13 - Mare

Cal is already gone when I wake up. I pull on my training suit and head off to the dining hall. Kilorn is sitting at the table; of course.
"When are you not eating?" I ask.
"Are you telling me to stop?" He replies.
"The only thing I'm telling you is to pass me that roll," I say. Kilorn raises an eyebrow.
"Please," I add before being handed a fresh warm bread roll.

I wipe my brow of sweat and fire another lightning bolt at Eve. She forms a metal shield just like I thought she would. I fire a bolt at her ankles and she falls to the floor face first. In the slit seconds I check to see if she's ok, Evangeline is back on her feet and a dozen metal shards are flying towards me. Eve was born to fight and fight she does.

Sara hands dance along my skin, healing all the cuts and bruises earned by sparring against Eve.
"You just fell straight on your face," I laugh. Eve laughs too. It's moments like this that I cherish.
"C'mon lets grab some lunch then head to the gardens," Eve says.
We walk through the empty dining room, nobody's inside on a beautiful day like this. We grab some lunch off the buffet. We decide to detour on our way to the gardens and change.
"Ooo, wear this," Eve says.
She's holding a summery, short pink dress with a plunging neckline.
I shrug, "why not."
I pull on the dress and step out of the walk in robe.
"Mare you look gorgeous," Eve says, "perfect for the occasion!"
"And what exactly is the occasion?" I ask.
"A walk in the garden," Eve responds.

I spend the rest of the day out in the sunshine amongst my family and friends. Gisa would pick flowers to make bouquets and Tramy would scold her for ruining the garden. Even dad laughed a few times. When the sun started dipping towards the horizon, everyone scuttled back inside, so now I'm alone waiting for Cal to come so we can watch the sun set. Soon enough he comes striding towards me. As usual we sit, watching the sky go golden.

I feel the thum of electricity when Cal presses a button on the machine next to him. Music starts playing, a familiar tune.
"May I have this dance?" He asks.
"You may," I say as Cal pulls me to my feet.
I lean into Cal as he places one hand on my hip.
"You look good." He whispers into my ear before kissing me passionately on the lips. We dance like we did so long ago. I still stumble over his feet and he still laughs at me. As the song comes to an end, I close my eyes as he presses his lips to mine. When I open my eyes again he's kneeling. He holds one of my hands in his and the other one holds a small ring.

"Mare Molly Barrow, I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"

"Cal," I say, I feel myself begin to sob, "Yes, yes, I love you."

I throw myself into Cal's arms and he lifts me up as he stands. Slowly, he lowers me back to the ground and takes one of my hands in his. He slips a silver and purple ring onto my finger. The colour of his blood and the colour of my lightning, it couldn't be more perfect.

He presses his lips against mine.

I never want this to end.
