The Would-be a Daddy 2.0

Jack opened the front door slowly and carefully and then he waited a few seconds before finally sticking his head out to see the situation inside the house. Elsa was there, sitting cross-legged on the couch with the laptop on her lap. At that time, his wife looked normal and seriously read the paperwork in her hand.

Taking a deep breath, Jack pushed the door slightly wider so that the gap in the door could let him through. He closed the door slowly and with his face staring at the floor, he immediately walked towards his room upstairs. He couldn't be in the same room with his wife when the bomb went off.

What he didn't realize was that Elsa watched him from the moment he entered the house until he was about to set foot on the first step of the stairs.

"Jack? Where are you going?"

Elsa's question made Jack stop right then and there. He tried to keep his face as normal as possible before finally looked up at her.

"Have you finished looking for the job vacancies?" Elsa asked again.

From Elsa's face when she asked him, Jack concluded that Elsa still didn't know about her missing file. So, he put on his sweet face and smiled. He tried to be as handsome as possible.

"Oh, yeah. About the job vacancies, I want to read the newspaper again upstairs." Said Jack, pointing upstairs.

"Upstairs? But the newspaper is here. There." Elsa pointed to the coffee table where a newspaper lay innocently.

"Owh." Jack giggled dryly. "Yeah. How can I forget that?" He turned and walked towards the living room.

Jack took the newspaper and glanced at his wife. Seeing his wife got serious again with the paperwork, he contemplated about turning around and locking him self in the room but then he thought that maybe it was the time for him to face this problem manly way, confidently. So, he sat beside his wife and took a deep breath.

"Elsa?" Jack began.

"Hmm?" Elsa's eyes were still glued on the paperwork.

"Is there anything strange?" Jack asked, he was really nervous and his heart was beating so fast that he could feel it in his throat and and in his ears.

"Huh?" Elsa looked up and stared at him confused. "What do you mean? What's strange?" She asked instead.

Elsa's question made Jack feel relieved instantly because maybe Elsa was working on another file so she still didn't know about the missing file. And that, made Jack think maybe he wouldn't be scolded. At least for today.

"Oh, no no no. It's alright. Nothing's strange." Jack shook his head vigorously and grinned. He then grabbed a pair of scissors and intended to cut out some job advertisements and make a clipping out of them so that it would be easier for him when he wanted to make a job application letter.

Jack cleared his throat and opened the newspaper with the smile never leaving his face. "Let's find a job!"

Almost an hour had passed and Jack was no longer sitting quietly on the couch and was now sitting on the floor cutting and pasting job vacancies. The scraps of unused newspaper lay on the couch, on the table, and on the floor. Jack was so serious that he didn't notice that Elsa seemed to have noticed something.

"Oh my God, Jack!" Cried Elsa suddenly. And that made Jack stop his activities at once. He gulped and the scissors in his hands trembled in fear of what he would hear next.

"I-i'm so sorry, Elsa." Jack stuttered, thinking that the bomb had finally exploded. "I didn't do it on purpose." He confessed. He was so scared that he didn't dare turn to look at his wife.

"How could you don't do it on purpose? You made this room a mess. Newspaper scraps everywhere. Why do you like making a mess so much, Jack?"

Oh? Newspaper scraps?

Jack's eyebrows shot high realising that Elsa's point wasn't the missing file. He looked around and indeed the room looked messy. He turned around to look at Elsa and grinned stupidly.

"Ooooohhhh! It's about the newspaper scraps??!" Jack hastily stood up and picked up the scraps of newspaper that were no longer used. "I was about to clean it, Elsa! I will clean it quickly and this room will be clean in no time!"


Anna was playing on her cellphone while still thinking about her neighbors. Even though they were annoying sometimes, she already considered Jack and Elsa like her own brother and sister. Their problems often involved her and her husband so that she couldn't help but think about the problems that befell her neighbors.

"Poor Jack. He must be stressed now thinking about Elsa's delivery costs and the baby's future needs. Plus, maybe he's being scolded by Elsa right now." Anna said, sitting down on the bed. She and her husband were in the room after Jack returned home.

"Yeah, I know that." Kristoff followed and sat beside Anna. "But you know, I'm sure Elsa has figured it all out. She must have prepared the money for all that. Her income as a lawyer is not small." He added, scratching his chin thoughtfully.

"Yes, but I'm sure Jack would have some pride if he was the one paying for all that." Anna said, trying to express her opinion.

"That's correct, Honey. Being a gentle man must be like that. But he also has to be realistic that finding a job is not easy. It's hard." Said Kristoff again as a matter of factly.

"Therefore, is there any chance that you can help Jack find a job, Kristoff?" Anna asked hopefully. "Maybe you know someone or maybe there is a job vacancy in your boss's company?"

Kristoff thought about his wife's words. Maybe it was his fate to be stuck living side by side with their 'beloved' neighbour, and maybe, with Jack busy at work, his life would be as normal as the rest of their neighbours.

"Because you said that, I remembered something. There's a job vacancy that I'm sure would be a perfect match for Jack."


"To, Dolores Umbrigde." Jack carefully wrote on a piece of paper, on a small table near the living room. He had finished collecting some job advertisements that he felt would suit him and now he was trying to write a job application letter.

"Human Resources Manager, Optimal Workplace I, n, c." He continued, so seriously that he failed to notice that Elsa who was still sitting cross-legged on the couch looked a little panicked as she fiddled with her laptop keyboard.

"Jack?" Called Elsa, in her voice it sounded that she was indeed, a little panicked.

"Yes?" Jack answered, but still so serious with the paper in front of him. "234 Employment Avenue-"

"The contract file for the new Walmart branch opening agreement is not here. Why is the file not here?"

"Business city-"

"I have to submit this contract file today." Elsa was still trying to find the whereabouts of the file while the panic grew every second. The thought of having to recreate the file made her back feel cold even though her head and ears were starting to feel hot. "Jack?!"

His wife's second call managed to distract Jack from his job application letter. He looked up and looked at his wife confused. "Hmm?"

"Why is my file not here?" Elsa asked, her hands still fiddling with the keyboard but then when she looked up, she found her husband's face starting to turn pale.

"What file?" Jack tried to play dumb even though he knew exactly what file his wife meant. But actually, he forgot the name of the file so he wasn't completely wrong by asking that.

Seeing her husband's face and hearing her husband's voice trembling slightly, Elsa was able to draw a conclusion. So she straightened her seat and planned to ask nicely. But because of the mixed emotions of annoyance, panic, and exasperation, she couldn't take it anymore.

"What did you do? Did you delete the file, Jack? You did delete the file, huh?" Elsa asked, her face was so cold and her body was so stiff from holding back the storm of emotions inside her.

"I-i-" Jack was speechless. His throat felt tight because of the overwhelming guilt that had messed up his wife's work. He could only stare at his wife who was ready to vent her anger while his eyes began to feel hot like he was about to cry. He really, really, really felt guilty.

"You did delete the file. That's why you were at Kristoff and Anna's house earlier. You must have asked them to help you!" Elsa accused, pointing at Jack with her finger. She was really angry but also didn't know what to do.

"I-i'm so sorry, Elsa." Said Jack, finally.

"Oh my God." Elsa whispered to herself, covering her face with her hands. She did not expect that she would have to redo a few days of her work because of her husband's carelessness. "What should I do, Jack? Why were you so careless? Ugh!" She added almost in tears. She vented her anger on the cushion next to her. She squeezed and punched the cushion with all her might. Oh sorry for that cushion, imagine if that was Jack's face.

"I didn't do it on purpose, Elsa. I-i'm so sorry." Jack started sobbing and the next second was already crying.

Elsa ignored Jack who was now wiping his face with his shirt because her mind was clouded by mounting frustration. Neither of them noticed Kristoff who carefully walked into the living room and ended up standing behind Elsa.

"What should I do now?!" Elsa yelled, literally. She wanted to calm herself down but couldn't. Until suddenly she felt someone poke her shoulder and when she turned her head around, she found Kristoff's big nose filling her view. "What are you doing here, Kristoff?!" She yelled again.

"Ups, sorry." Kristoff took a step back and raised both hands in surrender. "Calm down, Elsa. I'm trying to help here. Calm down, okay?"

"You can restore the file?" Elsa asked hopefully, this time no more yelling. Anything so that the file could be saved.

"I didn't know, Elsa. I accidently deleted it. I'm so sorry." Said Jack, still sobbing. It made Kristoff not bear to see it. He then walked around and sat next to Elsa.

"Jack, you should calm down, okay?" Kristoff then turned to Elsa. "Elsa, I think I can still save your file. May I?" He pointed to the laptop on Elsa's lap.

"You can do that, Kristoff? Please." Elsa handed her laptop to Kristoff.

"But you said you couldn't save the file!" Jack whined at Kristoff. He thought if Kristoff had helped him earlier, he wouldn't have been scolded by his wife.

"You didn't know the file name, Jack."

"But because of you I got scolded-"

"Stop crying, Jack!" Elsa finally made Jack stop talking and crying at once. She then shifted her focus to Kristoff and her laptop.

"Okay, usually if a file is deleted, it should still be here. In the recycle bin folder." Kristoff said explaining while clicking here and there.

Elsa watched so seriously that her eyebrows knotted together in the middle. "Can it be restored?"

"Yes, it can." Kristoff clicked and then smiled broadly. "It's done. See, your file is back."

"Aaahhhh!" Elsa was so relieved and happy that she almost jumped off the couch. She clapped and then squeezed Kristoff's cheek with both hands. "Thank you, Kristoff!" She immediately took her laptop back and checked if anything had changed with the file.

Hearing his wife's happy cry, Jack looked up. "It can be restored?"

"Yeah." Kristoff nodded and smiled smugly.

"Aaahh! You save me, Kristoff!" Jack threw him self at Kristoff and hugged him tightly. He was so relieved that he could finally get out of this problem. He ignored Kristoff who laughed awkwardly and tried to escape from his embrace.

"Your welcome but you don't have to hug me you know?" Kristoff said patting Jack on the back. He felt so, so awkward being hugged by a man.

Jack let go of the hug and sat down next to Kristoff, still clinging to him. So relieved and happy he was that his face changed instantly, smiling again with a wide grin on his face. His hands were repeatedly patting Kristoff's thigh in appreciation that he had helped him.

"Okay, so." Kristoff cleared his throat and prepared to explain his real purpose for coming. "So I came here to tell you that there is a job vacancy at the company where I work."

This caught the attention of the older couple. Elsa immediately stopped what she was doing and looked directly at Kristoff with interest, as did Jack. He stopped patting Kristoff's thigh and leaned forward.

"Really? Job vacancy?" Elsa asked, her face and her voice showing interest.

"Really, Kristoff?" Jack asked too. But seeing his wife's angry face was gone, he tried to test the water. "Elsa? Are you not angry with me anymore?" He reached out and tried to grab his wife's hand but Elsa quickly pulled her hand away. Her angry face returned instantly.

Ups, the water is still hot.

Jack couldn't help but smile sweetly and would try again another time. He had to wait for the water to get colder. He then looked back at Kristoff, and so did Elsa.

"What kind of job?" Jack and Elsa asked almost at the same time.

"Yeah about the job, I'm pretty sure that this job is a perfect match for your skills and abilities, Jack. Perfectly match!"

to be continued...
