The Wrong Package...? 4.0

Jack stopped next to the kitchen counter and looked around. He was already holding a fork in one hand and he was contemplating whether to take a spoon or a knife. And as he stared at the plate of scrambled eggs and a few slices of bacon, he finally picked up a knife. Weird indeed, sometimes he was confused about this kind of thing.

Once he was satisfied with the breakfast plate, he took the plate and brought it to the dining table where his wife, who was ready in her office suit was sitting and busy with her cell phone. And mercilessly, he placed the plate of breakfast in front of her nose, distracting Elsa from the phone screen. Elsa was a little confused because the sudden appearance of a plate of breakfast made her concentration on what she was doing, break instantly.

"Your brekfast, Honey." Said Jack, walking back into the kitchen for a glass of water. What he didn't know was, when Elsa looked at the plate, she pursed her lips and scrunched up her nose. She straightened her seat to keep her nose away from the plate.

"I don't wanna." Elsa said, looking back at her phone screen.

Hearing that, Jack brought the pitcher of water and a glass into the dining room. "You should have breakfast, Elsa." He poured water into the glass, ignoring his wife's disapproving look.

"But, Jack. I don't wanna. My stomach still feels weird." Said Elsa, looking at her husband alternately with the glass in front of her.

"And don't forget you have to finish this, okay?" Jack had finished with the water for his wife and immediately returned to the kitchen, still ignoring his wife' reluctance to eat her breakfast.

Elsa looked at the plate in front of her doubtfully once again when she suddenly remembered something. "Uh, Jack? Do you still have Mary's number? Your cousin? She just gave birth right?" She asked, looking at her husband who was now taking the seat next to her.

"Yeah, I still have her number. What about it?"

"There's something I want to ask Mary. Send her number to me, please." Elsa scratched her forehead and turned serious again with her phone. It wasn't long before she finally got annoyed with the breakfast plate in front of her. So, she took the plate and smelled it one more time. And that, made her scrunch up her nose even more and then stuck out her tongue.

"Blech. I can't eat it." Elsa said, taking the water instead. Taking no notice of her husband's frown, she took a sip of her water, put her cell phone in her bag, and then stood up.

"I'm leaving now. Bye, Jack." She bent down to take a piece of bread and took the time to kiss her husband's cheek. And it wasn't until she escaped from the dining room that she heard her husband calling out to her.

"Elsa! Wait!" Jack stood up from his seat when he noticed something was wrong with what his wife was wearing.

"What?" Elsa turned around and had to frown in confusion when she didn't see Jack anywhere. But then, Jack emerged from behind the wall and was carrying ballet shoes. Her ballet shoes.

"You can't go to work in those high heels. Wear this." Jack knelt before his wife and did not hesitate to remove the high heels from her feet and replace them with the ballet shoes.

Elsa who was almost late just sighed softly and complied. She held on to her husband's shoulder and didn't complain when he changed her shoes.

"Okay. Now you're good to go. Drive safely, okay?" Jack stood up and patted his wife lightly on the head. A wide smile spread across his face.

"Okay. Bye again, Jack." Elsa smiled awkwardly because she didn't know what to say. She didn't waste time any longer so she waved her hand and hurried towards the front door. Her husband's strange behaviour still continued and she began to enjoy this.


"Honey! I'm home!"

Later that day, Kristoff came home from work and called his wife. This morning he was so nervous to go to the office because today was the day he was asked to present the toy sample to his boss. And the sample toy package, after he had waited until the last second before he left for the office, still hadn't arrived.

He took a seat on the couch and let out a long sigh. He waited for his wife to come down while staring at the coffee table in front of him. His face conveyed various emotions, not happy but also not sad, like wanting to laugh but also looking like he wanted to cry.

"Kristoff! ~Welcome hooome! I'm so happy to see you~" Anna sang her words in an attempt to stir up the atmosphere just in case her husband's day went bad.

But, that didn't seem to help because Kristoff was still staring blankly at the coffee table in front of him. Her spirits fell instantly, although she still had to try to encourage her husband.

"Aww, Kristoff. You don't get frustrated, okay? Don't be sad like this. Come on, smile. It is a common thing when someone quits his job and has to find a new job. It's a common thing, you know?" Anna gently rubbed her husband's shoulder and tried to make his mood better. "Oh, wait. I have something for you." Her demeanor changed again instantly and magically, she found a piece of paper behind her back.

"You see, I've made a list of job vacancies for you." Anna showed the paper to her husband. "You just need to call one by one and choose which one suits you best. I searched for this all from the internet, from newspapers and from all sources. See that? You'll be fine, Kristoff." She explained excitedly. And without she even realized, her husband's face was starting to turn red from holding back laughter.

"Honey." Kristoff said finally. He pulled his lips inward trying not to laugh.

"What?" Anna looked up from the paper she was holding and looked at her husband in confusion.

"Without a doubt you are a very good wife. A very, very good wife. But, for now, you better save this list of job vacancies." Kristoff said casually, pointing at the paper. His wife's confused face turned even more confused because she didn't understand what her husband's meant.

"What do you mean by that?" Anna asked. She dropped her hands on her lap along with the list of job vacancies. "Why do I have to save this list? You need this, Kristoff."

"No. I don't need it. Because," Kristoff stopped and cleared his throat. He grinned widely and then said, "~I didn't get fired~" He sang his words and spread his arms to his side.

"What?! Really? How?" Anna almost jumped off the couch because she was so happy that her husband didn't get fired.

"Yeah. I didn't get fired because when I was about to tell Mrs. Cruella about the package...

"So you don't have the package?" Mrs. Cruella folded her arms across her chest and glared at Kristoff. She could no longer sit comfortably in her loveseat when she heard that the toy sample she had been waiting for had not yet arrived.

"Uh.. " While Kristoff, had to resist the urge to take off his socks because he was so nervous and scared. His whole body was sweating, especially his hands and feet. His back felt cold and his mouth was no longer able to produce words because of the boss's deadly glare. He was so sure that he would never make it out of the room alive.

"You don't have that damn package, Kristoff?!" Mrs. Cruella smacked the table with her palms, making Kristoff jump where he was standing.

"Uh, h-here's the thing, Ma'am. Uh..."

Out of nowhere, suddenly there was a knock on the door and followed by a young man in a light blue uniform, carrying a box in his hand and walking into the room. However, the young man appeared to have difficulty walking and there were several bandages on his face and hands.

"I'm sorry. Is this Mrs. Ursulla' room? I'm looking for Mr. Bjorgman and someone at the front desk said that he is here. I have his package. I should have delivered this package yesterday but I had an accident and my phone was broken."

"So the courier saved me, Honey. I got my package and the boss didn't get mad because as it turned out, the problem was with the courier not me. And it wasn't my fault." Said Kristoff excitedly. He was also very relieved and happy that the package mayhem that befell him had been resolved.

"Aaaaa!" Anna screamed and clapped her hands with joy at this news, to the point that Kristoff had to cover his ears as if it would silence his wife's screams.

"I'm so happy, Kristoff!" She then attacked her husband with a big and warm hug.


That afternoon, Jack was busy sweeping the floor while Elsa, who came home early today was in their room getting ready because she had to go out to meet her friend, Rapunzel. To be honest, Jack wanted his wife to stay at home and take the time to rest. But Elsa argued that she had something important to tell Rapunzel, it's a woman-to-woman business, so Jack can't come along.

And Jack had to look up from the floor when he heard the doorbell ring. But he didn't have to open the door because Anna and Kristoff had already walked into the living room.

"Hi, Jack!" Anna greeted excitedly, and in her hands was a sort of food compartment. Like a bowl.

When Jack stared at the food compartment, he almost got distracted. But when he remembered the incident some time ago with his neighbors, regarding the package, he held his head high.

"What do you guys want from me? Surely you want to ask about the package again, right?" Jack walked over and pointed his index finger at the faces of his guests.

"Oh, no no no. We came here in peace, Jack." Kristoff raised his hands in surrender. He smiled broadly and sincerely, showing that he and Anna really came in peace. "The package problem has reached the end of the story and everything ends happily."

Jack narrowed his eyes and judged the level of honesty in Kristoff's words. "Are you sure about that, young man?"

"Yes, Sir. I'm sure about that." Kristoff acted like a soldier answering his commander, just to make Jack sure.

"Okay." Jack nodded his head and then turned to Anna. His face was still so serious. "Is that a bowl of food, young lady?"

"Oh! Yeah, this is a salad. For Elsa, the pregnant woman." Anna said excitedly and slightly lifted the compartment bowl. But it earned a glare from Jack.

"Sst! I told you not to say that out loud!" Jack whispered in annoyance, his index finger pressed to his lips as his eyes bulged. He looked up at the floor above before continuing. "I told you that this is a secret. Elsa wants to surprise me so we have to pretend that we don't know about the pregnancy. Okay?"

Anna and Kristoff smiled shyly and nodded. They were thrilled with the news and honestly couldn't wait to celebrate. "Okay." They said in unison making Jack smile.

"Okay. Now, the food please." Jack reached out for the food in Anna's hand. And after Annna gave it to him, he did not hesitate to open it. "You said it's a salad. What kind of salad?"

"It's fruit salad, Jack. Mixed fruit." Said Anna, pointing at the bowl.

"Fruit salad?" Jack looked up and his face turned serious. Like he was thinking about something very important.

"Yeah? Why?" Kristoff asked in wonder, looking at his wife who also shook her head in confusion.

"Hang on." Jack turned around and walked over to the couch. He then sat there and motioned for his neighbors to do the same. He put the salad bowl on the table and checked its contents.

"I read on the internet that pregnant women cannot eat all kinds of fruit. Like pineapples. Pregnant women should not eat pineapples, especially if they are still in the early stages of pregnancy. Ha! Look at this! This is pineapple." Jack found a piece of pineapple and held it high, showing it to Kristoff and Anna. "Luckily I checked first. What would happen if Els-"

"Jack?! Who is that? Are we having a guest?" Suddenly Elsa's voice came from upstairs, followed by footsteps.

Jack panicked because Elsa seemed to be walking down the stairs and immediately put the pineapple piece into his mouth. And then blindly took one, two, three, four and five pieces of pineapple and stuffed it straight into his mouth. Kristoff and Anna had to cover their mouths with their hands to keep from bursting out laughing. And they were also amazed by Jack's ability to chew so much food at one time.

"No one, just next door neighbors." Said Jack in between chews.

"Oh. Hi, Anna. Hi, Kristoff." Said Elsa when she reached the living room, ready to go. She smiled to greet her guests, but was confused to see her husband who seemed to have trouble swallowing something. That's when she saw the salad bowl on the table.

"Fruit salad!" She exclaimed and bent down to pick up a piece of raspberry. She wasn't aware of her husband's red face who just managed to swallow all the pineapples. She chewed the raspberry happily and then turned to look at her husband when she remembered something.

"I called your cousin, Mary. She said that she had a cesarean delivery." She bent down again to pick up a slice of strawberry.

Hearing that, Jack rose to his feet. "Really?"

"Yeah." And this time she took a piece of grape.

"Wait. Who is Mary?" Apparently eating too many pineapples at one time slightly affected his memory.

"What? She is your cousin, Jack." Elsa shook her head in disbelief at her husband's poor memory.

Jack laughed dryly and scratched his head. "Really?"

"Ugh. How can you forget that?" Elsa took another piece of grape. "Anyway, I have to go now. Bye, Anna, Kristoff." She waved slightly and then she started walking out of the room towards the door.

"Oh! I remember Mary. Is the child a boy or a girl?" Jack followed Elsa as she walked out of the house.

"You ask her your self, Jack. I'm already late. Bye!" Elsa exited the door and headed straight for her car on the driveway.

"Elsa?!" Jack stopped in the doorway and had to scream because Elsa was already in the car and ready to leave.

"DRIVE CAREFULLY! LET ME KNOW IF ANYTHING HAPPENS! DON'T DRIVE TOO FAST!" And when Elsa's car was out of sight, Jack went back into the living room.

"My God. Sometimes she's just like a racer." He grumbled and sat back down on the couch. What he didn't know when he focused on his wife was that, Kristoff and Anna were secretly eating the fruit salad on the table.

"Did you see that? Did you see Elsa ate the salad? Luckily I've eaten all the pineapples." Jack looked back at the salad bowl and then put the lid on. "The pregnant woman is gone, you guys just take this. And next time, don't forget to bring a hamburger too. Double cheese. This kind of salad is not my taste." He held out the food compartment and both Anna and Kristoff grabbed it without hesitation.

But then the three of them looked at each other because it seemed like they were thinking about something.

"Did you hear that?" Kristoff started, he remembered the important words Elsa had said before she went out.

Jack straightened his seat because he remembered it too. "Yeah. About the caesarian delivery?"

"I was about to say that." Kristoff nodded and snapped his fingers.

"Do you think Elsa wants a cesarean delivery?" Jack asked nervously, looking at Anna, the only woman in the room.

"I'm not so sure about that. It's all up to Elsa, really. And the important thing is that she is comfortable with whatever she chooses." Said Anna, not so sure because she had never experienced it either.

"That's right. What's important is which one is more comfortable for her and what's even more important is that she and the baby are healthy." Said Jack, putting his hands together in front of his chest as if he was praying. He didn't know why this conversation was getting serious.

"Hm-hm. I couldn't agree more. But," Kristoff started, making everyone look at him seriously. They became interested because they thought that his 'but' could be something serious as well.

"Cesarian delivery don't come cheap, Jack. You have to be prepared for it. The cheapest is probably under ten thousand dollars. But it can go up to over twenty thousand dollars if there are any complications or something." Said Kristoff, explaining.

"Twenty thousand dollars?" Jack's eyes went wide. He even nearly fell down from leaning too forward.

"Yes. And,"


"You still don't have a job."
