The Would-be a Daddy 3.0 - The Finale

"Okay, this is where you will do your work. Look the giant wall over there?" Kristoff pointed to the other side of the room where a large plain white wall was located. "That's the wall you have to paint, Jack. So you're going to paint something there, basically your painting should be able to make customers who come to this playground room interested in buying toys here."

Jack took a deep breath and looked around a very large room that was still in the finishing stages and would later become a playground room in a toy store that was about to open in the near future.

"So you have to make the atmosphere of this room as comfortable as possible, calm the hearts of the customers so that it will make them buy toys and other products in this store." Said Kristoff again, because he was specifically given this task by his boss so he had to make sure that everything went according to the plan.

"Alright. I understand that. I have to paint that wall, and the concept is the toys store?" Said Jack, still looking around. He was so ready to start. He was determined to do his job well for his wife and his unborn child.

"Yes. And remember, I have brought you to work here. So please, don't embarrass me. Leave all your silliness anywhere as long as it's not here. My career is at stake. You got that?" Kristoff said seriously, considering how Jack behaved, there was a bit of concern that he might cause trouble.

"Okay. Don't worry about that, Kristoff. I'll do this job well." Said Jack, no less serious than Kristoff.

"Good. Now I have work in another section of the building, so I'll leave you to look for inspiration. Oh, and one thing. Mrs. Cruella, my boss is coming to visit this afternoon so make sure you have a concept for the painting by then. Okay?"


"Do you need anything? I'll send someone to get it for you."

"Hmm. Maybe coffee."

"Noted. I'll get the coffee." Kristoff nodded and prepared to leave Jack alone to look for inspiration, which he knew, usually an artist would take a while to get inspired and build the mood for painting.

"Eh, Kristoff?" Jack called out and grinned widely when he saw Kristoff stop and turn to look at him.


"I haven't had breakfast." And Jack's grin grew wider when he saw Kristoff let out a long sigh and now give him all his attention.

"What do you want?"

Jack scratched his head with his index finger. "Anything. As long as it fills me up."

"Okay." Kristoff nodded and turned around, preparing to leave only to be called back.

"Hey, Kristoff!"

Kristoff had no other choice but to turn back around. "What now?"

"It would be nice if the breakfast was a double cheeseburger with mustard." Jack grinned showing all his teeth. He couldn't waste the chance to eat whatever he wanted because Elsa wasn't here.

"What? Where can I get a burger in the morning like this?" Kristoff asked confusedly, throwing his arms aside. A fast-food restaurant he knew would not serve such a burger after ten in the morning. It was only a few minutes past eight.

"That is your problem, not me." Jack put his face as normal as possible, trying hard not to laugh.

Kristoff looked at him as if to say 'really?'. At this point in his life, he still couldn't understand how Jack's brain worked. He then sighed softly and shook his head. "Sometimes I wonder about the contrast between your angelic face and your annoying thoughts. Okay, I'll try to get your burger but you have to be content with anything I would get if I couldn't find the burger."


Jack finally let Kristoff go and then he stood in the middle of the room trying to build the mood for painting. He stared at the giant wall in front of him and stretched out the both of his palms, trying to get the feelings for inspiration. He would do this job well for the sake of his family. And nothing can get in his way, or really?

Many hours later...

"Did you hear that, Kristoff?!"

Jack's front door slammed open that evening and the battered Jack walked in with Kristoff following closely behind him.

"How could she say something like that?! Didn't she know that, that's a work of art?!" Jack continued, plopping down on the couch and examining his scuffed elbow.

"I already told you what my boss is like, Jack. Well that's how she is, what can I do?" Kristoff said calmly, closing the door and following Jack to sit on the single couch in the living room.

"I still can't believe that she would only pay me a hundred dollars for the whole painting on that fucking wall! That is art, Kristoff. Art! How can you be willing to work with a cruel woman like her, anyway?!" Said Jack again, annoyed to the max. He still couldn't believe that his painting would only be so undervalued. Everybody needed to understand art apparently.

"We still can talk about that, Jack. Let's meet her again tomorrow." Kristoff was trying to persuade Jack because he really wanted to get the job done. And he also knew that Jack needed a job.

At this point, Jack didn't know what to say. He was still considering that this was his only chance to earn money, for now. And he didn't want to throw this opportunity away just like that.

He looked seriously at the coffee table in front of him while Elsa was seen going down the stairs because she heard a little commotion in the living room. Something wasn't quite right with her facial expression, but when she saw her husband's battered face, her expression turned worried and she quickened her pace.

"Hi, Elsa." Jack and Kristoff greeted at the same time, but Elsa ignored the greeting.

"Oh my God." Elsa took a seat next to Jack and gently grabbed her husband's face so she could examine it more closely. "What happened to your face? Are you okay?" She then turned to look at Kristoff. "What happened?"

"He had a fight with my boss."

"I fell down."

Kristoff and Jack answered almost simultaneously, making Elsa even more confused and worried.

"What? What really happened, Jack? Did you have a fight or fall down?" Elsa asked with increasing seriousness and concern.

"No, Elsa. I'm fine. Don't worry okay?" Jack tried to calm his wife down by gently stroking her cheek and then he smiled and took her hand.

"You fell down or had a fight?" Elsa asked once again hoping this time she would get an answer. She couldn't imagine the worse scenario between falling down or fighting with Kristoff's boss.

"It's fine, Elsa." Jack smiled reassuringly but then shot Kristoff a glare because he saw Kristoff was about to open his mouth to speak.

Elsa took a deep breath and squeezed her husband's hand. It was true that she wanted her husband to get a job, but she also wasn't happy if he had to be hurt like this.

"You don't have to work at Kristoff's place if it has to be like this, Jack. Look at your face. It must be hurt." Elsa grimaced, seeing a deep cut under Jack's left eye.

"But we need money, Elsa." Jack answered slowly. He had never been this desperate to be able to participate in their family's financial matters. Previously he would only be quite satisfied with his daily routine, without having a job. This time his sense of responsibility was at its peak.

"I know that, Jack. We've needed money from the beginning of our marriage. Not just now. And so far we've been fine. And we will." Elsa said, grabbing a cushion and placing it on her lap.

"But this time we need more money, Elsa. We're going to need a lot of extra money." Said Jack, staring intently at something in front of him.

Elsa frowned and shook her head slowly asking Jack to elaborate. "What for?" She asked, not knowing the meaning of her husband's words that they needed the extra money. They were fine so far.

After keeping his mouth shut for a while and becoming a third party in the room, Kristoff was itching to speak.

"Of course for the cost of your delivery, Elsa." He said subconsciously. But was able to make Jack glare at him and make Elsa's facial expression change.

"Kristoff!!" Jack whispered-yelled and his eyes signaled Kristoff to shut his mouth immediately. But Kristoff seemed oblivious to the hint. While Elsa seemed not to know what to say.

"What? My delivery? What delivery? Who's pregnant?" Elsa asked, confused.

"Of course you are, Elsa." Said Kristoff again, this time making Jack grit his teeth in exasperation.

"What??" Elsa let out an awkward dry laugh. "Please someone explain what really happened here? I don't understand. Who's pregnant?"

Shooting a sharp glare at Kristoff for spilling the bean, Jack turned around and grabbed his wife's hand. He took a deep breath before finally speaking. "The package, Elsa. Your package of toys and baby stuff? You prepared all that to surprise me that you are pregnant right?"

"That package?" Elsa glanced at Kristoff and then back at her husband. She tried very hard to disguise what she really felt inside herself. "Okay, about the package. It was on sale, Jack. 50 percent off. I couldn't help but buy it back then. I didn't tell you because I was afraid that you'd be mad because I bought stuff like that."

Jack's face fell instantly because he finally found out that his wife bought the package just because it was on sale. His hope of getting a surprise from his wife just vanished. His thoughts of getting an extra family member evaporated and mixed with the dry air around him. As well as Kristoff who was able to draw conclusions from what he heard, he felt so bad about what had actually happened to Jack.

"So you're not pregnant?" Jack asked in a trembling voice. His eyes started to tear up because he was really feeling disappointed.

Again, Elsa glanced at Kristoff and then turned to look at her husband. Her heart shattered into pieces seeing her husband's long face. "Jack... "

"It's alright." Jack rubbed his nose which was starting to runny from holding back sobs. "I-i'll go upstairs." With that, he rose to his feet and walked slowly towards his room upstairs, not even giving a second glance.

Elsa sighed softly and stared at her husband's slowly disappearing back while Kristoff felt awkward being in the middle of a sad atmosphere of disclosure. Even though Jack was being annoying to him too many times, it still made him feel sad too.

"Uh, Elsa? So just so you don't worry too much about Jack's battered face, what actually happened was that he didn't fight with my boss. Well, they argued but didn't fight. And as we were about to leave the store, still annoyed with the argument with my boss, Jack kept nagging as he walked on. And because of that, he didn't see there was hole in front of him and he ended up falling into it." Kristoff explained. He felt the need to clarify because he still hoped that Jack would continue with his work.

"He fell?" Asked Elsa to clarify. And after Kristoff nodded in response, she took a deep breath and cleared her throat. She felt the urge to speak to her husband immediately. "Okay, I think I have to talk with Jack now, so do you mind if... " She hung up on her last words because she didn't want Kristoff to feel that she was kicking him out or something.

"Sure, Elsa. I'll go now." Said Kristoff, standing up. He waved awkwardly and quickly walked towards the door, leaving Elsa who now had a few things she wanted to tell to her husband considering it was the only two of them in the house now.

As Elsa approached the bedroom door she could hear a sob coming from inside the room. For some reason she found it very strange hearing her husband cry because she could feel the sadness from his crying and it made her fiddle with her fingers nervously. This time her husband was crying because he was really sad, not because he was scolded or whined for something.

Slowly, Elsa opened the bedroom door and found her husband lying face down on the bed crying and sobbing.

"Oh, Jack." She then walked towards the bed and sat at the end of the bed, rubbing her husband's feet gently. "Jack? Are you still upset?" She continued to rub her husband feet as she waited a response from him. "Come on, baby. Talk to me."

Slowly but surely, Jack got out of bed and inched to sit next to his wife, revealing his face red with tears. "I'm embarrassed, Elsa. To Kristoff and Anna. I am so ashamed." Said Jack honestly, wiping his face from the tears that were still flowing.

"Don't be, Jack." Elsa took her husband's hand and waited for him to stop crying until she finally got all his attention. "Do you really want to have a baby?" She asked slowly, she didn't want to make her husband cry again.

Hearing that question, Jack tried very hard to face the sad reality and finally he changed his sitting position so that he was now facing Elsa. He took Elsa's other hand and squeezed it gently.

"Elsa. For me, having a baby or not, the most important thing is that we are happy, Elsa. I love you, you love me. That's enough for me." Said Jack sincerely. So far they were both fine and he was sure that they would be fine even if it was just the two of them.

"Well," Elsa cleared her throat and stared at her husband nervously. "I didn't say that I'm not pregnant though."

Jack's face changed instantly. He leaned forward and he seemed nervous about what he was about to hear. "What? What do you mean? Elsa?"

Now it was Elsa's turn to turn her body so that now they were both sitting face to face at the end of the bed. Jack was eager to hear Elsa's answer, while Elsa seemed hesitant to say it.

"Elsa? What do you mean by you didn't say that you're not pregnant?" Jack repeated his question.

Elsa let out a deep breath and then looked up to stare at Jack again. "I'm late, Jack."

"Late?" Jack was confused by what his wife meant. "What do you mean? Late from what?"

"My period. I'm late for about three weeks."

"Okay?" Jack tilted his head and asked his wife to explain further. Because he felt a sense of excitement slowly rising from within him.

"Okay. I am three weeks late and at first I thought that it was just stress from work or something. I thought that I might be pregnant but I didn't dare tell anyone because I was afraid it was just a false alarm. In the more than ten years we've been married, this is the first time I've experienced this kind of thing, Jack. But then I told Punzie and she encouraged me to take a pregnancy test but I still didn't want to do it. She even took me to a baby store where I ended up buying that package."

"So you really bought the package because you're pregnant?" Asked Jack, there was excitement in his voice.

"I told you I bought that because it was on sale. I didn't know back then-"

"But now you know?" Jack interrupted as excitement began to well up even more inside him.

Elsa sighed softly. "Last weekend I had another appointment with Punzie, right? She finally managed to make me to buy a pregnancy test. And I did that test this morning after you left for work. But I'm still nervous about this."

"And?" A smile began to appear on Jack's face.

"It was two lines." Said Elsa quickly, she was very nervous about all this because she herself still couldn't believe what had happened to her, after more than ten years of their marriage. She still thought that this was a dream and she would wake up at any moment.

When Elsa expected that Jack would explode with excitement, all she found was an increasingly confused face of Jack.

"Huh? Two lines?" Jack inched closer. "Elsa, would you please drop your convoluted lawyer act for just five minutes and tell me what do those two lines mean?"

It made Elsa chuckle and her hands moved to cup her husband's face. "Yes, Jack. I'm pregnant." Finally she said those words.

"What?!" Jack cried in happiness and and threw himself to hug Elsa tightly. "OH MY GOD! I DON'T BELIEVE IT! OH MY GOD! WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A BABY, ELSA! WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A BABY!" He kept saying that in the crook of Elsa's neck until he finally realized something.

"Wait." Jack pulled away from the hug and stared at his wife confused.


"Why didn't you say it from the first time you realised that you're late? I'm your husband, Elsa. But you'd rather talk to Punzie." Asked Jack, a hint of disappointment in his words.

Elsa just smiled hearing that. "I know you like I know the back of my hand, Jack. You might as well tell everyone in this entire neighborhood if I told you."

Jack grinned sheepishly. "Yeah. That might be true. But why you didn't answer my question earlier?"

Elsa shrugged her shoulder. "Kristoff was there. I told you that I'm still nervous about this. And I wanted to tell you first before I tell anybody else."

Jack smiled understandingly and cupped his wife's face, caressing her cheek affectionately with his thumb. "It's alright, baby."

He then gave his wife a long and gentle kiss until they finally ended up lying on the bed. And not enough just on the lips, Jack showered his wife's face with light kisses that made Elsa giggle with amusement.

"So what now?" Jack hugged Elsa from behind after Elsa finally begged him to stop kissing her. However, Jack was still kissing Elsa's shoulders, neck, and head every now and then as his hand moved to stroke her stomach.

"Well, I have a doctor appointment tomorrow to make sure that I'm really pregnant. Do you want to come with me?" Elsa asked, glancing at her husband over her shoulder.

Jack tried to lift his head so he could kiss his wife's lips. "Of course I want to come with you. You can't drive. Let me drive. My queen can only sit beautifully beside her king."


"Stop crying, Jack. You're embarrassing me." Elsa whispered to her husband who was now sobbing in the crook of her neck when the doctor had just shown the baby that was forming in her womb. The baby itself was still very small, only the size of a cherry.

Elsa smiled apologetically at the doctor who was now examining the image on the screen. "I'm sorry, dr. Brett. My husband is kind of emotional about this."

"It's alright, Mrs. Frost. I understand." Dr. Sylvie Brett smiled and then explained what they saw on the ultrasound screen. "Now you see here, you're seven weeks pregnant and I don't see anything wrong so, congratulations. The both of you are going to be a mother and a father. And I'm hoping that you come for regular visits once in a month during your early pregnancy so I can monitor your baby's growth intensely."

Elsa looked up and stared at the ultrasound screen next to her. Her lips subconsciously curled into a smile as tears began to gather in the corners of her eyes and her heart fluttered knowing that a tiny little human being was now growing inside her. She instantly fell in love with her baby.

"Thank you, dr. Brett." Said Elsa smiling. She turned her head when she felt her husband begin to let go of his embrace and finally stood up beside her, wiping his red face with the palm of his hand.

"Uh, dr. Brett? Can I ask you a question?" Jack asked, still wiping his face from the tears.

"Sure. Ask away, Mr. Frost."

"My wife will be fine, right? I mean, she's been vomiting and nauseous lately. Can you make her feel comfortable during her pregnancy?" Asked Jack seriously. This made Elsa's heart sink in a good way and feel that her husband really cared about her. She then grabbed her husband's arm and squeezed it.

"It's a common thing, Mr. Frost. But you have to make sure that your wife eats her food. And I will give her supplements and pregnancy formula to support adequate nutrition intake during her pregnancy."

And less than an hour later, Elsa and Jack were on their way home from the hospital with the smiles never leaving their faces. Jack only used one hand to control the wheel because he felt the need to feel his wife' existence next to him so he kept holding her hand with the other hand. Until at one point, Elsa wondered what her husband was thinking because she caught his ridiculous smile.

"What's on your mind, Jack?" Elsa finally asked, making Jack turn to look at her and give her a goofy smile.

"I'm thinking about her name." Jack replied casually, only to get a surprised look from his wife.


"Yeah. Our baby."

Elsa did not expect that Jack thought that their baby was a girl. "You want a baby girl?"



Jack looked thoughtful for a moment before finally grinning widely. "Because, she will be a beautiful girl like you, Elsa. She will have your gorgeous eyes and have your cute little nose and it will make me have two beautiful women in the house. And, the best part is, I will still be the most handsome man in the house."

And to Jack's surprise, Elsa cringed in horror at what he said. "I don't know about that, Jack. If she will be a beautiful girl like me, what if she inherits your behaviour? And I have to deal with the two of you for the rest of my life? Oh God." She shook her head slowly trying to shake off the thought of her future if there were two Jacks in the house.

Jack laughed whole heartily at that. "Come on, baby. It won't be that bad. My behaviour is okay. Nothing is wrong with my behaviour."

"Right. Nothing is wrong with your behaviour, you said." Elsa said quietly, there was a tinge of sarcasm in her words.

"Anyway, I've found a name." Jack said after he finished laughing.


"You know, yesterday Kristoff said that I have an angelic face."

"Really? How?"

"That's a long story, honey. You don't need to know about that." Jack said quickly, not wanting to talk about the burger for breakfast. "So, I'm thinking of naming our baby girl Angel."



"But what if our baby is a boy?"

"I have a strong feeling that our baby is a girl." Said Jack, still firmly convinced that the baby was a girl.

Meanwhile at the younger couple's house, Anna was surprised to see her husband come home early. It was still afternoon and she saw Kristoff enter the house through the front door in a bit of a hurry.

"Kristoff? You're home early." Anna said, walking over to her husband.

"No, honey. I still have to get back to the office. I only have a minute to meet with Jack because I have something to tell him." Said Kristoff excitedly. He rubbed his palms together because something he was about to tell Jack was a good news.

"Okay? Do you want to tell him now?" Anna was a little curious about what news her husband had for Jack because Kristoff sounded really excited about this. After Kristoff told her about last night's incident between Jack and Elsa, Anna felt bad for her neighbors. And she hoped that for just this once, Jack could get some good news.

"Yup!" Kristoff clapped his hand together. "Let's go now. You should come too." He grabbed Anna's hand and immediately pulled her out of the house. But when they both came out of the house, they saw Elsa and Jack just got out of the car and it looked like they had just come back from somewhere.

"Elsa! Jack!" Kristoff called and they both stopped in front of Jack's house.

Elsa and Jack turned around when they heard their names being called. And seeing Kristoff and Anna standing on the side of the road in front of his house, the two of them walked over, hand in hand. Jack looked so excited to see his neighbors because he was dying to tell them that Elsa was really pregnant.

"Hey, Ken! Barbie! Guess what?!" Jack released his grip on Elsa's hand and spread both hands by his side as he quickened his pace towards the younger couple. That smile on his face, was a billion dollar smile.

Elsa just shook her head slowly and followed behind him while the younger couple looked at each other confused because in their thoughts, Jack should be sad.

"What?" It was Kristoff who answered first. Anna who became curious, looked at Jack seriously preparing for what he was going to say. Maybe it was a good news.

Jack waited for Elsa until she was standing next to him before finally putting his arm around her and pulling her closer.

"This beautiful lady over here, is pregnant with my baby." Said Jack excitedly, kissing his wife on the head and grinning afterward.

Again, Kristoff and Anna looked at each other in bewilderment. What Kristoff saw last night wasn't this.

"But last night Kristoff said-"

"Ah! It's a long story, Anna." Jack interrupted Anna by waving his hand in front of her face. He then shoved something from his shirt pocket. "Look. This is my baby' image. See? So cute, right?" He showed Anna and Kristoff the ultrasound image and Anna grabbed it right away.

"Oh. My. God." Anna stared at the image in admiration and soon after, she started jumping up and down because she was really happy about this. And Kristoff too, he smiled and felt the happiness that radiated around him.

"Aaahh!! Congratulations, Elsa! I'm so happy for you!" Anna threw her body to hug Elsa. She was glad that there was a continuation of what Kristoff had told her last night and that was a good thing.

"Thank you, Anna." Elsa said, hugging Anna back.

"Congrats, Jack." Kristoff gave Jack a very strong high five and a hug.

"Yeah, Kristoff. Finally, a good news."

"Well, I guess that's not the only good news for you because as it turns out, I have one more good news for you. Wait, it's two actually." Kristoff said after they pulled away from the hug. What he said made everyone look at him curiously. Especially Jack with his brow furrowed seriously.

"What? What is this good news?"

"The good news number one, my boss actually likes your wall painting concept and she's willing to pay you a thousand dollars for the entire project." Kristoff said excitedly. A thousand dollars might not be that much and still not enough to pay for his wife's delivery, but it was a lot more than a hundred dollars.

"A thousand?"

"Yeah. But there's more. The good news number two, my boss wants to hire you as an employee because your painting inspired her to create a new toy concept. She wants to make a jigsaw puzzle out of your painting and will create a puzzle competition to attract customers to the new toys store we're working on right now." Kristoff explained with more enthusiasm. This was the ultimate good news for Jack.

"Wow. That's really good, Jack." Elsa looked at Jack still surprised by the news from Kristoff. While Jack was speechless at the moment and his eyes almost popped out of their sockets because he was really surprised.

Jack turned to look at Elsa and smiled. "Yeah. I think our baby is my lucky charm, Elsa. Good news keeps coming to me."

"See. I told you we'll be fine." Elsa imitated Jack's smile. And for the first time, she showed their affection in front of the other couple since they had known each other by tiptoeing and kissing Jack on the lips. Kristoff and Anna went 'awww' automatically.

"Okay. When can I continue my work?" Jack asked, grinning ear to ear after he was done with the kiss. His spirit was so pumped that it radiated throughout the fibers of his body.

"Tomorrow. Today you should celebrate about your baby with Elsa. I'll tell my boss that you will continue tomorrow." Kristoff said wisely because he knew very well they needed some time together to celebrate all this good news.

"Are you sure? Because you know, I don't mind if-"

"Yes, I'm sure. Now go and celebrate. Shoo." Kristoff said confidently, he waved his hand like he was shooing the older couple away. And also, seeing their happiness, he thought something in his head and to be able to realise it, he should go home with his wife, like, immediately.

"Okay then. Thanks again, mate. I really appreciate it." Said Jack, taking a step forward and again, giving Kristoff a friendly hug.

"No problem. I'm glad I could help. And congratulations again."

And after a few thanks and congratulations from both couples, Jack and Elsa then returned to their home leaving Kristoff and Anna, who were still lost in their own thoughts.

"I'm really happy for them, Kristoff. Whatever happened after you came home from their house last night, I'm glad it ended up like this." Anna said, her gaze lost in thought, staring at her neighbor's house.

"Yeah. I really didn't think that Elsa was actually pregnant." Kristoff said, he then took his wife's hand and made her turn to look at him. "And do you know what I'm thinking right now?"


"Let's make a baby."


The End
