When Everything Changes 1.0

Elsa was happily munching a piece of toast for breakfast at the dining table when she saw Jack come down from the stairs with his shoes in his hand, looking bloody handsome and fresh from the shower. She watched her husband sit in the chair next to her, put his bag on the table carelessly, and then hurriedly put on his shoes.

"Does the sun rise from the west this morning?" Elsa asked in wonder, raising an eyebrow.

"Good morning to you too, my beautiful wife." Jack said, still seriously bent over wearing his shoes. "And no, the sun doesn't rise from the west but from the east. As usual." He looked up and smiled at his wife. But his smile didn't last long and was immediately replaced by a deep frown on his forehead. "What happened to your forehead?"

"What about my forehead?" Elsa asked back and nervously touched her forehead.

Jack squinted trying to verbalise his visualization. "It looks... " He put his palm sideways on Elsa's forehead, like he was measuring something. "...wider." He snorted with laughter.

Elsa swatted Jack's hand in annoyance. "It's just my bangs are too long. So I pulled it back." She stroked her bangs, which was pinned back with a bobby pin. Her hands automatically smoothed her beautiful wavy hair but then, she turned nervous. "Does it look bad?"

Jack's face softened, and then poked Elsa's nose. "You can't look bad, love. That's impossible. It's the same thing as the sun rising from the west. Wait, didn't you ask me that earlier? Why did you ask something that was impossible?"

"Because, it's an impossible thing to see you wake up so early, already dressed up like this, and wearing shoes." Elsa moved her hands up and down in front of her husband's body.

"Did you forget it, Elsa?" Jack asked suspiciously.

"What did I forget?"

"I have a job interview today. So I have to leave early in the morning." He said, explaining.

Elsa's eyebrows rose as she remembered the job interview thing. She didn't think that what her husband told her the other day was serious. Therefore she didn't think much of it. "Ah yes, I remember now." She smiled, munching back on her forgotten toast.

"So, today I will take the car while you grab a taxi. Okay?" Said Jack, leaning forward.

Elsa's jaw froze and stopped munching. "What? No! I don't want to grab a taxi. I hate taxi. You grab a taxi."

"Elsa, please, Elsa. I'll be late if I grab a taxi. I have to come early in the morning and can't be late."

"No, Jack. I don't wanna grab a taxi."

"You won't let me use the car?"


"But, Elsa-"

Suddenly Elsa's cellphone rang and it made Elsa's focus shift from the conversation to her cellphone because it seemed like it was a phone call from an important person. "Hello. Good morning, Sir. Yes, Mr. Boden already told me about that case. Alright, I'm all ears, Sir."

Jack stared at his wife in annoyance because he knew he had already lost the argument this time. He took the bag on the table and what he found under the bag made him smile evilly. He took the car keys that he had just found and waved them in front of his wife's face, who immediately realized what her husband was going to do. Elsa glared at him but the decision had been made. She couldn't do anything about it when she saw her husband had run out of the house with the car keys and that meant she had to take a taxi this morning.


"Honey, I'm hooomme!" Kristoff called his wife when he walked home from work.

He looked around the house and was utterly confused by the fact that it was full of balloons and decorations tacked to the walls, the couch, the fridge and around the dining table. And on the dining table, there were two glasses of orange juice and several plates of snacks. There were cheese cake, chocolate fudge, and mini croissant. It was like there was a celebration of something.

Kristoff then put his bag on the chair and walked towards the stairs. "Anna! I'm hooooommee!" He called his wife again and, as there was no answer, he sighed softly and put his hands on his waist.

But then, out of nowhere, he heard a popping sound and he saw confetti scattered over his head. And then, his wife's cheers followed after.

"Yeeaayyy! Woohhooo!" Anna cheered and jumped with joy in front of her increasingly confused husband.

"Am I missing something?" Kristoff asked, because he didn't know why his wife was so full of energy.

"I have a very, very, very good news, Kristoff." Anna said, still jumping up and down with fist clenched in front of her chest.

"Okay." Kristoff asked anticipation, his brain automatically looked for various possibilities that might make his wife this excited. "What is this very, very, very good news?"

Anna didn't answer but instead, she handed a small piece of paper to Kristoff and the moment Kristoff landed his eyes on what was written on that piece of paper, his eyes widened as wide as a soccer field and his jaw fell through the floor.


Elsa entered the house with a grumpy face while Jack followed from behind that evening. He picked her up from the office in an attempt to make amends for his actions this morning. He could imagine how annoyed she would be when she had to take a taxi — because she didn't feel comfortable being in a car with a stranger — but Jack really had to leave early and couldn't be late.

"Elsa... " Jack knew that if his wife was grumpy, she would give him silent treatment and he had been trying to talk to her since they were in the car. But Elsa still didn't say anything. He followed Elsa who went straight into the living room and saw her putting her bag on the table, then sitting on the couch. "... don't be upset anymore, please. I already picked you up from the office ... I brought you flowers ... "

Elsa sighed softly and finally, looked up at Jack who was now sitting sideways with his elbows resting on the top of the back of the couch. "I know that the flowers you picked in front of the office, Jack. So thrifty."

"Who taught me to be thrifty, Elsa?" Asked Jack, smiling widely.

Elsa glared at Jack but then her gaze softened. She took a deep breath and then crossed her legs, leaning against the back of the couch and trying to get comfortable with finger played her hair by curling it around her finger and then pulls it away from her.

"How was the interview?"

Elsa's question made Jack's smile disappear. He pressed his lips into a thin line and looked everywhere but Elsa.

"Jack? How was it?"

Jack rubbed his leg. "Uuhhmmm, they said that we would be in touch. They'll let me know if there's information about the job vacancy." He bent over to take off his shoes and socks. "The interview was just this morning, Elsa. They said wait for information, so we wait." He had finished with his shoes and socks so he was now back into his previous position, facing Elsa. "Be patient, okay?" He leaned forward and smiled. "Don't be upset, okay?"

"Well, I guess you already put in your effort. That's the most important thing that matters to me." Elsa smiled back.

"See? Wouldn't it be more fun like this? No one got angry, no one shouted, no one-"

"Painted and ate instant noodles all the time." Elsa finished it for Jack, grinning wildly. Whereas Jack could only grunt and then laugh.

"Jack?" Elsa called out after the two of them stopped laughing.


"I have been thinking of an idea."

Jack frowned, wondering what his wife was thinking. "Okay. What idea?"

Suddenly, Elsa got really excited. She pulled her legs up onto the couch and sat cross-legged facing her husband.

"What if we renovate the house? You know, changing the scenery, changing the furniture to make it fresher. What do you say?"
