Ep.9 - Mistletoe Wars Pt.2: The Kiss

Laur/N: Ship name of you and Laurance


~3rd POV | Dream One~

Kawaii~Chan's face goes pale as she stares at the scene before her. "T-T-This can't be happening!"

Michi and Reese are kissing under the mistletoe.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" Kawaii~Chan shrieks.

~Dream Two~

"Kawaii~Chan! Kawaii~Chan, wake up!" (Y/N) said while looking down at Kawaii~Chan.

"Huh? What happened?" Kawaii~Chan asked, looking up at everybody.

"You just suddenly collapsed after you screamed "Noooo"!" Aphmau explained.

"We were all really worried about you!" (Y/N) said.

"K-Kawaii~Chan is fine. So wait, this was all just in my head? So Reese~Senpai really isn't kissing-!" Kawaii~Chan turns to see Michi kissing Reese. "Oh noooo!"

~Real World~

"Kawaii~Chan! KAWAII~CHAN!" Katelyn shouted and snaps her fingers.

"What the-?" Kawaii~Chan said, snapping out of her daydream.

"Snap out of it! What's wrong?" Katelyn said.

"So wait, that was just a dream in a dream? Is this real life?" Kawaii~Chan asked herself.

Katelyn punches Kawaii~Chan's arm. "Heh, this is real." She snickered.

"Ouch! So, does that mean Reese~Senpai hasn't- oh noo!!" Kawaii~Chan looks over to see the two kissing.

Reese pulls away and Michi smiles at him.

"Kawaii~Chan doesn't like Michi~Chan." Kawaii~Chan said, starting to cry.

(Y/N) comes down the stairs, the dog no where in sight. "What's going on? Why is everyone gathered here in the foyer?" She asked.

"Just hosting the party." Katelyn said casually.

"Oh, good." (Y/N) walks up to Katelyn. "Well Katelyn, I'm so glad you finally decided to come around!" She said, a smile tugging at her lips.

"WAIT, WHAT!? NO-" Katelyn starts.

"Thank you so much for changing your mind." (Y/N) continued to tease Katelyn.

"Nope, going to my room." Katelyn said and walks up the stairs. There's a moment of silence. "MY ROOM! IT'S LOCKED!?" Is heard from up the stairs.

(Y/N) laughs quietly to herself.

"Now she has to stay down here." Aphmau said and high-fives (Y/N).

"Why is Kawaii~Chan on the floor crying?" (Y/N) asked and steps closer to Kawaii~Chan.

Kawaii~Chan continues to cry into the carpet. "Reese~Senpai!!" She cried.

"Hm... that actually seems normal. Kawaii~Chan, you should probably go sit on the couch, just so you're a little bit more comfortable while you're sobbing." (Y/N) said.

Aphmau and (Y/N)'s eyes widen when they see Cadenza.

"Oh, hey! Cadenza! You made it to the-" (Y/N) stops when she faces to where the front door used to be.

Aphmau and (Y/N) gasped. "OUR DOOR!" They said, pointing at the doorway.

"Oh right. It, uh... just broke suddenly." Cadenza said, sneakily pushing pieces of the door under the table.

"Yeah I know what you mean. That happens to me a lot." Garroth said.

Dante, who was walking by, stops and glares at Garroth. "I still hate you, Garroth." He said and walks away.

"Sticks and stones, Dante. I'm stronger than that." Garroth said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh Aphmau, (Y/N), that's right! I brought some dessert I made!" Cadenza pulls out a box. "It's cupcakes with extra sprinkles!" She said.

"CUPCAKE! SPRINKLES!" Garroth bursts out crying while sitting on the floor.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

Aphmau giggled. "That's wonderful, Cadenza! We could definitely use more sweets! Why don't you go set them up on the kitchen counter, I'm sure they'll be safe there." She said.

Cadenza nods and heads into the kitchen.

"S-Sprinkles... C-Cupcake...." Garroth mumbles to himself, hugging the carpet.

"Uh... Garroth?" I asked him.

"They... were... so... beautiful..." Garroth cried.

Laurance looks down on Garroth and shakes his head.

"Uh..." I nervously laugh. "Is Garroth okay, Laurance?" I asked Laurance.

"He's uh... fine. He's... ugh, he's just upset over losing these cats he found." Laurance said.

Aphmau and I look at each other, both of us going pale.

"Uh... oh... Oh, OH!" I laughed nervously. "Really? You don't say, huh?" I said, nervously.

"Yeah, Garroth says he was never allowed to have a pet, so he was really excited when he found two kitties at the door. He said it was like something out of a movie, two cats get left at his door and he answers. He said it was magical." Laurance said.

I laugh through gritted teeth. "Hehehe... magical, huh?"

"Yeah. On top of that, one cat was purple and the other was (F/C). You two would have LOVED these cats. One was black and white with spotted purple and the other was (H/C) and white with spotted (F/C)! Super unique, like something you've never seen before." Laurance said.

"Uh... That sounds like the product of a dumb magic cat named RANDY." Aphmau and I spit out.

"...Um, are you okay? That was random." Laurance said.

"HAHAH... Oh sorry, I'm just... I'm really just perfectly fine. I'm just really upset that the door just decided to break all of a sudden. Just... I'm good! Don't worry." I said, nervously laughing.

"Oh! Right, in any case. I'm going to go ahead and start to mingle. Garroth here looks like he's going to be in a funk for a while and you can only console him so much. Just give him his space and he'll come around." Laurance said and walks away.

"Heh... right. Yeah, that... I'll give him his space." I laugh nervously.

Aphmau and I walk to the doorway.

"There's no way we're telling those guys about us being cats for that one day." Aphmau whispered.

"Agreed. That was the most awkward thing I've ever experienced. I... My fur felt clean and the flea shampoo just smells really bad and... Ugh." I shivered at the thought. "Just get that experience out of your mind. Just... talk to Garroth and see if we can calm him down and don't think about the whole crazy... thing that happened." I said.

Aphmau and I turn around and saw Garroth crawling into the other room.

"...C-Cupcake, S-Sprinkles... where are you girls? I loved petting you..." Garroth said as he crawled.

Aphmau and I look at each other.

"Okay, so not going to talk to him after that." I said.

"Thank god, because we're getting to cat things and then he'll talk about how he gave Sprinkles and Cupcake a bath... Okay, let's not talk about that." Aphmau runs into the living room.

"Okay. Let's go... um... fix the door. I mean..." I walk into the garage. "Yeah, I should do that... just fix the door." I said with a sigh. "Okay, where are the materials? They should be in plain sight." I grabbed a spare Carpenter's door off of the shelves.

"Hey (Y/N), what are you doing? I thought you were going to come to the party." A voice said from behind me.

I turned around to see Laurance standing in the doorway. "I told you I was upset about the door, remember? I have to fix it obviously since KAWAII~CHAN and KATELYN HAVEN'T COME TO HELP!" I said, making sure that the two girls heard me. "So... yeah."

"Ah, let me help then." Laurance said, walking towards me.

"Oh... sure! Yeah, absolutely! Thanks, Laurance! I got a door so far." I said, blushing slightly.

Laurance picks up a hammer.

"Um, we still need the material that goes on the door..." I saw that Laurance had a hammer in his hand. "And you got the hammer... so I think we should be good."

"Hammer time!" Laurance said with a stupid grin.

I laughed "Laurance, just... no." I said, shaking my head.

Laurance and I start to walk out of the garage.

"So... tell me Laurance, why did you guys do that to Katelyn's poster in the first place?" I asked, tilting my head.

"What the Zane thing? Eh, well... we had made stickers because we were planning to put them on the faces of his reindeer." Laurance said with a laugh.

"What? Zane has reindeer? Why would you do that?" I said, turning to face Laurance.

"Not real reindeer, silly. He has a Santa display out on his yard." Laurance said, laughing slightly.

"Oh, I see. So, exactly why would you do something like that to Zane? I mean..." I said.

"Well, he pummeled us with snowballs... thanks to you..." Laurance starts.

"Yeah, but... I mean... I remember that actually." I said.

"He also gave us a low score because of what Garroth said." Laurance said.

"Still..." I said, placing the door down in the doorway.

"There's some other mischief he's caused to us as well, so this is payback." Laurance finished.

"Yeah, but... I mean... I bet Zane is really a softie on the inside when you think about it." I said, smiling a little.

"...You think he's nice..?" Laurance said, baffled.

"Uh... I mean, well it's possible. Maybe he just needs somebody to talk to, right?" I said.

"...Heh, well... I don't think that will change him. That guy wouldn't open up to anyone about anything." Laurance said, hammering the door down on its hinges.

I painted the door red. "Finished! The door is fixed." I exclaimed.

"Awesome! Uh... right. I wanted to apologize to you about what we did to Katelyn's poster... I hope you don't get into trouble." Laurance said.

"Pfft! Please... I spared you guys. I am not taking the blame for that one. When she finds out, I'm telling her exactly what you guys did." I said, giggling.

Laurance backs up and shakes his head furiously. "Hey! Not fair! We took Zane's wrath at the snowball fight for you!" He argued.

"Yeah, but... to be honest, I tried to tell him about what I did while he was attacking you guys... but... uh... he didn't really want to listen." I said.

"Err... right, I remember that..." Laurance said.

"Yeah. It was like he had some suppressed rage from his childhood or something. It was just crazy." I guessed.

"Something like that. Now, I'm going to head to the dining room. You should follow me!" Laurance said.

"Oh... sure." I said.

Laurance walks away.

I check the door  and turn around.

"(Y/N)! WAIT!" Garroth yelled, running into the room.

"Garroth? What's... What's going on? Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Come here! I need to tell you something!" Garroth said.

I walk closer to Garroth. "Um, okay. Well you came to me, but... alright. Laurence, one second! I'm sorry." I said, looking over Garroth's shoulder.

"(Garroth!? REALLY!?)" Laurance whispered yelled.

"What's up Garroth?" I asked.

"W-Well... I..." Garroth got cut off by the doorbell.

*Ding Dong*

"KAWAII~CHAN! KATELYN! CAN ONE OF YOU GUYS GET THAT?! GIRLS!" I shouted. Nobody answers, so I sighed. "Garroth, I am so sorry. Just... one second, okay? Hold on." I said and open the door.

A man with black jeans and an opened red hoodie with no shirt on stands there, his hoodie covering his eyes.

I squint my eyes and gasped. "Aaron? Is that you?" I asked.

"Long time no see, (Y/N)." Aaron said with a small smile.

"I'm so glad you made it! Aphmau will be glad to know you're here. Thank you for coming." I said with a smile.

"No problem, thanks for inviting." Aaron said.

Aphmau peeks her head around the corner. "Aaron! You came! I honestly didn't think you were going to come! It's so late in the evening." She said and walks up to the door.

"Well, you did invite me." Aaron said.

Aphmau blushes and steps aside. "True. Well, better late then never! Make yourself at home! Come on in!" She said, fully opening the door.

Aaron walks in and turns to me. He smiles and gives me a small hug.

"It's been a while, Aaron. Hope you enjoy the party." I said.

Aaron lets go and walks into the living room.

Aphmau walks into the living room.

I shut the door.

"(A-Aaron... no this isn't good!)" Garroth whispered.

"Garroth, I'm so sorry about that. Now, where exactly were we?" I said, turning back to Garroth.

"WE were just about to go to the dining room." Laurance butts in.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry Laurence, or Garroth. Oh pfft. My goodness, it's just moments like these I wish I had some GIRLS TO HELP ME HOST THIS PARTY! Anyway..." I said.

"Right this way, m'lady." Laurance said, walking to the kitchen.

"Okay fine." I started to follow Laurance.

"OH NO!" Garroth speeds past us and grabs the mistletoe hanging over the door.

"What?" I said.

~3rd POV~

Garroth runs through the kitchen.

"GARROTH!" Laurance chases after Garroth.

"Our Grandma's mistletoe!" Aphmau and (Y/N) shouted.

"Your Grandmama's? NO! I WON'T LET YOU HAVE YOUR WAY, LAURANCE!" Garroth shouted at Laurance.

"PUT THAT BACK! I ALMOST HAD HER FAIR AND SQUARE!" Laurance said, chasing Garroth around the house.

"NO WAY, NOT A CHANCE! I'M NOT DOING IT!" Garroth yelled.

"GARROTH, GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" Laurance said, angrily.

"NO! NEVER!" Garroth argued back.




"NO RUFFLES!" Garroth said, shocked.

"SO HELP ME I WILL!" Laurance said.


"YOU WOULDN'T!?" Laurance said.

"HEY Y/N~" Garroth ran towards the living room.


Aaron punches them both in the face, making them fall to the floor. He stands next to Aphmau, putting the mistletoe back up.

"Thank you Aaron, I really appreciate it." Aphmau said.

"Not a problem." Aaron replied with a smile.

Aaron and Aphmau stare at each other.

Aphmau giggles. "Well, enjoy the party!" She said, ruining the moment.

Aaron nods and walks away.

(Y/N) steps over to Garroth and Laurance.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

I stand next to Aphmau. "You guys, what was that all about!? Seriously!" I said, furious.

"I-I I-IT'S JUST LAURANCE WAS BEING-!" Garroth starts.

"You guys, that was really immature of both of you. Just, come on..." Aphmau said.

Laurance lowers his head. "Sorry..." He said, walking away.

"...S-S-Sorry..." Garroth said.

Aphmau and I look at each other.

"It's fine. Why don't you guys just cool down and just... you know, relax." I said.

"I'm gonna go check to make sure that the other guests are doing fine after that... rowdy display of-" I start but stop when I saw McCloud standing on top of the television. "Oh. Wait a minute, we actually got this going on over here. Why are you up there?"

"I'M KING OF THE PARTY! Now why aren't the other lasses up 'ere wit me?" McCloud said.

"MCCLOUD! THIS IS WHY WE NEVER GET INVITED TO PARTIES!" Marsh shouted, trying to get his friend down.

"Okay." I stare blankly at the scene and turn to the couch.

"Cadenza... hold me." Brendan said to Cadenza.

I gasped.

"Um... no. Don't make me hurt you." Cadenza replied.

"Okay, I thought something was going on... but nevermind." I said.

"K-Kawaii~Chan will never find love again..." Kawaii~Chan said and wipes more tears away.

I sighed and turned around. "Okay. My goodness... Alright. Aaron, are you okay?" I asked, seeing him standing in the corner.

"Glad you weren't hurt in that." Aaron said.

I smiled at Aaron. "Thanks, again. Appreciate it." I walk past the window into the kitchen. I stopped when I saw someone staring at McCloud. "Wait a minute. Who's outside?"

"Grrr... you cheating double crosser!" Krystal said.

"I'm gonna leave that alone..." I said and walk into the kitchen.

Katelyn and Nicole were sitting at the dining table.

"Look, I'm not serious about that ship stuff. It's just fun to yell at people." Nicole said to Katelyn.

"I don't care. I just want to break down the door to my room and disappear." Katelyn responded.

"Okay, seems like- WHOA WAIT A MINUTE. What's going on here?" I said to myself.

Michi has her arm around Reese's shoulder.

"Sugar is quite complicated when you think about it, it all started long ago..." Reese starts.

"UGH! Would you shut up about stupid candy!? You just keep talking about sweets! Now steal these cookies!" Michi yelled at him.

"I'm gonna pretend like I didn't see that..." I trail off. I look up to see Garroth. "G-Garroth?"

"I really am sorry..." Garroth said.

"It's okay, Garroth. I guess... this was just payback for calling your Grandma's wreath tacky." I said.

"Heh, well... I am sorry..." Garroth said, looking down.

"Again, just forget it. It's perfectly fine." I said, smiling.

"Heh, you know... I wasn't expecting Aaron to show up... I thought everyone was already here..." Garroth said.

"I honestly wasn't expecting him to show up either. Aphmau invited him this morning personally herself while we were walking Celestia." I said.

"Y-You walked with him!?" Garroth asked.

I nodded my head. "Sometimes. He jogs around the same time I take Celestia out for a walk, so we sometimes run into each other in the morning and we end up walking together. Celestia is really taken a big liking to him, so Aphmau and I make it a point to take her to him when we see him." I said.

"The dog... THAT'S IT!" Garroth said, jumping all of a sudden.

"Uh, what's it?" I asked, confused.

"OH NOTHING! I JUST--- GOTTA GO... PEE!" Garroth shouted and leaves the room.

"Uh, ew... Okay." I said.

~3rd POV~

Garroth saw Laurance come out of the bathroom. "Psst, Laurance! Come here!" He whispered to Laurance.

"No, I'm still mad at you for interrupting my chance at getting under the mistletoe with her." Laurance said, crossing his arms.

"Just trust me!" Garroth pleaded.

"What do you want?" Laurance asked.

"The dog. The girls take Celestia for walks in the morning and walks with Aaron sometimes. The dog likes him!" Garroth explained.

"Okay, so...?" Laurance asked, confused.

"If we get the dog, we can hold it under the mistletoe and get (Y/N) to come to us." Garroth concluded.

"That's... a brilliant idea! I'm glad I thought of it." Laurance said.

"Right! Wait, WHAT!?" Garroth said.

Laurance laughs manically. "Shouldn't have told me that, you dummy!" Laurance said and runs up the stairs.

"I... OH SHOOT! LAURANCE, COME BACK HERE! THAT DOG IS MINE!" Garroth said, running after Laurance.

~In (Y/N)'s room*

Dante was in (Y/N)'s room, baby talking to Celestia who is on the bed. "Who's a good puppy? Yes you are! Yes you are! You are so cute! Look at the tiny pitty paws-"

"DANTE!" Garroth and Laurance shouted.

"What are you guys doing here in (Y/N)'s room?" Dante said, startled a little.

"We can ask you the same thing!" Laurance said.

"I just wanna hold this adorable puppy because she's so adorable!" Dante said, continuing to baby talk Celestia.

"You liar! You want to hold that puppy under the mistletoe so you can get (Y/N) to come to you, and kiss you!" Garroth argued.

"Wow... That's a great idea!" Dante said.

"Right? I thought of it." Laurance said, taking credit of the idea.

"W-Wait WHAT!?" Garroth said, shocked.

"Good job, Laurence! I never would have thought of that!" Dante said.

"ARE YOU GUYS SERIOUS!?" Garroth yelled, angrily.

"Now that I know this, don't mind me if I borrow this adorable puppy wuppy~" Dante cooed at Celestia.


Garroth holds out some chicken. "Come here girl, I've got some chicken."

Celestia starts to whimper.

"I'll give you money to buy more chicken~" Dante said.

"Celestia, I'll get you chicken. Plus whatever else you want~" Laurance cooed.

Celestia looks at all the guys and runs out of the room while whimpering.

"GET THAT DOG!" Dante shouted.

Celestia runs down the stairs.

The guys chase after her, but trip over the last step. They fall to the bottom.

"I think I broke something..." Dante said.

"I see Cupcake and Sprinkles dancing around my head..." Garroth groaned in pain.

(Y/N) stops her conversation with Aaron. "Celestia! Are you alright girl?"

"Oh, you poor puppy. You almost got caught up in the trip down the stairs! That almost was a traumatic experience for you and I bet you're still reliving repercussions over almost being trampled on just now- oh my poor puppy wuppy!" Aphmau said, baby talking Celestia.

"Well, this is an interesting turn of events." Katelyn said, looking up at the mistletoe and down at the guys on the floor.

"Oh no..." Dante said.

Nicole and Cadenza start to laugh.

"At least it's not (Y/N) or Aphmau with any of them! Now come on guys~ Ooooh~" Nicole teased.

"NO WAY, NOT A CHANCE. I'M NOT DOING IT." Garroth shouted.

"I'LL KISS THE DOG'S BUTT!" Laurance shouted.

"NOPE, NOPE, NOPE. I'LL GO KISS KATELYN'S POSTER BEFORE I KISS THEM!" Dante shouted. His eyes go wide as Katelyn leaps across the table.

"AHHHHHH!!!!!" Garroth, Laurance and Dante screamed.

Outside, Zane looks up at the house and then looks down at the ground. He shakes his head and walks away.


Word Count: 3409 words
