrespects him and yells a lot. He's very noisy and that can get very obnoxious. However, Ai has always secretly admired the short boy. From his data, Syo has a heart disease and was told to be able to live until he was 12 years of age. But Syo proved those people wrong by passing their theories and thriving through life. He always admired Syo for that matter. Speaking of Syo, Ai was unconsciously looking at some photos at their trip to the amusement park. One advantage for being an android is being able to take pictures without a camera and upload it to a computer or USB. He was looking through the pictures until one caught his eye. It was Syo on the ferris wheel when there was a sunset. The sight was unusually very captivating to Ai. He couldn't help but notice how pale Syo actually was and how blue his deep ocean-blue eyes were. He then couldn't stop staring at Syo's pink lips. They gave a weird feeling to Ai, he was about to look it up until the alarm for 100% charged went off. So Ai woke up and found himself isolated from the outside. He still had his schedule so he went out to the outside world and out of his dorm.
The day finally came for STARISH, Quartet , and Nanami to go to the beach. They all completed their work and were packed ready to go to their destination. They were staying in a 5 star hotel for their stay ( Courtesy of Shining). There were a lot of people, Therefore, it was decided that the 3 senpais (Reij, Ranmaru, and Camus) were driving. Ai was still too young to drive therefore, he was going in the passenger seat. Reiji, who was looking better than yesterday said, " I've assigned you all to car so please listen. ' *Otoyan, kouhai-chan , Aiai, Syo, and Natsuki will come with me. *Masato and Ren are with Ranmaru. *Tokiya and Cecil are with Camus.' " Reiji listed. There were a few groans because of the groups but everyone agreed to rhe arrangement. Reiji than smiled brightly," Well then, let's head out!
