8 - Cal

It's only been two weeks since Mare arrived, but we've already hit it off. Everyday we walk through the gardens together and everyday it ends up with me in her bed. She's back, the girl I missed more than anything, she's with me now, but her family are back in Montfort and she will be returning to them soon.

Mare's head is resting lightly on my shoulder, she's dozed off in the middle of a meeting again. I elbow her in the ribs to wake her up, she winces but keeps her eyes closed, now she's fake sleeping. I turn my attention back to Farley who's suggesting many old red medicines that could help Ptolemus. Honestly I was surprised she agreed to help, after Ptolemus killed Shade.
Clara crawls over to Mare's feet and starts tickling them. Mare starts giggling and so does Clara. Mare finally stirs. She leans forward and picks Clara up, she sits the toddler on her knee and starts bouncing her. Clara giggles again.

Before lunch, Mare disappears to go and help Elane and Evangeline prepare for their wedding. They decided to move the wedding forward and have it here in Norta, so Ptolemus could attend, in case something were to happen. I join Julian for lunch in his grand quarters.
"What are you going to do?" he asks.
I raise an eyebrow in confusion. He continues
"When it comes time for her to leave?"
He's talking about Mare.
"I don't know," I answer honestly.
"If she leaves, it will break two hearts," Julian says.
"But how am I supposed to stop her from returning to her family?" I reply.
"You'll think of something in the next two weeks," Julian says, before standing up from the table. I do the same. I nod and walk out the door.
The wedding is in a week but Evangeline and Elane have decided to stay for a week after.

How will I convince Mare to stay? The question echoes in my head a I walk to the entrance to the garden. Mare is already waiting. She finds my hand and interlaces our fingers.
