
The idols arrived at the festival, with disguises, and everyone was excited. It wasn't everyday that they get to attend such a fun event. With such packed schedules, mostly thanks to Ai, the idols could hardly enjoy the simplest things from their childhood. Everyone was excited, except for one. Unfortunately, Natsuki dressed a poor soul in a female yukata. It was none other than Kurusu Syo. What fate had led the poor, unfortunate boy to wear such a cute outfit. The others pitied him internally, but they were also distracted by the festival. Cecil was called out of this activity because of urgent news for his kingdom. As for everyone else, they split up into pairs by drawing sticks. Otoya and Haruka, that was kind of obvious. Camus and Ranmaru the worst combination ever. Tokiya and Masato, the twin combination. Ren and Reiji, "interesting but at the same time weird" combination. Syo and Natsuki the Piyo-chan squad. And finally, Ai who roams in the crowd alone.

Ai, being the one without a partner, decided to try out the games out of boredom. The first one he went to was the kingyo-sukui stand, the goldfish game. Despite being an intelligent, artificial human he failed at the game. He was made to imitate Aine, maybe Aine sucked at the game. Another possibility is that Ai just miscalculated the formula, if there is one, to catch a goldfish. At least he caught one, he doesn't exactly know what to do with it though. Ai wasn't exactly hot in his light-purple yukata, but he activated his A/C controls just in case. After a while, he roamed to the yo-yo taurine stand (the Ballon yo-yos). This, was something Ai was able to do better at.
He fished out a yellow balloon, two in fact. One had green designs and the other had blue. It reminded him of Syo and Natsuki. He took both balloons and continued to wander around the festival. Soon enough he saw a food stand, which reminded him of the cake he made for Tokiya. He was programmed, he probably knew how to bake. Thererfore, he texted everyone, including Tokiya, of what should happen to the cake. After a few minutes a text from Reiji came. "How about we go back after we're done having fun?" Ai texted back, "Okay." From there Ai continued to walk around, not knowing what the others were doing. Well except Ranmaru and Camus, they were playing at the shateki stand (shooting). He kept wandering alone in the crowded place. He was an android with no emotions, get why does he feel so, empty?

With the poor soul which fell as a victim of Natsuki, they were at the ring toss stand. Natsuki was attempting to get the mini Piyo-chan plushie. Syo was just standing there, eating his cotton candy. He was obviously bored, but he couldn't do anything until Natsuki was done with the game. This was his 5th try. Who knows how long Natsuki was going to stay at the stand. That is, until Ren and Reiji had passed the area. "Oh? Isn't it Ochibi-chan?" Ren spoke. "Ah! It really is! Nat-chan! Syo-chan!" Syo and Natsuki turned around and acknowledged their presences. "Ah Rei-chan!" Natsuki shouted. He waved and at the same time Syo also turned around and waved. However at the same time, the person in charge of the stand had switched one of Natsuki's rings for a slightly smaller size. Ren, being the sly person he is, noticed the con man. He walked up to the man and said, "Hmm~? Is this a scam that I spied with my little eye?" The vendor man said, "I don't know what you're talking about brat. I think your eyesight is getting worse." "No need to be so feisty sir. How about a deal?" Ren said. "What do you mean?" the man got interested. "What I mean is, you can keep your little stand, as long as you stop scamming these people." Ren stated. "And if I don't? " The idiotic vendor asked. "Well, you may as well pack your stuff, you will be a wanted man soon enough if you don't oblige to my conditions." Ren said with a downcast. "Oh okay I get it okay!" the man said. Syo, who was watching Ren deal with the con man, thought,"Ugh, rich kids.." Soon enough, Natsuki went back to his game of ring toss and he "miraculously" won. "Wahh!! I got Piyo-chan!" Natsuki exclaimed. "That's great Nat-chan!" Reiji replied. "Well we'll be off." Ren said. "Where are you headed?" Syo asked. "To where Kurosaki is, where else?" Ren stated. Syo stared at Reiji and Ren for a considerable amount of time before comprehending Ren statement. Reiji blushed slightly. "Well, see you two later," Syo said while waving. "Oh! Rei-chan and Ren are leaving? Bye bye!" Natsuki shouted. The other two waved back and left the other two. "Syo-chan, let's go get some cotton candy!" Natsuki exclaimed. "Yeah, let's go." Syo said.

So far everyone had been peacefully enjoying the festival. "Camus you bastard!" Cross that, everyone but the worst combination in the history of idol combinations. "Kurosaki, it was you own fault for losing. I see no reason for you to call me such an uncouth name." Camus said. "Don't lie to me! You used magic didn't you!" Ranmaru argued. "Me? An earl who has served under the Silk Queen use magic for such lowly games?" Camus retorted. "Silk Queen this, Silk Queen that, shut up! Even rock is more interesting than your position as an earl!" Ranmaru shouted. "Why you ungrateful peasant! How dare you taint the queen with your unruly mouth!" Camus shouted back. "You wanna go 'your highness'?" Ranmaru inquired with irritation. "With pleasure peasant," Camus stated. The atmosphere grew thick and those surrounding the two stepped further away from the two disguised men. The area was very unsettling, until Reiji and Ren came along. "Hey isn't it Ran and Ca-kun?" Reiji asked. "Indeed it is," Ren replied, "I think we should calm them down, it's ruining the festive mood." "I second that," Reiji stated. Thus the two ended up lecturing the two Quartet Night members. Though Reiji was happy the rest of the time.

With the twin combination, they were eating and chatting about their similar interests. Upon the topic, love interests came up. "Ichinose we have changed over the years, have we not?" Masato stated. "How so?" Tokiya asked. "STARISH was brought together through our love interest in Nanami-san, but none of hold that feeling anymore, except Ittoki-kun." Masato said. "I agree, we all have different love interests now." Tokiya said. "If I may ask, who is it that you like Ichinose?" Masato asked. "Someone who is beyond my reach. He was a very bright fellow with the brightest of eyes. His smile was like the sun and he was a very energetic person. However, he is no longer within my grasp. "Tokiya said. Masato thought about Tokiya's words and thought of one person's name that matched the singer's description, Ittoki Otoya. "I apologize." Masato said sadly. "What for?" Tokiya replied. "For making you think sad thoughts on such a happy day." Masato stated. There was a pause. "Masato," Tokiya said, "I am not sad. I am happy. I may not be by his side, but I'm grateful for all he has done, for all of us. As long as he is happy, I shall also be happy alongside him." Masato looks at Tokiya and then he looked away. "You have changed since the first time we met. He has changed you for the better." Masato thought. "So," Tokiya stated, "How is everything with Ren?" With that Masato' s face turned extremely red.

As for the mentioned Otoya and Haruka, they continued to be lovey-dovey during the festival. For instance, getting a stuffed animal, hugging, holding hands, and sharing food. (Do I need to go in detail?)

Ai noticed that it was almost time for the fireworks to start. He texted everyone asking if they should group up? After a few minutes he finally got a reply. "I think it would be hard to group up, so it's best to stay put." Reiji said. Ai replied with an "okay" and waited for the firework show to start. For him, this was a very lonely summer festival.

With their cotton candies eaten, the Piyo-chan squad headed to a space that wasn't very crowded. "Aren't you excited Syo-chan?" Natsuki asked. "Yeah, I'm pumped!" Syo exclaimed. Soon the fireworks went off and the sky was cover with colorful lights. Syo was awed by the sight and paid little attention to his surroundings. Natsuki looked at Syo and said, "Syo-chan, I love you." "Sorry Natsuki, what?" Syo asked. "Oh nothing! " Natsuki shouted. Syo looked at him in quizzing manner and shrugged it off. "If you say so," Syo stated. Thus the two enjoyed the sights the festival had in store.

From everyone's point of view, the fireworks were a magnificent sight to behold, all but one. Mikaze Ai, was not excited or moved by the showing of lights. He didn't understand the meaning for humans to enjoy such a bespectacle. However, he also understand why he felt so alone. He went back to the hotel alone. As he walked the softer the fireworks became and his surroundings grew quieter. As he arrived to the hotel, he had a choice. To either throw away the cake he made, or put it in the refrigerator. He chose to put it in the fridge, it was made for Tokiya, the well-behaved kouhai, he deserved it. Normally, he would've thrown the cake away. However, he didn't, what was happening to him? He went to his designated room and lied down on the floor. He then texted everyone that he was oddly tired and went back to the hotel.

Soon enough everyone went back to the hotel and into their rooms. Natsuki was very tired and slept immediately without looking at his surroundings. Syo, however, noticed Ai on the ground sleeping without a blanket. "Geez, Ai, you need to cover up or you'll get a cold." Syo said softly. He draped the blanket on top of Ai and went to get some water.

Syo opened the fridge, only to see a beautifully made, dark purple cake that said, "Happy Birthday Tokiya". Syo wondered who made such a cake that was left uneaten. He thought of the jobs assigned and it hit him. The one who made the cake was Ai. He grabbed a water bottle and went back to his room to see Ai sleeping. Carefully, he got a plushie he got from the festival and put it next to Ai. Ai hugged it unconsciously and continued to sleep peacefully. Soon, Syo also went to sleep like the others and was excited to wake up to see another eventful day.
