Microwave 1.0

"Come on, come on, come on!" Kristoff moved his thumbs across the screen of his mini iPad just like a maniac, even his whole body moved when he was really carried away in the game he was playing. He kicked and screamed until his bed turned like a broken ship ready to sink. Therefore, he didn't notice when Anna entered the room carrying a tub of ice cream and excitedly scooped it up with a spoon and then put it in her mouth.

Anna didn't say anything when she got into the bed, she just sat beside Kristoff and went back to enjoying her ice cream. What in the end managed to distract Kristoff from the game was a soft moan that escaped from Anna's throat when the spoonful of delight ended up in her mouth.

Kristoff's thumbs stopped moving and his eyes turned to Anna, who was now sitting beside him. He just realized it. He furrowed his eyebrows when he noticed what was his wife holding. He put down his mini iPad and sighed softly.

"Honey, why are you eating ice cream in bed?" Asked Kristoff. But Anna didn't seem to care that much and continued eating it. She even exaggerated her moan. Yeah, that ice cream was that good.

"Hmmm. This ice cream is so delicious. It's silky smoothy creamy, it's so chocolatey, and it's sooo sweeettt. Hmmmm. Wanna some, Kristoff?" Anna took a spoonful of ice cream and prepared to feed Kristoff.

"Uh-uh." Kristoff pushed Anna's hand with the ice cream gently and sighed softly. "Honey, ice cream has a lot of sugar. If it spills, our bed will have lots of ants." Kristoff explained calmly.

But Anna still didn't care and still ate ice cream with full of passion, making Kristoff narrowed his eyes and in the end, he got out of bed and then went out of the room. Anna just glanced slightly and refocused on the ice cream. And not until a minute later Kristoff returned to the room with something behind his back.

Excited, he climbed onto the bed, sat next to Anna, and swung his arm to reveal a scoop. Yes, scoop. Not a spoon.

Anna's eyes widened to see what was in Kristoff's hand. She tried to hide the ice cream tube in her arms but kristoff was persistent. He kept trying until finally Anna gave up and sincerely and happily shared the ice cream with her husband. Kristoff even tried to feed Anna with his scoop.

"This will be much better if you add whipped cream." Kristoff shoved the scoop full of ice cream into his mouth.

24th day of marriage.


Jack took out a bowl of freshly cooked instant noodle from the microwave and he placed the bowl on the kitchen island. He stirred it a few times before finally putting the seasoning in it. And then he stirred it again until the seasoning were really evenly mixed. His hands were so graceful turning the spoon as if he had done it a million times. No, a billion times.

"The most delicious food in the world when eaten at night. Instant noodle with broth. Hmmm." Jack inhaled the aroma from the bowl with his eyes closed. Then he glanced at Elsa who was busy with her work at the dining table not far from the kitchen. "Wanna some, Elsa?"

"Hmm?" Elsa heard her husband talking about something but she didn't really pay attention to what he was talking about.

"Instant noodle with broth. Wanna some? It's so yummy." Jack repeated his question while still stirring the instant noodles. He believed, when he stirred the instant noodles by a certain amount, the noodle would achieve the perfect delicacy.

"Oh. No, thank you. I'm full." Said Elsa, without lifting her eyes from the paper in her hand.

"Okay. I'll eat it all then." Jack then lifted his noodle bowl and moved his bare feet towards the dining table. He continued to inhale the aromas rising from the bowl and sighed in satisfaction.

Jack then took a seat right next to Elsa, returned to stirring the noodles so that the hot steam disappeared a little and the noodle would soon be ready to eat.

"Bon appétit." Said Jack, grinning widely.

Elsa scrunched her nose when the aroma of instant noodle broth hit her nose. And her mouth started to salivate hearing Jack slurp the instant noodle broth in an exaggerated manner.

"Aahhhh." Jack sighed contently. He rolled the noodles with his fork into a perfect roll and was getting ready to put them into his mouth when suddenly Elsa pulled the noodle bowl slowly and took the spoon from his hand.

Elsa took a slurp of instant noodle broth slowly and then sighed softly. She glanced at Jack, who turned out to be squinting at her with the noodle roll stopped in midair.

"I think someone said, 'No, thank you. I'm full'. How about that?" Jack smirked, finally stuffing the role of noodles into his mouth.

"I'm just tasting." Said Elsa calmly. She then put the spoon in the bowl and refocused on her work.

Jack snorted. "Okay." And continued to eat the noodle. But his over-eating manner and the scent of the broth that kept coming up her nose, made Elsa give up in the end.

Elsa got up from her seat, took the spoon and fork and pulled the bowl closer to her. She excitedly rolled the noodles with the fork and slurped the broth with the spoon.

"You know, Jack? This, will be more delicious if you add fried shallots. We have it, I reckon. It's in the cupboard, the second one." Elsa pointed at the kitchen while still slurping the noodle broth.

Suddenly Jack lost his appetite. His moment of peace had been disturbed as it seemed Elsa had more control over the bowl now. Jack pursed his lips and finally put down his spoon and fork. Annoyed.

"Okay. You can have this. I'm full." Said Jack, getting to his feet and leaving Elsa without giving a second glance.

Elsa, on the other hand, only raised one eyebrow and stopped eating for a moment. After Jack was out of sight, she pulled the bowl until it was literally right under her nose, beating out her millions of paperworks.

"Aaaahhhh." Elsa sighed happily every time a spoonful of warm broth passed her throat.

3666th days of marriage


Kristoff crept as he entered the living room and in both hands were two bags containing something. After making sure things were safe, he then sat on the couch, put down the bags and took out its contents one by one.

"Paper birthday hats, paper cups, gift boxes, a pack of baloons and-"

Thump thump thump

Kristoff's ears caught the warning that someone was coming down the stairs. His hand stopped at once, and moved back to putting it back in the bags at lightning speed and then hastily slipped the bags under the couch.

Kristoff still had a fraction of a second to prepare himself on the couch so that he seemed to be sitting relaxed right at the moment when Anna appeared in front of him.

"Kristoff! You're home! Why didn't you call me? You always call me when you come home." Anna asked, walking over to Kristoff. While Kristoff straightened his back at the question. He thought hard to find the right answer without making Anna suspicious.

"Uh, oh, I was just about to call you. Anna, honey! I'm home!" Kristoff grinned nervously.

Anna frowned because she felt something was wrong. She felt strange with Kristoff's behaviour. She was about to let it go when she saw something was under the couch. Like a bag but Kristoff's feet prevent Anna from seeing more clearly.

"What's that?" She pointed at something behind Kristoff's feet. She took a step forward, made Kristoff panic and slump on the floor so that his body was now completely covering the bag.

"No, no, no. You can't see it. I just killed a rat. Eww! You really can't see it." Kristoff took Anna's hand and pushed it a little. He was completely random and now he had to think how to make Anna believe that he really just killed a rat.

"You just killed a rat? You're afraid of rat, Kristoff. Come on, move! Let me see what's under the couch." Anna once again tried to approach the sofa and was bent over when Kristoff took her hand and held it gently.

"Yes yes. I'm afraid of rat. But this rat was going too far. Can you believe it, when I walked into the house, he was casually lying on the sofa. I'm pissed off. So, I-" he moved his hand like he was trying to slit his throat. "Poor him. I hope his family isn't looking for him." He nodded his head as if in condolences.

Anna grimaced at Kristoff's story. She knew Kristoff was hiding something from her and she had a sense that she knew of what he was hiding. But, in order to protect the feelings of her husband who had worked so hard to make up the story, she wouldn't ask any further. Although she was still very, very curious.

"Are you sure, Kristoff?"

"Off course!" Kristoff answered slightly faster than he should and in a higher tone of voice than usual. He almost lost the idea of the story when he remembered that he still had one ultimate move. "Or, are you the one who wants to get rid of this rat?"

And he cheered mentally when he saw the look of disgust on his wife's face.

"No, thank you. Eww!" Anna shuddered until her whole body writhed.

"See. Now, you better go up first. I'll catch up later, okay?"

Kristoff pressed his lips into a thin line and nodded slowly as Anna took a step back and finally left the living room. He breathed a sigh of relief and swept the imaginary sweat on his forehead when he felt that he was finally out of danger.


Jack was cleaning his painting utensils on the kitchen island when he saw a glimpse of Elsa passing beside him. He watched Elsa's movements on the kitchen table and there was one movement that finally made Jack squint his eyes in disapproval when he saw her do it.

He put down the utensil, got up from his seat and walked over to the microwave. He put his arm on the microwave and waited for Elsa to notice he was there. Elsa was looking for something in the cupboard and when she turned around, she almost screamed hysterically in shock at Jack's presence, with a poker face without expression.

"Jack! What are you doing?" Elsa clutched her chest to prevent her from screaming in shock.

"Why did you unplug the microwave?" Jack asked in a flat voice. His arm still on the microwave.

Elsa frowned a little but then she understood what Jack meant. "Oh. To save electricity, off course."

Jack stared at Elsa for a moment before finally dropping his arm and without a word, reinserting the microwave's plug. And his actions made Elsa raise one eyebrow.

"What are you doing?"

After putting his arm back on the microwave, Jack stared at Elsa, still with poker face, and sighed softly.

"Elsa, listen to me, okay. From the first time I got to know you, I knew you were a thrifty person. And still are. Headed to stingy. But with you pulling out the microwave plug, it has absolutely no effect." Said Jack calmly.

"No effect? How?"

"Do you think by pulling the plug, it will save more electricity? No, Elsa. Nooo." Jack waved his index finger at Elsa's nose. Elsa, feeling challenged, crossed her arms over her chest and prepared to face her husband's logic.

"Oh really? You know what? I just read on the internet. To save electricity, you must unplug the power cord of your electronic devices." Elsa moved her hand while explaining.



"Where did you read that?"


"Is the internet always right?"

"I trust the Internet more than an artist who thinks he knows electronics."

"Hoo hoo, so you think that I think I know electronics? Elsa, listen to me. Everyone knows. Okay? Everyone knows that if this is removed, it has no effect." Jack pointed at the microwave plug which was still plugged in. "Because of what? Because in the microwave there is an on and off button. Okay? If the button is off then it doesn't use electricity, then you don't pay for electricity. So thrifty. Understand?" Jack demonstrated how to use the microwave, pointing at the buttons, he was really like a microwave seller in household stores.

"Even if the switch is off, according to the internet, if the plug is still plugged in, the electricity is still running. Electricity's still running, the bill keeps going. The bill keeps going, who pays?" Elsa did not want to lose either, moving her hands while expressing her opinion, and ended by pointing at herself. Her eyebrows rose and her head tilted slightly, trying to make Jack understand.

Jack grunted and lifted his index finger. "I knew that. I knew that the direction of this conversation was bound to lead there. Who paid for this, who paid for that. Isn't it? It doesn't matter who earns the most, Elsa. But it's a matter of logic. Okay? And I know you are wrong. And you must be wrong."

"And I bet you are wrong. And in the name of thrift," Elsa pointed her index finger at the kitchen ceiling. "I'm going to pull this plug." She then unplugged the microwave in a dramatic motion.

Jack narrowed his eyes and, "I plug it in again." He plugged the microwave again.

Elsa unplugged it again.

Jack plugged it again.

Elsa unplugged it again.

Jack plug-

"Stop!" Elsa took a step forward and blocked the plug with her body. "You touch this one more time, I'm going to-" She moved her hand like she was trying to slit her throat. "Understand?"

Jack swallowed hard at the expression on his wife's face that seemed serious about her threat. His mouth opened without him noticing and for a moment he was not breathing when he saw Elsa finally walked past him. He looked at her back, then switched to the now unplugged microwave's plug. And just thinking about holding it gave him goosebumps.

to be continued...

A/N So, who is right? Jack or Elsa? And what's Kristoff up to? Will it work? Stay tune to find out! Thank you for reading and voting 😘
