Amusement Park:part 1

The very next day, Ai got up early and went to wake his kouhai up so they could go the amusement park. He first woke up Natsuki, bot forgetting his glasses of course( we wouldn't want Satsuki present). After Natsuki got up, he went to the bathroom and started to get ready for the day. The next target to wake up was Syo. Ai climbed the ladder to reach Syo's bed and tried to wake him up from the ladder, but it didn't work. Therefore, Ai had to get on the bed to wake Syo up. However, things didn't go as planned, instead of waking up Syo, Syo got his arm around Ai's neck and mumbled,"5 for minutes...". From this, Ai had a very weird feeling, a feeling of embarrassment and warmth. His face was as red as Otoya's hair, maybe even brighter! Anyway, the poor, helpless senpai had to wake Syo up, so Ai slapped Syo's cute face. Because of this action, Syo finally woke up from his "eternal slumber". When he woke up, he finally detected his senpai beneath his arm. "..................AI!!!!" Syo's face started to turn into 5 shades of red. He finally let go of Ai but averted his gaze. "Syo, get ready to go to the amusement park or we won't be able to go." Ai stated. Ai got off the bed along with Syo who was still blushing. When Natsuki finally came out of the bathroom, he went to his closet to choose "lovely" clothes for his senpai and best friend. He chose an outfit for a girl and a boy. Syo was already trying to escape his terror, but Ai held him back. "Now, Ai-chan you get the girl outfit and Syo you get to wear the boy outfit." Natsuki said with a cute grin. Syo tried to hold back a laugh from his friend's choice but was relieved to find out that he didn't have to crossdress. Ai on the other hand just shrugged the suggestion off and agreed to crossdress. Besides, it would be a good disguise anyway.

As the three idols headed out of the dorms they went to get a taxi to get to the amusement park. Luckily for Ai, he wouldn't have to put up with Reiji teasing him about cross dressing. But since Syo was still beside him he had to deal with his teasing. Ai felt a weird feeling which was uncomfortable. He searched through all his data and concluded, he was feeling embarrassment. It was new to him, so he wondered "Why does shortie make me feel embarrassed? " Once the trio finally got a taxi Ai and Syo got in, but Natsuki didn't. He actually was on a phone call with someone. Once the call ended he said," Sorry Ai-chan, Syo-chan! I have to leave something urgent has happened! Have fun without me!" Then Natsuki left leaving poor Syo with his cross dressing senpai. Syo was about to call after Natsuki until Ai shut the taxi door and told the driver the where they were heading. The driver noddedand started the engine and drove. Syo gave Ai a look and said," Why did you do that?!" Ai just simply said," It would be a waste of money if we didn't go. Unless you rather complete your schedule today?" Syo shook his head and then stayed silent the rest of the ride. He suddenly felt a bit of weight on his right shoulder only to see Ai sleeping on it. It's unlikely but Ai was sleeping, Syo felt his face heat up and then looked at the oh so interesting roof of the taxi.

When the duo finally arrived, Syo lightly shook Ai awake. Being a gentleman Syo is, he paid the driver. Ai stated when the two got out of the car,"Instead of saying 'Ai' refer me as 'Aika'. That way people don't recognize us." "I'm not stupid," Syo mumbled, "Then you have to refer me as 'Shion-kun'." The two agreed and got a map of the park. They decided to go on a roller coaster first. "I'll show you how manly I can be, Ai!" Ai glared at him,"-ka!" Ai was still glaring but lowered it as they reached their destination. Thankfully no one recognized the two. The duo got the seats in the back and waited until the ride started. After all of the riders settled in their seats, the ride started. Syo was super excited as the coaster went up it's first hill. Ai remained calm of course. As it went down there were a lit of screams of excitement and terror. Ai wasn't really scared or excited so he just sat there. Syo took note of this and took Ai's gabd and rose it with gis as they were going through the 2nd loop. Ai looked at Syo with an expression of confusion. He then said, " Loosen up, have some fun!" Ai didn't really understand what it meant to loosen up but he nodded. But for some reason, he felt heat creep to his face. He wondered why and tried to search in his data, but couldn't focus becuase of this feeling. He was so deep in thought he didn't even notice the ride being over until Syo snapped him out of his trance. After he ride ended the duo went to find cafe. It was near lunch time, therefore they went to a cafe. They found one but they didn't know what the theme of it was. It was a couple cafe. The duo sat at a window seat and looked at their menu. Once they decided and ordered everything, they chatted for a while. "What should we go on next?" Syo asked. But Ai seemed dazed when he asked this. He was about to repeat until he caught himself staring at his senpai. "He looks cute," he thought,"wait what?! I just called my him cute! What the heck is wrong with me?" "Aika." Syo stated. This time Ai snapped out of his daze," What is it Shion-kun?" " is here." Syo said. The waiter arrived with the food and they both ate. Syo at some point stared at Ai and Ai noticed it. He took his food and put it in front of Syo's mouth. Syo startled by this action looked at Ai confusingly. "Say 'ahhh'."Ai said with a girly voice. Syo starting to feel his cheeks get warm looked at Ai in disbelief. But he ate what was on Ai's fork and ate it while averting his eyes from his senpai. Ai looked at Syo with amusement and continued to eat. The duo ate in silence after the little event. While this happened, a lot of bystanders whispered about how cute the duo looked as a couple. Ai actually heard this and thought to himself," Supposedly, shortie and I look like a couple to others. Well, this may help with our disguise so I'll tell Syo afterwards." After the "couple" finished eating, they headed out to find a new ride to ride.
