When Everything Changes 2.0

"Oh my God, Elsa! You know what, I'm also thinking the same thing!" Jack's face was so serious that it wasn't like the usual Jack. He leaned forward and rested his hand on his wife's arm. "But wait, do you remember that time we wanted to renovate the house but didn't?"

"Yes, of course I remember. At that time we didn't renovate the house because the budget wasn't enough. But now, I assure you, we have the money we need." Elsa beamed at Jack.


"Yeah." Elsa straightened her back and prepared to count on her fingers. "I've been thrifty all this time, haven't I? Therefore, our savings are quite a lot. Like, a lot. And, I just won a big and important case. I got a bonus which I won't tell you how much because you'll drool over the money. And again, I have a friend who sells furniture, and he promises to give me a discount if I buy furniture from him."


"Honey, how could someone transfer this much money to you? By whom is this? Olaf?" Kristoff asked in wonder, still staring at the sheet of paper which turned out to be a transfer receipt for a large amount of money.

"So, this Olaf is a friend of mine who sold his property in town a while ago. He said he wanted to live peacefully in a farm house in the countryside near the north mountain. Well, I got the buyer. And he promised to give me five percent of the money he got. That, is the five percent." Anna pointed at the paper.

Kristoff's expression was mixed of shock, disbelief, and in the end, he smiled because they got quite a lot of extra money from an unexpected source. "I see. You really got a lot, honey. You're very talented at selling things." He said, looking up from the transfer receipt.

Anna smiled blushingly at her husband's compliment. She played with the confetti that was scattered on the dining table and sprinkled it all over the place. "What do you think we're gonna do with the money, Kristoff?"

"Hmmm.. " Kristoff tapped his chin, thinking about what to do with the money. "How about we go on vacation?" He suggested.

For a second Anna looked excited but then looked doubtful. "Do you remember that you can't take any more days off? How can we go on vacation if you don't take a day off from your job?" She said, reminding that Kristoff had taken all his days off for the year so he couldn't take any more days off.

"You're right. Hmm.. " Again he stared at the transfer receipt and thought hard. He still couldn't figure out a proper and wise way to spend their extra money when they heard the sound of footsteps entering the dining room.

From the footsteps they heard, they could already guess who was coming to visit, and the amazing thing about this particular guest was that this guest had become more adept at getting into their house because he was able to open and close the door without making any noise.

When they looked up, a beaming Jack was seen entering the dining room in nothing but a black T-shirt and black sweatpants. Their eyes followed Jack who chose not to sit on a chair but instead sat on a balloon on the floor between the two of them. He put his arms around their shoulders and grinned widely.

"Hi, Barbie! Hi, Ken!" Jack greeted cheerfully. While Kristoff just sighed softly and glanced as needed, while Anna smiled sweetly.

"Hi, Jack." Said Anna, her sweet smile turning to horror as Jack pressed his butt against the balloon as if he was deliberately trying to make it pop. "Careful, Jack." She warned.

But Jack didn't listen and pressed the balloon more and more until it finally popped. "Ups." He grinned even wider.

Kristoff who didn't really pay attention to what he was doing had to jump in surprise while Anna laughed amusedly.

"Are you guys celebrating something? There are many delicious snacks here." Asked Jack innocently as they recovered from the laughter and shock, and his eyes drifted to the plates of snacks on the table. He stood on his knees and folded his arms on the table just like a kindergarten student was about to start studying. His eyes darted from plate to plate, ready to pick a target.

"We're just celebrating a good news. That's all." Said Kristoff shortly.

"May I?" Jack pointed at the snacks with his palm and asked with a very, very polite manner.

"Of course. Go ahead. You'll still take those snacks even if we say no, so go ahead." Kristoff said casually because he knew this neighbor as well as he knew the back of his hand.

Jack grinned and took a piece of cheesecake and then threw it straight into his mouth. He didn't seem to be chewing it because the next second he had put chocolate fudge in his mouth. "Hmm. So delicious." He was just about to grab a mini croissant when Kristoff decided to open his mouth.

"Why are you here, anyway?" He asked, he wanted to be annoyed but couldn't. It was like some kind of destiny he had to have this kind of neighbor.

"Ah, yes. About that, do you guys by any chance have an interior design book?" Jack asked, finally distracted from the snacks. He looked at Kristoff and then at Anna.

"Emm, I don't think so, Jack. We don't have that book. Sorry." Anna shook her head, while Kristoff stuck out his lower lip and shook his head too.

"Interior design magazine?" Jack sighed softly when the young couple shook their heads again. "What about instant noodle?"

Kristoff snapped his head, surprised at how miraculously Jack's question turned from an interior book to instant noodles.

"Well, we do have instant noodles. Do you want some?" Because Anna was such a kind-hearted person, she was happy to give Jack what he needed. But Kristoff, he shook his head in disbelief.

"Smart. It was intelligent of you Jack. 'Do you guys by any chance have an interior design book?'" Kristoff imitated Jack's words in a mocking way. "Interior design magazine? What about instant noodles?" He shook his head again.

"Thank you, Anna Barbie." Jack received two packets of instant noodles from Anna and put his arm around Kristoff's shoulder. "But really, Kristoff. I need that book. Elsa and I are going to renovate the house. And about instant noodles, I don't know why Elsa suddenly asked for instant noodles and, it has to be me who cook this instant noodle. So, I really need an interior design book and instant noodles."

"Okay, okay. Go home and cook that noodle, Jack." Said Kristoff impatiently.

"Right." Jack let out a deep breath and intended to leave but then his eyes landed on the snack again. "I still haven't tried the croissants." He took the croissant and thought hard. "Elsa is a fan of chocolate fudge. I'll take one. Or two. And the cheesecake, just in case." In the end he walked away from the dining room with his hands full of food. "Bye, Barbie! Bye, Ken!"

"Your welcome!" Kristoff shouted and again, shook his head. He thought if he shook his head any more, his head might fall out of his neck.

"Our bizarre neighbor." Kristoff sat up straight again and his mind drifted to think about the things that had been interrupted by Jack's arrival. What are they going to do with their extra money.

"We can't do anything about it, Kristoff. Just accept the fact that Jack is that kind of person. You will be less irritated-"

"Aha!" Kristoff snapped his fingers excitedly because suddenly an idea popped up, ignoring what his wife had just said.

"What now?"

"I know what we're going to do with the money."


"Some of that money we save, and the rest we use to renovate the house!"


The next morning, it was the weekend and for some reason Elsa didn't go to work. She was looking through interior design magazines, and so was Jack. She was sitting on the couch in the living room, while Jack was sitting at the dining table doing the same thing, only with one hand busy stuffing food into his mouth.

"Ah! This is perfect!" Jack patted the magazine page and rose to his feet. He walked over to Elsa and handed her the magazine. "Just the paint, it would be better if it was black." He then went to the kitchen and got some water.

Elsa studied what Jack had just pointed out. She cringed in horror at the thought of black paint. "Why black? Black is gloomy, Jack. Why not a brighter one. How about light blue?"

Jack had returned from the kitchen and was standing in the living room hugging a glass of water. "I don't really like light blue. For me it's too princess-y."

"Ah-ah-ah. Whose money is used for renovations?" Elsa reminded, making Jack soften instantly.

"Alright. Light blue is fine."

"Good." Elsa smiled and turned to her magazine. "Jack, come here. Look at this."

"What?" Jack walked over and sat next to Elsa, observing what Elsa was pointing at. "Is that a baby room with a crib?"

"Yeah. What do you think? It's cute, isn't it?" Elsa looked at the picture on the magazine page with a dreamy smile.

"That's really cute, Elsa. But there's no way the two of us could sleep in that small box." He put the glass on the table and leaned his back. "There's not enough space for the two of us in that crib."

Elsa stared at Jack in disbelief. How could he think that the crib was for the two of them to sleep in?

"Jack, it's not-"


"Coming!" Jack stood up and walked towards the door. "Ah, you, Sven. You finally came. What about the cardboard box I asked for?" He asked Sven, the security guard in their neighborhood. Previously, he had asked Sven for help to find cardboard boxes for their home renovation.

"These are the boxes, Mr. Frost." Sven halved the boxes, which were still folded in his hands and handed them to Jack.

Jack was confused because Sven only gave him half of the boxes he brought. "Why only half? Who is that for?" He pointed at other boxes.

"Oh, this is for Mr. Bjorgman. He said he is going to renovate the house. So he needs these boxes to store his stuff." Said Sven, without wasting any time, he said goodbye to Jack. "Excuse me, Mr. Frost."

Jack was dumbfounded to hear that their neighbors were also going to renovate the house. He then closed the door dan stood in front of his wife.



"Kristoff and Anna, they're also going to be renovating their house."

to be continued...
