3 - Mare

I feel the jet begin the dissent. I turn to make sure Farley is ok, she never likes flying, I then turn my attention back to the little girl sitting on my lap. My niece Clara is only one but still she opens and closes her mouth making noises that make no sense. She looks so much like Shade, it's unfair, that Clara will never know her father.

As we lower onto the tarmac, I feel the hum of the jet slowly fade. This is it. I get to see Cal again, and for a second I wonder if he waited. He must have, I hope he did. I carry Clara off the jet in my arms, leaving Farley to recover from the flight. I walk down the plane's ramp onto the tarmac, and to my shock, everyone one seems bewildered at my arrival. Julian's brow is furrowed in confusion, Sara's eye's are wide and well Cal's mouth is hanging wide open.
"Obviously you were not notified that I would be here," I say, "Evangeline" I growl and turn to face Eve. She smirks with satisfaction.
My eyes flutter back to Cal, who is now watching Clara blab on in her own little language. He meets my eyes. I offer him a small smile before tucking a strand of hair behind my ear to better display my collection of earrings, his included. He meets my eyes again this time with a smile plastered on his face.
"Just in time for dinner," Julian says, or should I say, Premier Julian.
I pass Clara back to her mother and start to walk next to Julian. "Mare," he nods. I am suddenly aware of the warmth on my other side. I turn to face the ex-prince. My fingers brush his and he offers me a small smile. I return it. I look into his bronze eyes, eyes I have missed for so long. I continue looking at his face for awhile. His hair is curly, I always liked it better that way.

Once at the old palace, I make for my quarters to freshen up before dinner.
