Ep.16 - Maids for the Job

~3rd POV | At The Guys House~

Kawaii~Chan was sitting on the guys' couch, crying her eyes out.

Dante, who came out of his room hearing the crying, rushes into the living room. "Kawaii~Chan?" He looks over to Travis, who was sitting on the opposite couch. "Travis, what did you do to her?" He said.

"I didn't do anything! Why is it my fault!?" Travis said.

"I saw you heading towards the ladies' house." Dante walks to the window on the side of the front door. "I should have known better than to-" He stops mid sentence as he looks out the window. "WHAT HAPPENED TO THEIR HOUSE!?" Dante yelled.

"...Fire... lots of fire happened to it." Travis responded, shuddering at the memory.

"HOW!?" Dante continued to yell.

"I dropped my mix tape." Travis said, chuckling to himself.

"Dope. But no seriously, what happened?" Dante said, lowering his voice.

Kawaii~Chan wipes the tears out of her eyes. "K-Kawaii~Chan left the cookies in the oven and they caught fire and then... and then the fire went everywhere!" She cried.

"Thankfully the kitchen was the only thing seriously damaged. The rest of the house can be fixed with a little paint and Kawaii~Chan here can be fixed with a little TLC... which stands for Travis Loving Care." Travis said, smirking to himself.

Dante sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Travis..." He starts but then bursts out laughing. "This is why I'm your friend. I'm going to have to remember that one!" He said.

"I've got a million of them." Travis said.

"We'll talk about that later." Dante then turned his head towards Kawaii~Chan. "Kawaii~Chan, if you guys need help with repairing your house, I'd be happy to help. So would Travis, Garroth, and Laurance." He said.

Kawaii~Chan sniffs. "T-Thanks Dante~Kun. This is Kawaii~Chan's fault and she wants to fix it herself. Every time Kawaii~Chan makes a mistake, it seems like someone else is there to get her out of the situation. This is Kawaii~Chan's chance to show Katelyn that she's responsible." Kawaii~Chan said.

"Where are Katelyn, Aphmau and (Y/N) anyway?" Dante asked.

"Katelyn~Sama went to Nicole's house, and (Y/N)~Senpai and Aphmau~Senpai are at Aaron's house. Kawaii~Chan knows that Katelyn~Sama is so mad at Kawaii~Chan, and (Y/N)~Senpai and Aphmau~Senpai are probably--" Kawaii~Chan said.

Dante cuts Kawaii~Chan off. "(Y/N) and Aphmau wouldn't hold that against you Kawaii~Chan, you know that. I'm sure you didn't mean to burn the house, it must have been an accident. My question now is, how are you going to pay for all the damages done to the house?" Dante said.

"Kawaii~Chan will just have to get a second job...  Wait, second job, that's it!" Kawaii~Chan said.

"What's it?" Travis asked.

"Kawaii should of thought of this before! There's a new maid cafe that opened up in the city. Oh this is perfect!" Kawaii~Chan said, getting up from the couch and walks to the door.

"Huh? Wait, where are you going?" Dante asked.

Kawaii~Chan turns around and looks at Dante. Kawaii~Chan is gonna need help and she knows the perfect people to ask!" She said, running out the door with a giggle.

"Huh. Enlighten me, Dante." Travis gets off from the couch and stands up. "What's a maid cafe?" He asked.

"I have no idea. We should look it up." Dante suggested.

The two make their way to Dante's room and open his laptop, which was already opened to the Internet from before. They type in "Maid Cafe" and wait. Their eyes go wide at what they see.

"Why didn't I know about these maid cafes sooner!?" Dante exclaimed.

"All this time and we could have been around cute girls!?" Travis yelled.

~Perspective Change | At Aaron's House~

Aaron, Aphmau and (Y/n) all sat at the dining table in Aaron's house.

"A-Are you sure? I mean I wouldn't mind if--" Aphmau continued to say to Aaron, but gets cut off by the doorbell.

*Ding Dong*

"Huh?" (Y/N) said.

"Uh... hold that thought. It might be about the house." Aphmau said and walks to the door.

(Y/N) gets up from the chair she was sitting in and joins Aphmau.

Aphmau opens the door.

(Y/N) comes up from behind Aphmau and stands next to her.

"Aphmau~Senpai! (Y/N)~Senpai!" Kawaii~Chan cheered.

"Kawaii~Chan? Are you okay?" (Y/N) asked.

"Kawaii~Chan is perfectly fine! But she needs Aphmau~Senpai and (Y/N)~Senpai's help!" Kawaii~Chan said.

"Sure, absolutely! What's up?" Aphmau and (Y/N) said in sync.

Kawaii~Chan takes a deep breath and talks really fast. "There's a new maid cafe that just opened up two weeks ago in the city and Kawaii~Chan always dreamed of working at a maid cafe and she's been trying so hard to get a job there, but everyone wants a job there and she hasn't had any luck getting the job because the job is taken already since no one takes Kawaii~Chan seriously with her current job. Kawaii~Chan was thinking that maybe she had people who can be taken seriously with her, she might get a chance of the job. So please, please, please, Aphmau~Senpai and (Y/N)~Senpai, come with me to the maid cafe to help!!" She said and breathes out.

Aphmau and (Y/N) stare at Kawaii~Chan in silence with wide eyes.

"Wait... So, you want me and Aphmau to go with you to the maid cafe because you think they won't take you seriously?" (Y/N) questioned.

"Well I can kind of see why they might think that." Aphmau mumbled to herself with a chuckle.

"PLEASE, Aphmau~Senpai and (Y/N)~Senpai? Kawaii~Chan plans to use the extra money she makes to repair the house. Pretty please?" Kawaii~Chan begged.

Aphmau and (Y/N) looked at each other.

"Hey Aaron, would you mind if we picked up our conversation later?" Aphmau called to Aaron.

"No problem." Aaron replied back.

"Thanks. We'll be back after this. Alrighty Kawaii~Chan, we're here to help you." (Y/N) said.

"Yay! Hehehe. C'mon, let's go! Kawaii~Chan will explain everything you need to know on the way!" Kawaii~Chan said and runs off.

Aphmau and (Y/N) follow Kawaii~Chan.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

Aphmau and I try to keep up with Kawaii~Chan as she runs down the street.

"Kawaii~Chan! Kawaii~Chan, wait up!" I shouted.

"Aphmau~Senpai and (Y/N)~Senpai, we have to get there soon before someone else gets the job!" Kawaii~Chan said.

"(Y/N) and I honestly don't understand why you need us here for this! What can we possibly do or even say to make you be taken more seriously?" Aphmau said.

Kawaii~Chan suddenly stops running. "..." She sits in silence.

Aphmau and I stopped running.

"I mean, come on. Kawaii~Chan, it's a maid cafe. Isn't the point of it to be sweet and silly sometimes? Aphmau and I honestly think that you're already perfect for the job." I said.

"Kawaii~Chan just doesn't want to take any chances..." Kawaii~Chan said.

Aphmau sighs. "Let me guess. Katelyn is super mad at you, huh?" She said.

Kawaii~Chan nods her head slowly. "Mmmhmm...."

I sighed. "You know that the cookie incident was half her fault, right? I mean... honestly, Aphmau and I are mad at both of you, but we would assume that the shock of the house being on fire and being caught in the fire is more than enough. You don't have to go out the same day and get a job just to pay for the damages. We can figure out a way to fix the damages ourselves." I said.

"HOW CAN APHMAU~SENPAI AND (Y/N)~SENPAI BE SO CALM ABOUT THIS!?" Kawaii~Chan suddenly shouted, startling me and Aphmau.

"You know? (Y/N) and I were thinking about that and, surprisingly, we weren't mad when we saw the fire. It's probably due to the fact that we weren't the ones responsible. But, um... hey, did the fire reach my and (Y/N)'s rooms by any chance? Or anything?" Aphmau said.

"No... only the kitchen and parts of the bottom floor were burned, a bit of the stairs but..." Kawaii~Chan trails off.

"I see." Aphmau said.

"So Zane's ponies are fine. Good." Aphmau and I whispered to ourselves.

"Huh?" Kawaii~Chan asked.

"Oh, nothing, nothing! Say, we better get moving here. If you did set on this, then we're not going to stop you and... we're already agreeing to helping you so we're kind of stuck now. But Aphmau and I just wanted to ask why you were so gung ho about having us in this?" I said.

"...Kawaii~Chan just wants someone to be there for her... This is Kawaii~Chan's dream job and she wants to make sure she has someone there..." Kawaii~Chan said and continues walking.

Aphmau and I followed Kawaii~Chan.

"Don't worry, we get it. Now, you said something about explaining things on the way there?" I said.

"Oh yes! So, the cafe is the first one to open up in the city... as you can imagine so many kawaii girls have already jumped on the job... Kawaii~Chan wanted to see if maybe having some friends there to explain the situation with the house would help her AT LEAST get her foot in the door." Kawaii~Chan explained.

"Oh, what? So you're going to try to make them feel sorry for you? Is that what you're saying?" I said, starting to laugh.

Aphmau begins to laugh along with me.

Kawaii~Chan slowly turns to face us in silence. "..."

"I didn't think you were that ruthless, Kawaii~Chan! Wow!" Aphmau said.

Kawaii~Chan still stood in silence. "..."

"Oh my gosh! Taking advantage of a situation like that! Really!?" I said.

"HUH!?" Kawaii~Chan said, shocked.

"We mean... it's not like you're lying, but this is a side of you Aphmau and I didn't even know you had." I said.

"S-So it's okay...?" Kawaii~Chan asked slowly.

"I mean... yeah. You're not lying. So, go for it! We'll help you anyway we can." Aphmau said.

"YAAAY! Come on! Follow me!" Kawaii~Chan said, running across the street.

Aphmau and I followed Kawaii~Chan. "Okay."

"This is the place? Hmm." I said.

The building is quite big. Its outside is grey with pink tinted windows and plants that were currently covered in snow all along the outside.

Kawaii~Chan, Aphmau and I open the door and walk into the maid cafe.

Aphmau shuts the door.

The inside entrance has stone brick walls with pink carpet, with pictures of pink flowers and actual pink flowers hanging on the wall. Where you have the tables, the floor has a mix of light brown hardwood and pink carpeting. The tables and chairs are white that go along with the beige walls next to them. The ceiling has big white lights and some beams that can still be seen.

"Oh wow. Look at this place!" I said.

"It's so cute!" Aphmau said.

"The person who hires people for this place is over there! Oooh! What should Kawaii~Chan do!?" Kawaii~Chan said, looking to a girl that has purple and blue hair, along with a flower crown.

"Uh... go and talk to her maybe?" I said.

"Y-You're right!" Kawaii~Chan said and slowly walks up to the lady.

"You can do this, Kawaii~Chan. Come on, you've got it." Aphmau and I whispered loudly to Kawaii~Chan.

"Good evenin' my loves, what can Saika~Chan do for you?" The lady, who apparently was the assistant manager, said.


"Oh. Good job, Kawaii~Chan." Aphmau whispered.

"Oh sweetie, you're an absolute cutie! However there are no positions open... even though we are completely understaffed today..." Saika said.

"Uh... what? What does that mean exactly?" I asked.

"We have too many people on our payroll and a lot of them have been sick this week. We did have a position open earlier this week but it was quickly taken up." Saika explained.

Kawaii~Chan started to cry silently.

Aphmau and I patted Kawaii~Chan on her back. "Oh Kawaii~Chan."

"I'll be hiring again soon if my staff keep acting up like this, so come back some other time, okay?" Saika said.

Kawaii~Chan sighed. "Kawaii~Chan will just have to wait on her dream job..." She said.

"Aww. Kawaii~Chan, don't cry." Aphmau said.

Kawaii~Chan stops crying.

"It's okay. You'll be perfectly fine! But, there's gonna be another opportunity for you to come here and it'll be all good." I said.


"What?" Aphmau and I muttered to ourselves.

"HMPH! MICHI DIDN'T LIKE THIS DUMB JOB ANYWAY!" An angry voice shouted back.

Michi storms out from the back of the maid cafe in a maid dress past the group.

My and Aphmau's eyes widened when we saw Michi. "What!? Michi!? Wha!?" We exclaimed.

Michi opens the door, walks outside and then shuts the door as she walked away.

"Uhhh... okay." I said.

"Heh...heh...heh... GOOD NEWS! A NEW... UH... "TRIAL" POSITION JUST OPENED UP!" Saika shouted.

 "R-Really!?" Kawaii~Chan shouted in excitement.

"Head to the back and you'll find colored maid outfits! Pick any of them and start entertaining the guests! If they order anything from the menu just take the order to the back and the cooking staff will take care of it." Saika said fast.

"Wait wait wait wait. W-what? All... wait what!?" Aphmau said, shocked.

"I'll give you instructions as you go, now hurry! We're so understaffed it's not even funny! If you girls do a good job on your "trial" day on your own then we'll make sure you three get the job!" Saika continued.

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute. So, you said three... W-wait, no no... (Y/N) and I are NOT-" Aphmau starts.

"(Aphmau's Senpai! Please don't say anything... they might think Kawaii~Chan doesn't want this job either!)" Kawaii~Chan whispered.

Aphmau sighed. "Oh, FINE! Fine, Fine." She said.

"Yes, we accept." I said.

"Now, GO! GO! GO! Quick before my boss gets mad at me, she has a short temper!" Saika said.

 "All right. Kawaii~Chan, lead the way. You know this place." I said.

Aphmau and I follow Kawaii~Chan to the back where the changing rooms are.

~Short Time Skip~

Aphmau was wearing a purple maid dress while I was wearing a (F/C) maid dress. We were waiting for Kawaii~Chan to finish putting her maid dress on.

"I can't believe I'm actually gonna do this." Aphmau turned and looks at the dressing room doors. "YOU OWE US BIG TIME FOR THIS, KAWAII~CHAN!" She shouted with a sigh.

Kawaii~Chan opens the dressing room doors and walks out in her pink maid outfit. "ANYTHING! AFTER THIS, KAWAII~CHAN WILL DO ANYTHING TO MAKE THIS UP TO APHMAU~SENPAI AND (Y/N)~SENPAI! THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH!" Kawaii~Chan said in excitement.

"Yeah yeah..." Aphmau trails off.

"Hey Kawaii~Chan, I thought Michi worked at IHop with you? Why is she here?" I said.

Kawaii~Chan shuts the dressing room doors. "Oh... Michi~Chan got fired from IHop because... well, a lot of things." She responded.

"Oh... I see." I said.

"Anyway! Kawaii~Chan is going to go and make a GREAT impression! This is her moment to shine! Good luck to you Aphmau~Senpai and (Y/N)~Senpai!" Kawaii~Chan said. She opens the door, walks out of the room and shuts the door.

"Uh... heh." Aphmau exhales. "Uh... yeah, yeah. I guess as long as no one sees us here, then we're good. Um, so what do I do?" She said. 

"What I remember from watching anime that has maid cafe scenes in them is that we have to be cute and take orders." I said.

"Well... Heh, a new experience, I guess." Aphmau said, opening the door and walking out of the room.

I followed after Aphmau and shut the door.

"Okay so... let's see. Um, they're just gonna let us really go at this blind? Like... what? There's no table assignments?" Aphmau said.

Aphmau and I see Kawaii~Chan running around, taking orders.

"Look at Kawaii~Chan go. Wow! It's like she already knows this place." I said.

Aphmau nodded in agreement.

"Okay. Well then, I guess we'll just go out there and make sure people are happy with my ordering." Aphmau said.

~3rd POV~

Aphmau goes to a table while (Y/N) went to the table next to the one that Aphmau walked up to.

"Uh... h-hello." Aphmau greeted the customer.

"Hi!" (Y/N) greeted her customer.

Outside, Garroth, Laurance, Dante and Travis are standing outside the maid cafe as they stared at the building.

"This is the place?" Garroth asked.

"Yes. This is the place alright!" Travis said with a smirk.

Aphmau and (Y/N) look away from their customers and out the window. They gasped when they saw the boys.

"Oh no! What are they doing outside!?" (Y/N) said.

"Hopefully they won't come in." Aphmau added.

Kawaii~Chan opens the door and walks outside. "Hey guys! Come on in!" She said.


Aphmau and (Y/N) started crying. "We can't let them see us like this." Not having enough time, they run into the kitchen.

Zane opens the door and walks into the kitchen. "Aphmau? (Y/N)?" He said.

Aphmau and (Y/N) turned around to see Zane. "GYAH! Zane!? What are you doing here!?" They shouted.

"I got a temporary side job delivering packages. I just dropped off some baking supplies. Why are you two hiding back here?" Zane said.

I sighed. "Kawaii~Chan wanted to work here at the maid and... Aphmau and I decided to help her get the job and ended up getting dragged into a trial work day here and, well, as you can see... we're in these dresses." I explained.

"Uh... y-you both look really cute." Zane said, stuttering a little.

"Heh. Thanks, but that's not the point. Garroth, Laurance, Travis and Dante are sitting at the tables now and we honestly don't want them to see us like this." I said.

"We only helped out Kawaii~Chan because we thought that no one we knew was going to see us, and now you're here and we're stuck back here and we have no idea how to get past them to get our regular clothes!" Aphmau said.

"I bet they don't even know you're both here." Zane said.

"Of course Aphmau~Senpai and (Y/N)~Senpai are here! And they're wearing super cute maid outfits just like Kawaii~Chan!" Kawaii~Chan said to the guys at the table they're sitting at.

"Kawaii~Chan, I don't even. Oh Irene and Bella, help us!" Aphmau said.

"Hmm... I think I have an idea." Zane said.

"Really?" (Y/N) asked, looking up at Zane.

Zane walks closer to Aphmau and (Y/N) and looks them directly in the eyes. "Take off your clothes."


Aphmau and (Y/N) slapped Zane hard across the face.

"OUCH!" Zane cried out in pain.

"WE DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO THINK OF YOU RIGHT NOW! YOU, YOU-" Aphmau and (Y/N) started to shout.

"Jeez, I didn't mean it like that! I meant we could trade clothes so you don't have to go out in those outfits!" Zane yelled back.

"You couldn't have phrased it any other way!? You had to say it in such an inappropriate manner!?" (Y/N) said.

"We went over this! I HAVE TERRIBLE SOCIAL SKILLS! I don't socialize with people often!" Zane shouted at (Y/N).

Aphmau groaned. "You got a point. Fine, you're forgiven." She said.

"But, still... Zane, are you sure about this?" (Y/N) said.

"Not really, no. I'd rather not, but I'd rather them not see you in those." Zane said, blushing lightly.

"Really?" Aphmau asked.

"Yes. Now if you're going to do this, you two better decide now because I'm this close to changing my mind. I have an extra set of the clothes I'm wearing that Aphmau can change into." Zane said.

Aphmau and (Y/N) think for a moment. "Mmmmm... fine." They said.

~Time Skip | At the boys's table~

"I can't wait to see how cute she looks in the maid outfit!" Garroth said.

"I can't believe she actually put one on." Laurance said.

"What are you doing Travis?" Dante asked, turning to Travis who had his phone out.

"Getting my camera ready~" Travis said with a smirk.

"GIVE ME THAT PHONE!" Dante shouted.

"Hey boys~ Wanna see something kawaii?" (Y/N) said in a sexy voice as she and Aphmau stood from behind the door.

Garroth, Laurance, Dante  and Travis all started to cheer. "Yeah! Absolutely! I can't wait to see this!" They said and stared at the door.

Zane opens it and walks out in the (F/C) maid outfit while Aphmau was wearing a blue version of Zane's work clothes.

(Y/N) wolf whistles as she was now wearing the red jacket that Zane was wearing.

"AHHHHH!" Garroth, Laurance, Dante and Travis all screamed in terror and run out the door.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!" Travis yelled.

"NEVER AGAIN!" Dante yelled.


"CLEAR THE SOUL!" Garroth yelled.

 Aphmau and (Y/N) started laughing.


"OH, IT WAS SO PERFECT!" (Y/N) giggled. "Zane, you're a great friend! Aphmau and I owe you one!" She said.

"Thanks. Now can I have my clothes back please? I'm really starting to regret my decision." Zane said, face red of embarrassment.


Word Count: 3537 words
