Morning!!! (Birthday Special)

The very next morning, Ai woke up feeling weight on both of his arms.  He looked to his right arm (left) and saw Natsuki and on the left of him (right) was Syo.  He tried to get up, but the two were clinging on to Ai.  He sighed an exasperated sigh.  Ai checkd the time and noticed it was 10:19 AM.   Ai was clearly annoyed becuase his kouhais slept past their designated wake up time.   However, because they were on a vacation,  he let it slide.  He felt his left arm loosen so he tried to take it out, but it was soon hugged again by Syo.  Sure enough,  Ai felt calm but also a bit flustered.   He looked over at Syo's sleeping face.  "Hmmm," he hummed,"he actually looks a bit cute." Ai thought.   Not thinking about what he just thought he let out yet another sigh.  "Even when I told you to sleep on the beds.  You two don't have any discipline do you.."  Soon enough Natsuki woke up and said, "Oh, good morning Ai-chan!"  "Good morning Natsuki. " Ai replied.  The two talked about idol work, social media, and schedules.  Soon enough, Syo also woke up and finally pulled back with a pouty face woth pink on his cheeks.  They all then got up, and went to one of the beds.  Strangely,  each just hugging a Piyo-chan.  From there the trio just talked until finally it was time to eat breakfast with the others.
