Lovely ☆ Complex?

Syo woke up the next day, right on schedule, and began to prepare to leave the dorms to go to shoot the live action "Lovely Complex". As he was getting ready, at one moment Syo grabbed Natsuki's glasses and waited for the mentioned to wake up. Then, the climax moment arrived, the awaited Satsuki awakening. Syo quickly shoved the glasses on the male's face before one could even say, "Piyo-chan". Before realizing his surroundings, Syo was then pulled into a tight, good-morning hug. "Good morning Syo-chan!" Natsuki exclaimed. "A-ahhh, good morning Natsuki, you seem to be in a good mood," Syo responded. "Of course I am, every morning I get to see you, first thing!" Natsuki replied. "Who's fault is that?!" Syo thought to himself. Syo tried to pull back from Natsuki's grip, only to be hugged tighter. "Umm, Natsuki? Can you let go of me now?" Syo asked. The ochibi got no response. "Natsu-" "Hey, Syo-chan," without giving the other a chance to response he starts to speak, "I like y-". The door opened. "Aren't you two taking a long time to get ready?" Ai interrupted, unintentionally. "Ah! I forgot, I'll get ready right away!" Syo said while easily getting out of Natsuki's loosened grip and heading into the bathroom. Which left Natsuki and Ai together in the main room. The room was tense, well, Ai couldn't really read the situation too well, but it was tense. "Did I interrupt something?" Ai asked. Natsuki casually smiled, "You didn't interrupt anything Ai-chan-senpai, I was just feeling a bit light-headed for some reason. I'm okay now, I just needed a bit of support from Syo-chan." Ai walked towards the blond and checked his forehead. "Well it doesn't look like you have a fever, but just in case take some medicine. As an idol, you are responsible for your own health, please keep that in mind Natsuki." "I will. Thanks for worrying Ai-chan-senpai!" Natsuki exclaimed while giving the younger a hug. Without, any knowledge from the A.I., Natsuki only did a light glare from behind and let the boy go. "Well, I might as well get ready too. See you later Ai-chan-senpai!" Natsuki said while heading to the bathroom. Just as this action took place Syo exited the bathroom and spoke to Natsuki on his way out. "Oh right, Natsuki didn't you have something to say to me?" "Did I? I forgot, sorry!" Natsuki apologized. "Why are you apologizing, you did nothing wrong? Anyway, see you later Natsuki!" Syo replied. Natsuki happily nodded and went into the bathroom. "You've delayed your time enough, let's get going, you're going to be late for your shooting," Ai scolded. "Yes, yes I'm right on it, wait, what do you mean by 'let's' aren't I going to the shooting by myself?" Syo asked. "You are, I just happened to go the same way today so the driver will be dropping you off at the area." Ai replied. "Oh, okay, well, I guess we should go." Syo stated. Ai nodded and so the two left their dorm area.

Thus the two waited and got on their ride to the shooting area. The only thing is, Syo still doesn't know who Minami Go is. As they were in the car Syo asked if Ai had ever met Minami. "I haven't," Ai stated. Syo sighed in frustration, "but I do know that she is quite on the strict side of acting." Syo groaned, he already had to deal with a strict senpai for singing, now he has to deal with another one, but with acting. After sighing multiple times Ai spoke up and said, " Syo, your frustration levels are rising, please remember to keep a level-head at the shooting." "You don't have to remind me." Syo grumbled. After a while the driver spoke, "We have arrived at our destination." Once the ride stopped, Syo opened the door and got off, leaving Ai sitting by himself. "Well, see you later Ai." Syo said. "Okay, don’t mess up." Ai replied. "Just watch it'll be the best live action there ever was!" Syo said excitedly. Ai just nodded and closed the door. Syo then proceeded to the shooting area, a high school.

"Okay, it's show time," Ai said to no one in particular.

"Ah Kurusu-san! You're early!" One of the staff members said. "Ah, yes, I was really excited for today's shooting and was restless." Syo replied. "Well, with that excitement the filming should go smoothly," the director said joining the conversation. "Good morning Ishikawa-san!" Syo said. "Good morning, it seems we will have a bright start tod- ah! She's here, she's here!" Ishikawa exclaimed. Syo turned around, only to see, Minami Go in all her glory.

"Good morning everyone, thank you for opening this spot to me and I hope we can create a great live action." 'Minami' said gracefully. Syo blushed, "So pretty.." He was awestruck, he knows that many articles describe the actress'  beauty, but he didn't know she'd be this beautiful. He didn't even notice 'her' walking up to him. "You must be Kurusu-san correct?" Syo snapped out of his trance and nodded furiously. 'Minami' giggled, "I hope to work well with you, 'Okita-kun'." Syo blushed harder, "Yeah, pleasure's mine..Risa-san." The "love is in the air" atmosphere was hard to break, but it was eventually broken by the director calling the stylists  to prepare the actors. Thus the two parted into different classrooms and were being given make-up treatment.

Once the styling was over and the clothes were all changed, the director called everyone to the designated classroom and was giving a pep rally. "As you know, this is our first time filming with the well-known singer and actress, Kurusu Syo-kun and Minami Go-kun. Using everyone's power, let's make this live action a success! Lovely-!" "COMPLEX!!!" Everyone shouted. Thus began the actual filming.

Due to the time of day and location, the few sections of filming began at the first classroom scene. Along with other actors, they acted out a classroom environment. The scene is written to start with Risa sleeping during class and Otani waking her up by kicking her desk. The events that follow are the two being on bad terms, while being teased by their friends, making them the comedy duo.

Syo starts his lines when the time arrives.
Syo: That's not enough to wake her up.
The teacher then asks Otani to wake Risa up and Syo proceeds with a disrespectful act of kicking Minami's desk.
Syo: Wake up, you idi-i
"CUT!" The director shouted.
"I'm so sorry! I just..." Syo began to explain.
"Kurusu-san, instead of apologizing,  shouldn't you think of what you did wrong instead? You're already in a few minutes of filming and you already stumbled on some lines. Keep this up and you'll hold everyone back." Minami said with authority. "There she is, the acting devil!" Were the murmurs. Syo then replied"I understand." "As long as you comprehend. Director, let's go again!" Minami exclaimed. Filming restarted and this time, Syo did his lines correctly. After several more retakes, due to other mistakes made by others, the team proceeded to film the rest of the scenes that took place in the school. In other words, the school festival and the basketball related scenes. However, due to scheduling, not everything was able to be filmed in one day. If filming went smoothly, it would only take a month or a few weeks.

"Kurusu-san, good work today," 'Minami' said while giving Syo a water bottle. "Th-thank you. You as well, good work today." Syo replied. "Kurusu-san." Minami started out. "It's okay to call me Syo," Syo interrupted. "Then, Syo, please refer me as Go as well," 'Minami' replied. Syo nodded. "Syo, I hope you learned from your experience today, despite it only being your first day, I hope to see you improve in your acting. Especially in your romantic side," 'she' said using her comedic persona. Syo blushed, "Y-yes ma'am!"

Sooner or later the days would turn into weeks and the weeks into a month. Yet after all this time, Syo would still marvel at the incredible acting skill presented by 'Minami'. He would always be awestruck but at the same time annoyed by constant nagging. Even after the shooting, he would rant about how much of an inspiration and mother hen character 'she' is, next to Hyuga-sensei, and how beautiful 'she' was. Almost everyone in the entire dormitory was tired of him being talking about 'her'. Natsuki would 'happily' listen and Ai would occasionally listen by asking what Syo learned from the day of shooting. Ai would also feel his system heat up because of Syo generally describing him as beautiful. However, after all this time, despite the same routine, Syo never realized that Minami and Ai were the same person. Surely he would due to the amusement park incident, but the crossdressing  incident may as well have been forgotten. Syo can be aware, but there are times when he's just dumbstruck. However, he also feels the constant feeling of comfort despite only knowing 'her' for a short period of time. He always questions it, but doesn't bother to go along with the train of thought. Thus he continues to act side-by-side with the actor. Unfortunately, sometimes, good things always come to an end.

It is September 5, 2015. It is also the final shooting of Lovely ☆ Complex. The final scene to be shot was toward the time of sunset. After several other scene filming, it was finally time for the finale. "Are you nervous Syo?" Minami asked. "Yup, but at the same time I feel excited! But also, sad, after filming is done, everything is over." Syo replied. "That's not entirely correct, we still have a photoshoot for movie posters, so it won't end just yet." Minami said. "Oh right, I forgot about that," Syo stated, "Oh, I should look over the script! We have a lot of time too!" Minami agrees and the two practice and absorb their parts. That is until a certain part. There's a kiss scene, not to deep, but it's still on the lips. "Wha-wh-WHAT?!" Syo yelled with a bright, red face. "What's wrong Syo?" Minami asked. "K-ki-ki-" "Kiss?" Minami finished. Syo nodded. "Oh, will this be your first kiss perhaps?"she asked. Syo nodded yet again. "I never took you to be that type, if it makes you feel better, it will be my first kiss as well." Minami said using her comforting persona. "Really?" Syo asked. Minami nodded, "Just remember your lines and you should be fine." "Okay, let's do this!"

The filming of the final scene came.
"And action!" Ishikawa yelled.
Syo: Hey..
Minami: What?
Syo: I need you with me after all.
I need you to be with me.
Minami: What do you mean by that?

Syo tries to kiss Minami, but he couldn't he was a nervous wreck. So, he messed up. The team tried to do several retakes, but Syo still couldn't put his head into it. "Kurusu-kun, if you can't do this one scene, we can't finish." Ishikawa said rather harshly, obviously tired from work and venting it. Syo could hear murmurs,". Guess he didn't cut the role." "Why was he chosen anyway?" "Lets just get this done and over with." "Coward." Syo exclaimed,"I can do it! Please let me try again!" "Syo, you can't just try, you have to. Director Ishikawa, please give us a few minutes." "Okay, but make it quick, the sunset only lasts so long." Ishikawa said, clearly irritated.

"Minami? What's going on? What are you-" Syo was interrupted, by a kiss. Not mushy, but not too quick. "There, your first kiss was stolen by me and mine too if you get the shooting over with." Minami said. "Wh-wh," Syo was extremely flustered. "Listen, acting is not always you playing your part, you have to be the character. You can't avoid the actions the character does, it's the director's call. Other than that, all you do is follow their orders. Don't just think because of your first kiss that people will take pity on you, man up and act!" Minami scolded,"After this is done, I will be retiring as an actress, this is my last 'performance', help me make it a good one."  Syo was shocked, Minami was retiring, this was his final chance to act with her properly. He realized then that Minami was right, he had to act, that was the job he was put into, he couldn't just avoid it due to selfish desires, he needed to fulfill his role to the end. "Thanks Minami, you're right, let's go make this the best last scene ever!" 'She' nodded and the two went on their way.

"And action!"
Syo: Hey..
Minami: What?
Syo: I need you with me after all.
I need you to be with me.
Minami: What do you mean by that?
Syo leans in and kisses Minami, almost like a goodbye kiss to a lover.
From there, the filming ends with the two riding on a bike riding next to the sunset.

Later during the good-byes, Syo went up to 'Minami' and said, "That was payback, you took my first kiss, I took yours." While saying this he had a mischievous, yet playful grin. "I'll see you tomorrow for the photo shoot?" Syo asked. Minami nodded and the two 'parted ways'.

At the dorm, Syo was rambling about what had happened during filming. All Ai could do was listen, he already knew everything, he was Minami afterall. Although, Natsuki seems really annoyed and pouted while playing with Piyo-chan. No one could blame his annoyance, Syo would only constantly speak of Minami. But then the boy came to a halt in his rambling. And when he did start to speak again he said, "Minami is retiring from acting." "Is that so," Ai replied. "Yeah, I wish I could've acted with her more and hangout," Syo said with sadness. "You see her again, one more time right? Make that moment count," Ai responded, feeling uncomfortable of talking about himself. Natsuki, on the other hand, was expressing inner joy if hearing this Minami retiring, a potential rival was a rival no longer. Syo nodded and  being on schedule, got ready for the next to come, the last day of spending time with Minami.

The following day arrived and Syo was moreover saddened by the fact of no longer seeing Minami often. However, he decided he was going to ask for her contact information so that they could contact eachother often. As Ai and Syo were in the vehicle, it was silent, unusual, but silent. Once they arrived Syo said bye and left. Once leaving Ai began to change himself into Minami. Until, "Ah, Ai, sorry I forgot my phone in the car, do you se-"Syo said while opening the closed vehicle door, only to see Minami Go in the place of Mikaze Ai. "Eh?" Both said at the same time. Mikaze Ai then quickly pulled Syo in the car. "Ai, you're Minami Go?" Syo asked. "Yes, I am," Ai replied, in which then he also explained the reason behind his actions. "I can't drag this conversation on too long, we'll be late to the photo shoot. Let's go."

Once they arrived, they were immediately put to work. They had to wear make-up, change into several clothes, and pose for the camera. The entire shoot took several hours, but after one more photo, it would be over. It was a photo that was supposed to be taken similar to the manga cover. Thus, Ai and Syo got into their positions as the photographer directed. Ai was hugging Syo from head up. As the final pictures were being taken. Syo suddenly remembered the events from yesterday. "The kisses!!" Syo was internally screaming and was blushing extremely hard. He had is first kiss with Ai, his senpai! With this realization,  he blanked out and in from reality.

"Yup, that should be enough, thank you for your time," the photographer said. "Good work everyone," Ai would say along with Syo. Ai seemed to be unfazed by the kiss, it was for acting after all. Syo probably should too, but his mind is too full of replaying the scene in his mind to think clearly.

Once the two got back to the dorm, Syo went to his room and plopped on his bed, he was flustered and red. He got his first kiss stolen by Ai.

To be continued..

A/N: So warning, I kind of rushed the ending of this chapter so sorry for the sloppiness. Also, the art for this chapter belongs to me.
