Day 7: Farewell Time

It was finally the morning of the departure. Everyone, with a few exceptions, was a bit sad to leave their vacation resort. However the end of their relaxation was going to end at some point. Everyone had a few hours before going leaving so they all took the time to pack their things.

Camus and Cecil started packing, except that Cecil was having a hard time doing so. "You useless fool, you can't even pack your own suitcase?" Camus said. In all honesty,  the same could be said to Camus, but he has had more experience in packing because he was an idol longer. Other than that, poor Cecil was left to the difficult task of packing a suitcase while Camus sips his tea.

Ranmaru didn't really have anything to pack except for a few souvenirs. If one recalls, Ranmaru had to borrow Reiji's clothing because of someone, Reiji, unpacking all of his clothes. Thus Ranmaru had a lot of spare time and decided to look through some of his souvenirs.  He bought quite a few, half of them being the guitar picks from the music store they visited. Reiji was the roommate that was suffering, like Cecil, but at least he knew how to pack bags. Including all the clothes and necessities he brought on the trip, he also has more objects that he bought. He asked Ranmaru to let him use his suitcase, but he rejected the idea. Thus Reiji was left to suffer, he should have never emptied Ranmaru's suitcase.

Ren was having the most peaceful time of his life,  his bag was already packed, don't know how, and his room was all tidied up. The problem is, what was he supposed to do with a lot of free time.  One idea was to sleep, which sounds quite pleasant. Another idea was to walk around the hotel, which slightly sounds boring. The final idea was to go tease Masato, which sounds fun. In all honesty, he would go tease the bluenette ti see his cute expressions, however, he doesn't even know if Masato was done packing. Thererfore he decided to quietly lay on the bed and look through photos.

Masato and Tokiya were in the midst of packing all of their belongings, but they were almost done. They were just packing the remaining souvenirs they bought from the store and festival. "Is that a new lotion you bought?" Tokiya asked. "Yes," Masato replied. The lotion was titled "Orange Rhapsody". Tokiya just hummed as he and Masato finally finished packing. "We still have some time left, you could always check up on Ren," Tokiya said kindly. Masato had a feint blush and mumbled to what seemed like a "thank you" and left to see the orange-haired idol. 

Once the bluenette left the room, he went in front of Ren's room. He tried knocking and seeing how Ren hasn't responded shows that he is either asleep or didn't hear him. He knocked again but the door still hadn't opened. Coincidentally, Ai was also in the hallway. "Masato,  are you trying to get in Ren's room?" Ai asked in a monotonous voice. Masato stammered," wasn't...." Ignoring Masato's pointless denial,  Ai opened the door with ease and left. Leaving Masato to stare at the leaving senpai. Once he regained his composure, he went into the room, closing the door behind him, and saw a sleeping Ren. He looked quite peaceful. His orange hair was spread out on his pillow and his body was slightly arched. Masato, whose blush reddened, went closer to the sleeping male and played with his silky hair. It was very sudden when it happened. Masato continued to play with Ren's hair while sitting on the bed, until he unconsciously laid down on the bed. He looked at Ren's gentle features, his eyelashes, his sharp nose, and his lips. He studied them all, but he knew better than to get entranced with the male and was about to leave the bed until he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around his torso. Masato looked behind him, only to see a face very close to his own face. He quickly looked away was going to free himself,  that is until he felt something nuzzle the back of his neck. Masato's blush has reached its maximum level. Masato started to question his life at this very moment and why he was an idiot. He's unused to this amount of contact from someone like Ren. Despite that,  he soon felt slight tranquility when he kept hearing the breathing of Ren. Masato eventually calmed down and slowly fell asleep in the arms of a 'perverted' idol.

After Ai left Masato to whatever he was doing, he left to go to his room to see if Syo and Natsuki were done packing. What he wasn't expecting was Satsuki pinning Syo to the wall. Syo was helplessly crying and Satsuki looked hungry, if you get the context of the setting. Ai, the hero, sped to get the glasses and managed to put the glasses on Satsuki's face with minimal damage to both of them. Thankfully,  Ai used his robot strength to get this task done. "Hmm? Ah! What happened!?" Natsuki asked innocently. The room wasn't entirely a mess, but, there were a few messed up beds and a broken vase. (Guess who has to pay for this, pretty much Ai because he is the senpai.) Ai felt something on his chest. He looked down to see a terrified Syo hugging him. Ai sighs, "What happened?" "I don't know, one moment Natsuki was going to the bathroom and then he turned into Satsuki!" Syo replied with terror in his voice, "he even left this on my collar bone!!!" Syo pointed to what seems to be a slight bruise. Ai looks at the short idol and hugs him back while patting his head. "There, there. There, there." This level of affection was very unexpected but Syo enjoyed it and kept his face hidden in Ai's chest. Natsuki looked at the two and told himself, or Satsuki angrily, "Thanks," very bitterly.

Soon it was time to meet up with everyone. Otoya and Haruka were the first ones to arrive since they packed their things at an unexpected rate. Next to arrive was Cecil and Camus. Then came along Ren and a blushing Masato. Then the following order that came was Reiji and Ranmaru, Tokiya, Ai, Syo, and Natsuki. They split into the two groups and left the resort. 

Both rides were unexpectedly quiet. They had music, so everyone, minus Ai and the drivers must have fallen asleep. Ai looked at the short sleeping blond next to him and stared down at the collar bone. He went down to it, but left his own marking on it to replace Satsuki's. It oddly irritated him to see the marking, so he replaced it. Reiji wasn't able to see this scene because he was too focused on driving, but is that a good thing?

To be continued...
