Gecko vs Komodo Dragon 2.0

"Wait, what?" Anna narrowed her eyes and furrowed her brows, a hand pointing at Jack while the other arm was still clinging securely around the crook of Kristoff's burly arm. "So, you already know that Hans Westergaard is Elsa's ex-boyfriend but you haven't met him in person?"

Jack put his hands on his waist, deep in thought. He stared at the floor as if the answer to Anna's question was written on it. The longer he stared at the floor, the past memories flashed before him like a movie trailer, the deeper the frown on his forehead.

"Maybe I've met him." Jack said slowly. He looked up at the young couple in front of him, his face still very serious because digging up past memories turned out to be a lot of energy. And that's not something he would love to do.

He then walked around the young couple and stopped, leaning against the ping-pong table. One of his hands gestured for the two of them to sit at the dining table right across from him because he was about to tell his past.

"Maybe I've met him. But I didn't really pay attention to him. Because at that moment it happened so fast, while my entire attention was devoted to the most beautiful woman that my eyes had ever landed on."

Kristoff and Anna, who are now sitting facing Jack, folded their arms on the table, preparing to hear the neighbor's past story. Jack's gaze turned dreamy as his brain prepared to compile memories after memories he had experienced, he seemed to carry himself into a time tunnel, making him return to the past ten years.

"That day, was one of the happiest days of my life. The moment when I finally had the courage to propose to Elsa to be my wife. Because at that time, I wasn't someone Elsa should be proud of as her boyfriend. At that time, I was just an artist who didn't have a permanent job yet, while Elsa, she would be a successful lawyer. And she really is a successful lawyer now."

"Aawwww.. " Said Kristoff and Anna simultaneously. Anna even put her hands on her chest because she was touched by the opening story of Jack's past.

"I proposed to Elsa to be my wife at McDonald's-"

"Wait, what? You proposed to Elsa at McDonald's?" Kristoff interrupted, earning a sharp look from Jack. "Sorry, carry on, please."

"Yes, I proposed to her at McDonald's with a ring inside the burger patty. If you could see Elsa's face at that time, from surprised to happy, excited.. Oh, she was like an angel, so gorgeous-and for me, she's still the most beautiful woman on earth until now-she squealed in delight and she even dipped the ring in her coke to clean it up and handed it to me so I could put it on her finger. Although in the end when she realized that the ring had an engraving on it she felt a little disappointed-"

"Engraving? That should be romantic. Why was she disappointed?" Anna asked, confused. She looked at her husband who only shrugged his shoulders because he didn't understand either.

Jack was annoyed that his story kept being interrupted. So, he didn't answer and only glared at the young couple in front of him. And then he was ready to continue his story when Anna finally mouthed 'sorry' and turned her attention back to Jack.

"When I put the ring on her finger and asked if she would be my wife, I jumped into the cloud twelve when she said 'Yes!' without a doubt-"


"But then, a man, wearing a black baseball cap on his head and a black jacket-his face was not very visible but I could see a very drastic change in Elsa's expression. She suddenly became nervous and somehow scared. The man held out his hand and said-"

"My name is Westergaard. Hans Westergaad." Hans introduced himself in a firm voice.

Even though confused, Jack took Hans's hand and gave him a strong shake. "My name is Frost. Jack Frost."

"Congratulations. You have won Elsa's heart. I hope you both are happy-"


"Can you guys listen to my story without interrupting? Or should I stop?"

"No no no, continue, please. Sorry." Kristoff covered his mouth with his hands.

Jack stared at the two of them fiercely for a few seconds before finally resuming his story. "Okay, so, he said-"

"Congratulations. You have won Elsa's heart. I hope you both are happy throughout your life." Hans said in a defeated tone. Jack could feel that although the man in front of him was congratulating him, he felt that he was not happy with the fact that Elsa had accepted his proposal.

Without Jack had time to answer anything, Hans turned around and left Jack and Elsa alone. Seeing Hans's back getting farther and farther away, he wondered what the meaning of what had just happened. He then looked at Elsa who was now playing with the ring on her finger.

"Elsa? Who is that Hans?" Jack pointed at the exit door.

Elsa then explained who Hans really was, what had to do with her before this, and Jack listened to her diligently until finally she told him how her love story with Hans ended. Jack was almost speechless when Elsa finished her story. He didn't know what to say.

"Let me rephrase that. So, this Hans, your ex-boyfriend, proposed to you by getting off the helicopter with a rope? Like Ethan Hunt? And he brought a lot of flowers in front of your friends?" Jack asked in disbelief.

"Yes, yes, and yes. And can we just drop this topic? I don't want to talk about this anymore." Said Elsa begging. Her fingers rubbed the table surface nervously.

"No, Elsa." Jack still wanted to continue. "So, is that true, Elsa? That he owns many companies? That he has nine houses?"

"Jack, please. I don't want to talk about it. It's not important."

Jack's gaze turned from disbelief to admiration even though there was something in his heart that made him wonder.

"Why did you choose me over him, Elsa?"

"It's about feelings, Jack. Feeling can't be deceived, you know that-"

"Aaawwww.. " The three of them put their hands on their chests as their hearts just melted at Elsa's words.

"And then, I said-"

"I love you, Elsa." Jack took Elsa's hands and kissed them gently and lovely.

"I love you much more, Jack."

"No, I love you much much more, Elsa."


"You said we have a meeting in your office? Why are we here instead?" Elsa whispered and leaned over to Hans who sat in front of her. She felt uncomfortable being in a busy restaurant with people around her, with the man who was not her husband and was staring at her without blinking.

What Elsa said made whatever was running in Hans's mind stopped and he finally blinked. He let out a deep breath and folded his arms on the table. "Have you ever eaten here?" He asked, smiling so, so, sweetly.

Elsa played with the napkin to ease her discomfort and nodded. "Yeah, I have. With Jack."

Hans's brows rose in disbelief. "Oh really?"

"Yeah, and you haven't answered my question. Why didn't we go straight to your office?" Elsa asked, still feeling nervous and awkward. Her eyes kept looking at the right and left, she worried that she would see a familiar face.

"I haven't had breakfast." Answered Hans innocently. Not like Elsa, his eyes were nowhere but on her, he wasn't interested in the people around him when there was a goddess right in front of him.

"Right. You haven't had breakfast." Again, Elsa's eyes were always looking around. "I don't know, Hans. I'm just not feeling comfortable here." She shrugged her shoulder.

Finally hans took his eyes off Elsa and looked around. He rubbed his cheek when he realized that the restaurant was really busy today. There were customers sitting on each side around them and when Hans looked back at Elsa, he did see the discomfort on her face and her body language.

Hans thought for a moment and then, unexpectedly, he clapped his hands and with just that, in a very short time, in just a few seconds, a man in a neat suit was already at his side, bowing to greet him.

"Yes, Sir?" The man said.

Hans whispered something in the man's ear and after a while, the man nodded understandingly and wasted no time, he bowed again and then left. Elsa didn't know what Hans had said at all but her curiosity grew when she saw the man talking to the customers at each table and slowly, table after table was left by the customers. There were some who followed the man's instructions and left without protesting and there were some who were not happy, but in the end they got up and left. And after a while, the entire customers had left, leaving only Elsa and Hans alone.

Elsa looked around in wonder while Hans just smirked with his eyes fixed on the woman in front of him. "How about now? Are you comfortable enough?"

"Hans, what happened? Why can it be like this? What did you do?" Elsa asked bewildered. How can a busy restaurant full of customers be empty in a matter of minutes?

Hans just chuckled and then leaned over to Elsa. "What can't I do? I can do everything, Elsa."


"I just bought this restaurant this morning. Last night, I had plan to bring you here so, yeah, why didn't I just buy this restaurant? As easy as that." Hans smiled and took the menu on the table. He started to open it and gestured at Elsa who was still dumbfounded because of what he just said, to do the same.

"Choose anything you would love to eat, Elsa. It's on me."


Jack was tired of waiting for Elsa on the porch. He then went to the living room and sat on the couch, staring at the second hand on the wall clock moving second by second. And after his head was spinning because he seemed hypnotized by the clock, he went to his room and waited for Elsa there. He paced back and forth in the room and until finally his legs ached, he sat on the edge of the bed, his hands on his hips and his eyes staring at his big toes on the floor.

All this time Jack never really cared about when his wife would come home, because she always came home at night. Her job required her to be like that, and he understood that. The unusual thing was when his wife came home earlier than usual. But not this night. He was very nervous thinking about what his wife was doing all day when he found out that his wife had gone to work with her ex-boyfriend this morning.

Jack was trying to be positive but the fact that his wife's ex-boyfriend was so much more than him in every way, he couldn't help but think of the worst.

His ears perked up when he heard the front door open and close. He looked up and then glared at the door of the room and when he heard the clicking of Elsa's heels coming closer, he looked back at his big toes.

He remained calm when he heard Elsa open the door and come into the room, even though inside, it was the opposite.

"Why are you still up? It's past your bedtime." Said Elsa, putting her bag and a paper bag on the bed.

Very slowly, Jack looked up and stared intently at Elsa. "Where were you?"

Elsa, knowing very well what kind of husband Jack was, came prepared. She then grabbed the paper bag she was carrying and handed it to Jack. "I brought food for you from El Bulli." She said tentatively, sticking her finger in a cup of tea to see if it too hot or not.

As for Jack, he was almost, almost tempted by the food brought by Elsa. He knew very well what kinds of food was served at El Bulli and under normal circumstances, he wouldn't wait too long to grab the paper bag and stuff its contents into his mouth.

However, this time his pride was at stake. He was not stupid. And it was not impossible that the food that Elsa brought, Hans was the one who bought it.

"You, ate at El Bulli?" Jack's gaze grew more and more intense.

Okay, the tea is still too hot.

"I ate there this afternoon. But this food is still good, really. Still delicious, not stale. See?" Elsa opened the paper bag and again, Jack glanced inside the bag. The delicious smell of food coming out of the bag made his stomach sing, singing a very beautiful song, defying her brain that wanted to act firm this time.

"You ate at El Bulli this afternoon, while it's already late." Jack motioned his head towards the window. "After from El Bulli where were you? I tried to call you many times but your phone is dead. Why your phone is dead, Elsa? Hmm?"

"My phone died because I forgot to charge-"

"Where were you, Elsa? Have you started playing behind me?"

"What? Playing behind you, what? What does that mean? Since when do you care when I come home, where have I been all day long, with anyone, anywhere?" Jack's accusation offended Elsa, because she thought it was nonsense.

She put the paper bag back on the bed and took a step forward, making Jack rise to his feet and approach the window, peeking out hoping to find someone he could smack right in the face.

"Oh, I don't care, Elsa." Said Jack, turned around and stared at Elsa. "Do you think I care? No, I don't care." Jack walked past Elsa and paced back and forth in the room, his hands fiddling with the hem of his shirt.

"Even if you went out to eat with your ex-boyfriend Hans Westergaard, I don't care. I really don't care." Jack added, trying so hard to be able to look at Elsa right in the eye.

Hearing that, both of Elsa's eyebrows shot up high as a realisation came to the surface. "Oh. So this is about him." She then crossed her arms across her chest and nodded her head slowly. "So now you have realized that the man that I tried to introduce to you since yesterday, is my ex-boyfriend?"

"Yeah. I know that he is your ex."

Elsa dropped her hand and sat on the edge of the bed. Suddenly, exhaustion hit her knowing that this was only a matter of Hans. For her it was not something to fuss about because what she was doing was purely a job.

"So, you're okay with that, right? You're not jealous?"

"What? Jealous?" Jack threw his head back and laughed dryly. "I'm not Kristoff, Elsa. Or Anna. Our living Ken and Barbie. Sorry." He walked again and this time, he got onto the bed and got ready with the blanket. "I'm not a jealous type."

Elsa sighed softly and rose to her feet. She then walked over to the side of the bed, and sat down on it.

"Jack." Elsa breathed. "Listen to me okay? Hans and I do have history. But for this time, it is really pure a matter of work, between the lawyer and the client. Do you understand that?"

Jack, who was already lying under the blanket and using his arm for an extra pillow, didn't seriously listen to Elsa's explanation because he was already annoyed.

"Whatever, Elsa. I don't care. You wanna do anything with that Hans, I don't care." He turned around, his back facing Elsa.

Elsa massaged the bridge of her nose and let out a deep breath. Her husband was sometimes like a little child. She then reached for the paper bag filled with food and studied it.

"It's okay. If you don't care." She put the paper bag on the nightstand as she remembered something.

"Oh, and Jack? I need to tell you that this weekend, I'm going to Norway with Hans."

to be continued...
