7 - Mare

Eve sets a quick pace as we walk down the long castle hallways in silence.
"Only two at a time please," Sara calls. Evangeline and Elane hurry into the room. Before the door closes, I catch a glimpse of Sara fussing over Ptolemus' leg, the bottom of his leg is black, whatever it is that's causing this, is slowly creeping up. Soon his whole leg will be black.

The door clicks in front of me, leaving Cal and I alone. Again.
He watches as I stare blankly at the door. I feel his eyes burn as the search me, for what I don't know.
"What was that," I ask, my voice shaking. I sound scared. I am scared. What if there is a way of slowing killing people, that even healers can't stop. My mother, Gisa, Tramy, Bree and my father flash before my eyes. I shake the thought of them from my head. Not the time Mare, I scold myself. I turn my attention to the ex-prince standing in front of me.
Cal doesn't answer me. He doesn't know either. Instead, he gestures for me to walk with him, so I do.

He takes me to a balcony. It's cold, even in the noon sun. I shiver and Cal wraps his arms around me, I lean back into his heat and warm up immediately. I feel at home in his arms. As we walk to the dining hall for lunch, I tell him about Eve and El's plans for their wedding. I devour my lunch, making a mental note to thank the cooks later, but of course that never happens. With Elane and Evangeline still nowhere to be seen, I walk with Cal to the gardens.
As I run my hand through the colourful flowers, I think of Tramy, he would love these, I think.
I lean my head on Cal's shoulder as we sit, watching the sun set behind the grassy hill.
"I really missed you Cal," I whisper into his ear. He smiles and plants a kiss on my forehead.

"May I walk you back to your quarters m'lady," he asks.
"You may," I reply giggling. I pretend to curtsy and Cal laughs, a genuine laugh. No need for masks anymore.
We stop outside the doorway to my quarters.
"I think this is where I leave you," Cal says. I open my door, but before I go in, turn back and press my lips to his. He tastes the same as he did what seems like an eternity ago. I turn swiftly and walk into my bedroom.
