Beach!!! (part 2)

Ai woke up. "Shiiiiii-" Syo thought, "he woke up!!!!" Syo was sweating, not because of the heat, but the fact that he did mouth-to-mouth. Ai sat up and said, "Hmm, is there something wrong Syo?" Syo shook his head vigorously. Ai stared at his kouhai's trying to find more information. He found what the matter was so he simply said, " I know that your first kiss is important, but that was CPR, pay no mind to it." Ai knew that Syo, for some reason, cared about his first kiss as much as a love strucken high school girl. Although Ai experienced the unusual emotion yet again, embarrassment. He was going to overheat again. But the real mystery was, how did Ai get into the water, it wasn't in his programing to get sudden memory loss. Anyway, that wasn't important at the moment, what was important was the fact that Ai was able to wake up.

Ai sighed as he was on his comfy hotel bed. He could've been outside with the others bit because Reiji insisted, he was forced to go back inside. He thought of the conversation with Reiji just a few hours ago. "I won't take a no for an answer Ai, after what happened I don't think it's safe to go back. " Reiji said seriously. "For once Kotobuki is right, Mikaze I think you need to go inside and rest." Camus also stated. Ranmaru just nodded. Ai looked at them, by majority rules, he lost, which gives him no choice to go inside. Also he'd rather not go through the process of Reiji making a plan to get him inside. Ai just simply nodded and walked to the hotel.

Ai sighed yet again. He hated to admit it but he was actually bored. He we finished all his given work and he was all alone. Despite being a robot, I guess he would be able to feel these types of emotions. That was until he heard. STARISH sing "Maji 2000%". Ai started to think of how things have changed and he couldn't help but wonder, if he deserved the title "idol". He probably did in front of others, but in his head, he didn't feel like that he met the standards. He thought some more until he finally decided to open up his laptop. Supposedly it was Halloween in only two months, not that it really mattered, but the internet has many unexpecting things that pop-up. He continued to look at his computer screen after several hours or so until he finally heard multiple footsteps coming from the hallway. He also heard many rowdy voices, mainly Syo and Reiji. Soon enough his kouhai enter the room and say a simple greeting. "Ai-chan-senpai, are you feeling okay?" Natsuki said worried. "Yes, I'm fine, but I think it's time to go to bed now." Ai realized that it was getting late so he ordered his kouhais to sleep. Syo wanted to retort about being on vacation and wanting to sleep a bit late, but becuase of his senpai's unusual behavior, he decided to just stay quiet and obey. Soon everyone was alseep. Syo was on the floor, Natsuki was on one of the beds and obviously Ai was on the other.

"Ai! Ai! Where are you going!? Ai!" Syo shouted as Ai continued to walk way from Syo's grasp. Ai went farther and farther until Syo couldn't keep up. Ai didn't look back once... AI!!!!"

Syo abruptly opened his eyes. He was covered in sweat. He looked at the bed Ai was sleeping in. He saw Ai sleeping peacefully, like there was nothing to care about in the world. Syo looked away and looked at the clock. "2:00 AM." He muttered under his breath. He sighed in relief becuase he was having a bad dream, but he wondered to himself. Why was Ai in his dream? Not that he had anything against Ai, but he just wondered why. Syo suddenly felt scared to sleep again. Like a little child he went to Ai's bed and went inside the covers. Of course, at the same time he tried not to wake Ai up. Thankfully Ai didn't, usually he would wake up right away,  but because of the traumatic experience earlier,  it may have messed up his senses a bit.  He'll probably get a scan once he gets the chance. Syo then felt safer just being next to Ai, and then, he dozed off to a peaceful slumber.
