Ep.14 - The New Guy

~3rd POV~

Garroth ran around the house, screaming at the top of his lungs while Laurance sat at the couch reading his book.


"I'm... in the living room... trying to finish my book. What's up?" Laurance replied.

Garroth goes right behind Laurance and leans down to his ear. "FEATHERS!" He said.

Laurance slowly turns and looks at Garroth. "What?"

"Dante and I have been buying lots of feathers to make women more attracted to us. Don't you realize that at the New Year's Party? Kenmur managed to get a kiss BECAUSE of the feathers." Garroth said, making it seem like the most obvious thing in the world.

"Garroth, Kenmur didn't get a kiss just because of the feathers. He's a good guy. He just got the courage to go and kiss Emmalyn, that's all." Laurance replied.

"Because. Of. THE FEATHERS." Garroth said.

"You and Dante have been driving me crazy with those dumb feathers! I swear if we get another package of feathers in the mail from the feather shopping spree you guys have been on, I'm going to-" Laurance's rant was cut off by the doorbell.

*Ding Dong*

Laurance's eye twitches and he glares at Garroth, slowly getting up and making his way to the door.

"Ooohhh, and good day to you, my good man. I have a a huge delivery of feathers for this very house. These feathers are of the highest quality too. Very good for... a getting the ladies." The mailman said to Laurance while throwing the feathers around in a circle.

Laurance shakes his head.

"But you don't have to take my word for it, eh?" The creepy mailman continues.

"WE DON'T WANT THEM!" Laurance screamed and slams the door.

"What?? Is this the wrong house? Timberly is soo fired!" The creepy mailman shouted and runs off the porch.

"Hey! I needed those!" Garroth whined.

"NO. YOU. DON'T." Laurance said, getting closer to Garroth's face.

Dante opens the front door and walks in, slowly. "Heheheh... Hey guys..." He said, trailing off.

"Dante. Please, you and Garroth need to stop this feather madness. Not only is it annoying beyond belief, but I think the feathers are starting to ruffle up my nose." Laurance said, holding back a sneeze.

"Y-Yeah... about that. We're going to have to stop this feather thing, Garroth." Dante said.

"WHAT!? WHY!?" Garroth shouted.

"Garroth, you realize we spent hundreds of dollars on feathers this weekend, right? I'm actually ashamed of my behavior over these past couple of days. I'm trying way too hard to impress (Y/N). Watching ponies, buying feathers? I think I'm just gonna chill out for a bit." Dante said.

"Thank you, Dante. Finally, someone with some sense." Laurance said, nudging Garroth.

"However, see... Garroth and I went really crazy with our money and, guys... we don't have enough to pay for the rent for this month." Dante said, looking down.

"WHAT?!" Garroth and Laurance shouted in sync.

"WHY DID YOU LET US BUY SO MANY DUMB FEATHERS!?" Garroth shouted at Dante.

"I thought it was a good idea at first, I don't know! But..." Dante sighed. "It's the first week of the month and if we don't get our rent in, we're going to be kicked out." He said.

"What are we gonna do!?" Laurance panicked.

"Well... see... I've already thought about that and I've come up with a solution. Another roommate!" Dante said.

"No way, Dante. This place is crowded enough." Laurance said.

"Well, it's kind of too late for that because I already invited him and... he already said yes to moving in and... he's outside the door. Waiting to come in." Dante said, glancing at the door.

"Are you serious?" Laurance whispered.

"DANTE, YOU'RE DEAD!" Garroth shouted.

"Look, do you guys wanna live across from (Y/N) or what?" Dante asked in a firm tone.

"Tch... fine." Laurance said, looking away.

"I hate it when you have a point." Garroth mumbled.

"That's what I thought. Hey, come on in!" Dante said, turning towards the door.

On cue, a man with white hair and emerald green eyes walks in. He is wearing a dark green hoodie with black pants and grey shoes.

"Thanks Dante. Hey Laurance, good to see ya. Hope you guys don't mind me coming in on short notice. Dante here said I could room in the basement." The man said.

"I sure did. And of course they don't mind, Travis! Now, let's see... you already have met Laurance before so... Travis, this is Garroth. Garroth, Travis." Dante said, introducing the two.

"Nice to meet you." Travis said.

"It's nice to meet you too, Travis." Garroth said, shaking Travis' hand.

"Sooo, Dante... you said there were some pretty fly honey's in the neighborhood." Travis said, smirking.

"Oh, for sure! Let's see... first off there's Kawaii~Chan who can be a little annoying sometimes but she is a cutie." Dante starts.

"Oh no... not another guy!" Laurance thinks to himself.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE DANTE WOULD PICK ANOTHER GOOD LOOKING GUY INTO- Wait, Laurance? Was that you?" Garroth thinks to himself, then turns to Laurance.

"Garroth? Are we communicating with our thoughts?" Laurance thinks.

"Uh, who cares? What I care about right now is that Dante is going over a list of ladies to that guy, and he is relatively handsome. This could be a problem if he mentions Aphmau or (Y/N). We have to stop him before he mentions them or this might be an issue." Garroth thinks.

"Travis is a HUGE flirt too. More so than Dante! You're right, we need to put a stop to his now! " Laurance thinks.

"Oh, and of course I saved the best two for last. Aphmau and (Y/N) are-" Dante starts.

"Hey Travis! You know, Dante could tell you about those fly honey's but, it's not really gonna mean much." Laurance said.

Travis laughed. "I don't think you understand how good I am with the ladies." He said, cockily.

"Yeah... but you've never come across Aaron." Laurance said.

"Um, who?" Travis questioned.

Garroth turns to Laurance. "Ah... that's right! Aaron! He's like, THE babe magnet on the block." He said.

 "Yeah, like... I don't think you even stand a chance against him. He's, like, amazing at everything." Laurance said.

"Heh, excuse me? But I know seven different languages, two being the language of love. I was casted as Romeo every single time I audition for the play "Romeo and Juliet", and my female actresses would refuse to perform on stage without me when I was sick. Not only that, but I'm an amazing cook, work out seven times, and I'm on the swim team. PLUS I love to cuddle for hours on end, take long walks on the beaches AND I VOLUNTEER AT A LOCAL PUPPY HOSPITAL. Every. Weekend. There's no way this Aaron guy is a match for me." Travis said.

"Huh. Well I'm glad you work at a puppy hospital, because you're gonna need a puppy to hug when Aaron STEALS YO GIRL!" Laurance said.

Garroth begins to laugh, soon joined by Laurance himself.

"I bet he couldn't even get a lady's attention off Aaron long enough for her to notice him!" Garroth said through laughter.

"Pft, you guys are pathetic! Try to get Travis to challenge Aaron so you can knock them both off your list of guys interested in (Y/N)? Both Travis and I see right through your little scheme and aren't going to fall for it, right Travis?" Dante said.

"Show me where this Aaron lives and I'll take ALL the babes from him!" Travis shouted.

Dante sighed. "Travis! Look, you guys are on your own on this one. I'm sitting this out." Dante said and walks away.

~Aaron's House | (Y/N)'s POV~

Aphmau, Aaron and I sat on the couch, watching "Steven Universe" on the television. Aaron was sitting on the right end of the couch, I was sitting on the left end of the couch and Aphmau was sitting in the middle between me and Aaron.

"So... aside from that, do you have any resolutions this year Aaron?" Aphmau asked, turning to Aaron.

"...Not really." Aaron said.

"Hm... Aphmau and I kind of figured." I said.

"What about you?" Aaron asked me.

"Uh... hmm... Well, I'm not sure actually. A lot of people were asking me that at the New Year's party. I mean, I guess I'm going to make my resolution as I go this year, really. Normally when Aphmau and I make resolutions, we set ourselves up for disappointment... but we're not going to lie, they are pretty fun to make!" I said, laughing.

"One should always look to improve themselves as they live their lives." Aaron said.

"Hmm... exactly!" Aphmau said.

We all fall silent when we hear low growls.

Aphmau and I look down, realizing that it was our stomachs that growled.

"...Are you both hungry?" Aaron asked.

"Uh.... heh heh. Well... a little..." Aphmau and I admitted.

"Wanna go out to eat?" Aaron asked, getting up from the couch.

Aphmau and I get up from the couch.

"Ah... sure! Uh, where do you guys want to go?" Aphmau said.

"I have no preference. I do know YOU two want to go to Olive Garden though." Aaron said, looking at me and Aphmau.

"Uh, what? What are you talking about? Uh..." I trailed off.

"You two were talking about it the other day. We haven't been there since you both moved so... if you want." Aaron said.

"Heh. Aphmau and I didn't realize you remember that... Achoo!" I said, sneezing.

"Bless you." Aaron and Aphmau said.

"Uh, thanks." I said.

"Heh... so, I'm okay with it if you both want to go there." Aaron said.

"Hmm... well, okay then! Sure. Uh, but first...  I have to go to the bathroom real quick. I-" I was cut off by the doorbell.

*Ding Dong*

"Huh? Um..." Aphmau said.

~3rd POV~

Garroth, Laurance and Travis are standing outside of Aaron's door.

Aaron opened the door to find Garroth, Laurance and Travis (who he hasn't met before) standing there.

Aphmau and (Y/N) stand on the right side of Aaron.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

"May I help you?" Aaron asked.

"Are you Aaron?" Travis asked.

"Yes." Aaron responded.

"Please to meet you. My name is Travis and I'm new on the block." Travis introduces himself.

"Nice to meet you, I guess." Aaron said.

"So tell me AARON--" Travis starts.

"Uh... hi!" I said.

Aaron moves out of the way.

"It's nice to meet you! My name is (Y/N) and this is my sister Aphmau." Before I could continue to speak, Travis grabs my hand and kisses it.

"Wow. You're just a little forward there, huh? Uh..." I said, nervously laughing.

 "Good evening my vision of beauty... what's your name?" Travis said.

"It's... Like I said, it was (Y/N) and I... can you back up just a little bit? Heh... a little?" I said, lightly pushing Travis away who was getting close to my face.

"Oh of course! Anything!" Travis said.

"Hehe. Thanks! Though I have to admit... that was the first time anyone has ever kissed my hand. Heh..." I trailed off.

"Wasn't it romantic?" Travis asked.

 "Well... I just sneezed on my hands and I haven't had a chance to wash them admittedly, so... I'm actually a little embarrassed and probably should have kept my mouth shut. Heh... yeah." I said, backing up a little so that I was now next to Aphmau.

"...No matter, I consider those germs of affection." Travis said.

"U-Uh... wow." I said.

"You, um... yeah. You're just-" Aphmau starts.

"Charming?" Travis cuts her off.

"Tch, not exactly the word I'm looking for... but uh, A+ for effort I'd guess?" Aphmau said.

"I'd rather show you my affection as opposed to hiding it." Travis said.

"Uh... well. That's, uh, very nice of you. But we just met and... heh... everyone knows you can't marry someone you just met." I said.

"Another Frozen quote? Geez, you and Aphmau really like that movie." Aaron said.

"Uh... Tch. Hey, we can't help it! It's a cute movie! Really, it is." Aphmau said.

"Uh-huh..." Aaron trailed off.

"Hey! You watched it with us!" Aphmau and I said.

"Only because you two made me." Aaron said.

"Well, you didn't have to, hmph!" I said, crossing my arms with a huff.

"We were hanging out. I wanted to see you two happy." Aaron said.

"Uh... Aww, thanks! We appreciate it." Aphmau and I said, smiling.

"...But that doesn't mean I liked the movie." Aaron said.

"Uh... eh, well fair enough. In any case, I'm glad you watched it with me and Aphmau. It meant a lot." I said.

"Such a shame. Aphmau, (Y/N), I'd love to watch that movie with you and I'm SURE I'D enjoy it." Travis said, smirking and glancing at Aaron.

"Uh... what? Really? You haven't seen it? At all?" I asked, surprised.

"Nope! And I'd be honored to view it with you first." Travis said.

"Oh. Really?" I said.

"...They know all the songs to that movie by heart." Aaron said.

"Uh... heh heh. Yeah..." Aphmau trails off.


"Uh... heh. Quite often actually. Right Aphmau?" I asked Aphmau, who nodded her head in agreement.

"Ah, well if that's the case why don't we watch it now?" Travis said.

"Uh... um, really? Wait... I mean... Aaron, are... are you okay with this?" I asked Aaron.

"It's both your favorite movie right? We can just order a pizza." Aaron said.

"Aww. Aaron, you're the best! Come on in then! Aphmau and I will go order a pizza. Reese usually gives us discounts sometimes and it's really nice... so come on in! Let's go!" I said, stepping aside so they can all walk in.

Garroth and Laurance sit on the same couch, while Aaron and Travis sit on the other couch.

Aphmau helps me set up the movie.

"Heh heh... there we go. Uh, are you guys like... a hundred percent sure you want to watch this?" I said, after putting in the movie.

"Absolutely!" Garroth said.

"Really? Because--" I start.

"Why wouldn't we?" Laurance asked.

"Uh... Are you sure you want to watch this for real, for real? Like you genuinely want to watch it? Because, no joke... Aphmau and I actually like it. And we know it's become a giant phenomenon to the point where it might get annoying even though it's been a few years since it's been out, but... Aphmau and I personally really find it like really cute and we don't want to make you guys watch something you don't want to-" I said.

"(Y/N), just put the movie on. We're fine. We're all comfortable here saying we watched the movie." Laurance said.

"Uh... really? Because, I... I just uh--" I start.

"Yeah go on, put it on. You two shouldn't be embarrassed to show us something you like - what kind of friends would we be if we made fun of you girls for it?" Garroth said.

"Heh... true. Aphmau and I are glad you guys are taking some interest in the things we like... even if they are a bit girly. And if anyone asked, you can say that we forced you to watch it! Heh, right?" I said.

"You actually did force me to watch it." Aaron said.

"Uh, w-well... I mean, that's kind of like a really different story." Aphmau said.

"I don't see how you can watch anything with that bandana over your eyes..." Travis said.

"Uh..." Aphmau said.

"..." Aaron went quiet.

"Uh... what?" Aphmau and I said.

The room falls silent.

"(Kekeke!)" Laurance silently laughed.

"Garroth... Laurance..." I said.

"(Oh my Irene I can't believe he...)" Garroth whispered.

"I can see just fine. Thanks." Aaron said through gritted teeth.

"Uh... okay. Well Travis--" Aphmau said.

"MmHmm... maybe I should get one of those too... ya'know so I can look at things without people noticing." Travis said.

 Aphmau and I laughed nervously. "Uh, eheh..."

"...Pardon?" Aaron asked.

"Travis... Aaron wears that because uh... uhh... uh..." I said.

Aphmau and I fall silent.

"Aphmau, (Y/N)... are you girls okay!?" Laurance asked.

"Uh... yeah! We um... sorry. We... We'll be back in a second!" I said.

Aphmau and I start heading to the stairs, but stopped and turned towards the guys.

"We gotta go to the little girl's room, and we just... you can just start watching the movie without us! We... Don't worry, we memorized like the first like 30 minutes of the movie, so we're good. Don't worry, we got all the songs down... so we'll be back one second!" Aphmau said.

Aphmau and I walk upstairs and went into the bathroom.

"Oh my gosh." I said, shutting the door.

~3rd POV | Back downstairs~

As soon as Aphmau and (Y/N) left the room, Travis turns to face Aaron. "Good, they're gone. Sooo... Aaron... are you and Aphmau or (Y/N) dating?"

"Uh... no..." Aaron replied.

"So, they're free game for anyone, huh?~" Travis asked.

"JUST ME!" Garroth shouted.

"HEY!" Laurance shouted.

"They're not 'game' for anyone." Aaron said.

"Ahaa! So you DO like them!" Travis said.

"I never said-" Aaron said.

"So that's why you walk around without a shirt all the time! So, you think your physique will attract them, huh!?" Travis cuts him off.

"Uhm, no. I just-" Aaron starts.

"WELL, I HAVE A MUCH MORE TONED PHYSIQUE THAN YOU!" Travis stands on the couch and rips his hoodie off to reveal his chest. "AHA~ SEE!? NOT ONLY AM I ON THE SWIM TEAM, BUT I FREQUENTLY PARTICIPATE IN MARTIAL ARTS AS WELL!" Travis shouted.

Garroth and Laurance burst out laughing.

"THIS IS TOO FUNNY!" Laurance shouted while laughing.

"I AM ABOUT TO BURST! THIS GUY IS A RIOT!" Garroth shouted, still laughing.


"TRAVIS, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? GET OFF ME!" Laurance shouted.


"MY GRANDMAMA SENT IT TO ME!" Garroth shouted.


Aphmau and (Y/N), who are still upstairs, walk out of the bathroom and looked at each other.

"Huh? What in the world is all that noise downstairs?" I asked.

"Only one way to find out." Aphmau said.

Aphmau and (Y/N) walked downstairs.

"Guys? Guys! Is everything alright-  AH!" (Y/N) said, but shouts when she sees Garroth, Laurance, and Travis shirtless and standing in the living room.

"U-U-Uh... hey, Aphmau and (Y/N)." Laurance stuttered.

"This isn't what it looks like..." Garroth said, his hands covering his chest.

"Hey baby~ Glad to see you made it to the gun show in time. Check this out! POW!" Travis said.

Laurance punches Travis down to the floor.



(Y/N) bursts out laughing, soon joined by Aphmau.


"Heh. Well... I got her to smile. Score one for Travis." Travis said, lying on the floor.

"I hate this guy already." Garroth said.


Word Count: 3208 words
