Ep.3 - The Cool Guys

~3rd P.O.V. | At the Guys' House~

Garroth and Laurance were running around the house from room to room, making sure everything was clean and perfect.

"Laurance!" Garroth called sharply.

"Garroth!" Laurance replied as he dashed up the stairs from the basement towards Garroth.

"Did you make sure that we have the kind of food they like?" Garroth asked.

"Yes! Uh, did you make sure all the toilet seats in the house are down?" Laurance replied.

Garroth started to freak out. "Oh no, I forgot!"

This made Laurance panic. "They're gonna be here any minute!" He exclaimed in a rather high pitched voice.

They heard a door open to reveal an annoyed Dante. "What are you guys freaking about now?" He asked, sounding rather tired of the noise they were making.

"Aphmau and (Y/N) are coming to visit our place today." Laurance explained.

"We have to make a good impression, so (Y/N) can kiss me." Garroth added while daydreaming.

"Yeah... HEY, WAIT A MINUTE!" Laurance said with an angry voice when he realized what Garroth had said.

Dante just bursted out laughing. "You guys are hilarious. You overreact to anything having to do with those two."

This made Garroth very angry. "NO. WE. DON'T!" He yelled as he suddenly turned into his Jury of Nine form from Minecraft Diaries (A/N: MCD reference).

"....Okay. Garroth, maybe Dante has a point." Laurance said gently.

This amused Dante. "Getting either of them to be my girlfriend is gonna be easy if you guys keep acting this immature." He laughed.

"What?! Hey, you still are planning to going after them." Laurance said, sounding very indignant.

Garroth turned back to normal. "Calm down, Laurence." He said soothingly. "Even if he did go after them, he doesn't stand a chance. He doesn't love (Y/N) the way we do."

Dante raised an eyebrow at this statement. "And why are you so sure of that?" He challenged.

"Because... uh..." Laurance stammered, trying to think of a reason.

"Maybe I actually have feelings for them but I've just been really cool about it. Ever think about that?"

"He's lying! ....Uh, right?" Garroth said, unsure.

"I mean, I did wait 15 years to see them again so... just some food for thought. Can't wait to see them when they come over, it's going to be hilarious!" Dante laughed. "You guys couldn't even keep your cool around them if your lives depended on it." He continued, before laughing and going back into his room.

"Tch!" Laurance turned to Garroth. "Garroth, I think that's a challenge. Let's prove him wrong. We're gonna be so cool around Aphmau and (Y/N) that they won't even recognize us." He said with a smirk.

This made Garroth feel confident. "Yeah!" He said proudly.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

"Oh no." Laurance said.

Garroth jumped into the air and screamed like a girl. He then ran into his room and shuts himself in.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

I rang the doorbell again.

"Hmm, I wonder if they're even home right now." Aphmau said.

"They said they were going to be.,," I reminded her. Then, I saw Laurance from the door window.

Laurence walks towards the door.

"Oh. Heh, there he is." Aphmau said.

Laurance opens the door.

"Laurence, hey." I greeted warmly. 

"Aphmau, (Y/N)!" Laurance said.

Aphmau and I walk inside.

"Thanks for having us over." Aphmau said.

Laurance shuts the door.

"Um... First off, I wanted to apologize for before... when (Y/N) and myself accused you guys of moving here, because you found our address. That was really self-centered of us and (Y/N) and I feel like we didn't respect you guys. We're really sorry." Aphmau said.

Laurance chuckled. "Heh, you have nothing to apologize for!"

"No, I insist. Um, second... Aphmau and I wanted to welcome you guys to the neighborhood! I mean, I know we just moved in at the same time and we have been so busy so, um... welcome! Also, I made you guys this cake." I take out the cake. "Here you go." I said and handed the cake to Laurance. "It's not as amazing as the cakes Kawaii~Chan makes, but I tried." I laughed a little. "So, yeah..."

"T-Thank you! I'm sure it's amazing since... you made it." Laurance said turning red a little.

"Eh... well let me know what you think when you try it." I looked at Laurance. "So, where's Garroth and Dante?" I asked.

Laurance's eyes go wide. "WELL GARROTH WAS HERE BUT---"

"Uh... Okay? It doesn't matter?" Aphmau asked, looking at Laurance confused.

"I mean... um, Garroth is around. I'm sure Garroth and Dante are both in their rooms getting freshened up." Laurance said, regaining his cool.

"Oh, I-I see. Well..." I start.

"Well what?" Laurance asked, not catching around.

"Don't you want to show me around?" I asked, giving a small laugh.

Laurence comes closer. "The town!? Like a date?!" He asked, right in my face.

I back up a little and laugh nervously. "Oh heh... Uh... no I-I meant like the house. You could show me and Aphmau around the house..."

Laurance blushes a very bright red.

I see this and got concerned. "Um Laurance, are you okay?" I asked.

"(I am so stupid,my Irene and Bella!)" Laurance whispered to himself.

"Laurence, you're whispering again. Are you sure you're okay?" I said.

"I just need a drink of water or something. I think I'm coming down with a fever." Laurance said, looking around the room.

"Oh no! (Y/N) and I don't have to be over. It's just-" Aphmau was cut off by Laurance.

"I'll be back... (Laurence you're such an idiot! That wasn't "cool" at all!)" Laurance said, whispering the last part to himself and runs off to the kitchen.

"Uh, okay. All right. Okay... that was very interesting." I said.

Aphmau and I walk out of the entrance room.

"I didn't know Laurance- Oh." I said.

Aphmau and I see Garroth coming from around the corner. He jumps when he sees me.

"Hey! Garroth!" I said, smiling.

"Aphmau! (Y-Y/N)!" Garroth said, surprised.

"It's great to see you. Aphmau and I haven't seen you since-" Garroth cuts me off.

"I-I-I thought L-Laurence was seeing you inside." Garroth stuttered.

"Yeah. But then he just all of a sudden got really sweaty and red and his face became flustered when he saw (Y/N). I mean, he went to the kitchen to go get some water... I think." Aphmau said.

"Oh! Well if t-that's the case we should go get him!" Garroth said about to walk to the kitchen, but I stopped him.

"No, no! It's fine. Leave him alone. If he's not feeling good, I don't want to bother him. He just needs some time for himself I think." I said.

"B-But... (keep your cool Garroth, come on!)" Garroth said, whispering the last part to himself.

"Um, did you say something?" I asked, coming closer to Garroth.

"I said... uh... did you want to watch a movie tonight? We were thinking about ordering pizza and hot wings. I know how much you and Aphmau like hot wings from that pizza place." Garroth said.

"Well, that's sounds amazing and Aphmau and I are all for that...." I think back to what happened with Kawaii~Chan and the pizza guy and gave an unsure noise. "I don't know how I feel about ordering pizza for the next week or so..."

"...I-Is something wrong?" Garroth asked.

"Um, kind of. You see, Aphmau and I just had a semi-bad experience with the pizza guy the other day." I said.

"...What? Did he do something to you?" Garroth asked, coming closer and getting concerned.

"No... More like Kawaii~Chan did something to him. (Y/N) and I might as well just tell you the whole story cause it's gonna come up eventually. She ended up liking the pizza guy so much that she gave him a cookie and it was accidentally infused with the kind of magicks that caused him to fall asleep." Aphmau explained.

"Now now, don't get me and Aphmau wrong. We're not entirely sure if we believe that or not... but she was very sincere about her apology to us and... Let's just say we're keeping our eyes on her. But Aphmau and I really needed to get out of the house today. She just kept on talking to us about how she imagined how his abs were and she started to name their future kids and um... Yeah, things were getting super creepy. I mean, Aphmau and I love Kawaii~Chan, but I think we just needed a small break from her." I added.

"Oh wow that sounds like it was an experience, wait... was it that pizza guy who is pink?" Garroth asked.

"Yeah it's him actually!" Aphmau and I exclaimed in sync.

Garroth started to laugh. "Bawahahahahaha! That's Reese. We met him the other day. He seems like a cool guy, though he's completely pink so I can see why Kawaii~Chan would like him. Isn't that her favorite color?" He said.

"It is her favorite color. I mean, obviously come on. But I mean, is he okay by the way? I was gonna ask him about the whole pink thing, but I figured it was really rude to ask that and honestly none of my and (Y/N)'s business." Aphmau said.

Garroth scratches the back of his neck. "Yeah, Dante was rude enough to just outright ask him about that. He's apparently from another Dimension or something where he was the Prince of Candy people. He says his other brothers are like him but different colors - if that's true then that's pretty interesting." He said.

"Oh wow, that is pretty interesting. Uh speaking of interesting, Aphmau and I wanna see your place. Do you wanna show us around?" I said.

"S-S-Sure! Um, f-follow me!" Garroth stuttered.

"Awesome!" Aphmau said.

Aphmau and I followed Garroth.

"This place is so nice actually." Aphmau said in awe.

"Where do you even begin?" I asked.

Garroth first shows me and Aphmau stairs going down. "This is the basement, it's really messy inside since we've been tossing cardboard in there for recycling. So, no tour for that place yet. Though we want to make it into a gaming room." He explained.

"That sounds awesome! That sounds really awesome. We would love to go in there." Aphmau said.

"Yeah, that does sound awesome! I should come over a lot and play video games with you guys!" I said.

Garroth, Aphmau and I walked to a door.

"This room belongs to Laurence, he usually leaves it open, so go on in!" Garroth explained and opens the door.

"Oh okay." I said as I thank him and walk in.

Aphmau walked in as well. "Oh, it's raining outside." She said, looking out the window and saw that it had started to rain.

It was a small room with a small desk. There is a 'Halo' poster above the desk and his bed. In the far corner, there is a small punching bag.

"Oh my gosh. Oh, look at that. Wow that's a nice poster. A nice 'Halo' poster." I turned around and I saw a Trans-Siberian Orchestra poster hanging on the wall. "Oh, and the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. That's so cool."

Aphmau and I walked out of the room and we move on to the next door.

"This is my room, it's a little empty at the moment. I just ordered a carpet to spruce it up." Garroth said proudly, walking into his room.

Aphmau and I walked into the room as well.

It was another small room with a desk near the door. Garroth had a Zelda poster next to his bed. He also had a bigger punching bag in the corner just like Katelyn has.

"Oh this is nice! I like your setup too. This is really cool." I saw the Zelda poster that was on the wall next to Garroth's bed. "You got a nice poster of Zelda... Link looking at... You know what I mean. And Aerosmith, that's awesome."

Aphmau and I walked out of the room.

"All righty. Uh, I see you guys are still unpacking." Aphmau said, noticing the crates that were in the corner.

Garroth showed us the next room. "This is the bathroom. Nothing special."

Aphmau and I take a look inside anyway. 

The bathroom has a small tub that takes up one side of the room. On the other side, there is a toilet and two sinks.

"Nothing special? You guys got like two sinks! That's crazy!" Aphmau laughed.

Aphmau and I walk out of the bathroom and shut the door.

Garroth points to a door in the corner. "This is Dante's room. He's inside so... I wouldn't feel right barging in."

"Okay. All right." Aphmau and I nodded, understanding.

Aphmau, Garroth and I walk back into the living room and turn into the kitchen. We saw Laurence in the kitchen near the sink.

"Oh, there's my cake... Oh and... Laurance" I noticed Laurance standing in front of the sink and walked up to him. "Laurence, are... are you okay?"

Laurence doesn't even hear me or notice that that I'm there. "(I of all people should have kept my cool...now i feel stupid...ugh)" He whispered to himself.

"Um, okay. Well if you're sick Laur-... Uh, nevermind." I decided to not bother Laurance and just leave him alone. "He's having an inner monologue or something." I said, walking away slowly.

Garroth takes me and Aphmau outside to the backyard.

They have a medium-sized hot tub, along with lots of yard space.

"Oh." Aphmau gasped. "Oh wow, look at this." She noticed the house behind the hedged-style fence. "That house looks nice and... Oh look at the tree house over there! That's so cute!"

I noticed something. "Oh what's this?" I gasps when I got climbed onto it and saw that it was a hot tub. "Oh my gosh! Is this a hot tub?! That is so cool!"

"Heh, yeah." Garroth said.

"Oh my gosh, this is awesome!" Aphmau said, standing next to me.

I looked at Garroth. "Hey, maybe Aphmau and I can come over and use it sometime." I looked back towards the hot tub. "Um, it looks really nice. The water looks great, even though it just... I just realized it stopped raining. How interesting... But really, the water looks awesome. I have this amazing bathing suit that I just ordered and it's just like the best."

Garroth's face blushed a deep red when (Y/N) said 'bathing suit'.

I started to ramble on. "Also, I hear it's the best time... like winter is the best time to use these. I'm not sure how true that is, but my friend once told me it's quite the experience to get out of a hot tub in the cold air." As I was rambling, I didn't notice that Garroth started to back away slowly, his face still blushing a deep red. "I feel that would get you like really sick fast though. I'm not sure about doing it, but um... It's fine. I'm excited to use my bathing suit though." I finally turned around. "I've been really like... Honestly, we have a swimming pool, but..." I saw Garroth run into the house. "Uh... Garroth?"

Aphmau and I climbed down from the hot tub.

"Um, where did he go?" I asked, but shrugged it off. "Well..." I looked back towards the hot tub. "Anyway, this place still looks nice and-" 

Aphmau and I looked at the house and saw Dante looking at us through the window.

"Oh!" Aphmau said, a little surprised to see Dante staring through the window.

(A/N: Did anyone imagine Dante saying, "Here's Johnny!", but instead he says, "Here's Dante!"?)

"Dante, there you are! Aphmau and I were beginning to wonder where you were." I said.

Aphmau giggled.

Dante comes outside. "Hey Aphmau! Hey (Y/N)!"

"Dante... huh." I said, walking towards him.

Aphmau walked up to Dante as well.

"Sorry, Aphmau and I were just admiring the hot tub." I said, looking towards the hot tub before looking back at Dante.

"It's great to see you again! How are you doing?" Dante said.

"Um, we're doing good. Just been really busy moving in... like crazy busy." Aphmau said.

"I feel ya, it's a LOT of work." Dante said, understanding what Aphmau was saying.

"Heh, well tell me about it. The nice thing though is that Aphmau and I are doing some shopping and we found some really cute posters. We just love cute things and we got a few new ones coming in the mail, so we're super excited about that." I said.

"That sounds awesome!" Dante exclaimed with amazement.

Aphmau and I giggled.

"Hey, speaking of cute, I got something to show ya Follow me!" Dante said, walking into the house.

"Sure, yeah!" Aphmau said, following Dante.

I walked into the house as well. "Um, I'll close these doors really quick." I shut the doors and followed Aphmau and Dante.

"Oh, we're going to your room." Aphmau said.

Aphmau and I followed Dante into his room.

"Oh. Interesting." Aphmau said, giggling a little.

Dante had an UNDERTALE poster on his wall, along with a desk and his bed in the corner.

"Um... alright. So, what do you want to show us? Oh, I'll close this." I said, shutting the door.

~3rd POV~

"So you had mentioned earlier you both like cute things. I wanted to show you this. I think you'll both get a kick out of it." Dante said, pulling something out of one of the drawers of his desk.

"Hmm? Uh, what is it?" (Y/N) asked.

Dante handed Aphmau and (Y/N) a picture of him as a baby.

Aphmau gasped. "Aww Dante! Oh my gosh!"

"It's me when I was a baby!" Dante said.

"Oh Dante! Aww, look at how wittle you were!" Aphmau and (Y/N) gushed at how adorable Dante looked as a baby.

Dante laughed.

~Outside of Dante's Room~

Garroth runs up to Laurance in the hallway. "Where are they?" He asked.

"I looked all over the house. I can't find them!" Laurance said, sounding slightly panicked.

Suddenly, they heard two voices coming from Dante's room.

"Dante, you're adorable!" The two voices said.

"W-What?!" Garroth exclaimed, panicking in horror.

"They're in Dante's room with Dante!?" Laurance yelled, freaking out.

"Aww, you didn't have to share this with us. But, I'm glad you did." They heard Aphmau say.

"I never knew this side of you before." They heard (Y/N) say.

"Calm down, Garroth. We can't assume things." Laurance said, trying to keep himself calm.

"Seriously, you're so cute!" Aphmau said.

"Aww, I just wanna hug and kiss you!" (Y/N) added.

"THAT'S IT!" Laurance yelled.

~Inside of Dante's Room~

Garroth ran straight at the door and broke it down. "DANTE, YOU'RE DEAD!!! He yelled at the top of his lungs, but then felt very awkward once he was in the room. ".....Uh... "

Aphmau and (Y/N) sighed.

"You two were listening through the door, weren't  you?" Aphmau said flatly.

"Yeah." Garroth and Laurance both said, sounding very ashamed.

"And you thought something was going on, didn't you?" (Y/N) continued, just as flatly.

"Yeah." Garroth and Laurance both replied again.

Aphmau sighed. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Dante and (Y/N), please excuse me. I'll be back in a second." She said and walks to the bathroom.

"You guys are just hilarious." Dante said.

"You set this up, didn't you?" Laurance hissed in anger.

"No. I actually didn't." Dante replied, shaking his head left and right.

"Well-" Garroth was cut off by Aphmau screaming.


The guys and (Y/N) looked at each other and laughed.

After a few seconds, (Y/N) calmed herself down and decided to be a good sister and help get Aphmau unstuck from the toilet.


Word Count: 3268 words
