Ep.22 - Fan Fiction

(U/N)- Your Username


~(Y/N)'s POV~

Aphmau and I sat on the couch, watching Ouran High School Host Club.

"And besides the heating system we have is... the best!" Tamaki said, dramatically on the TV.

Haruhi, who was on the TV, just scoffed.

"Do you have a problem with the way we run our club, Haruhi? Be careful what you say. You owe..." Kyoya said on the TV.

Since Aphmau and I were too busy watching OHSHC, we didn't notice Katelyn looking at us from behind the wall.

Katelyn peeks out from behind the wall. Following the same process two more times, she finally started to tip toe to the door. She steps on a creaky, floorboard, making me and Aphmau turn around.

"Hey Katelyn!" I said, waving to her.

Katelyn's eyes linger towards the door.

"Huh? Are you headed somewhere?" Aphmau asked, following Katelyn's gaze.

"Oh uhm... Aphmau, (Y/N), I um... I need to head off to the library." Katelyn said.

"What!? Right now!?" Aphmau whined.

Katelyn sighed. "Yes. Look, Aphmau and (Y/N), I'm sorry. I know we had a Netflix date tonight but, I really need to head to the library right now." She said.

I looked at Katelyn. "But, but... we were going to try to make every other Sunday our Netflix date night if all three of our schedules are free." I said.

"You didn't mention this before. Is everything okay?" Aphmau said, suddenly growing concerned.

"Yes, everything's fine! It's just... I need to study for something." Katelyn said, looking down.

"Something...?" Aphmau and I said together.

"Yes. Something." Katelyn said, not taking her eyes off the floor.

Aphmau and I stare at Katelyn, smirking. "Katelyn~" We said in sync.

Katelyn started to sweat nervously.

"C'mon, Katelyn. You can tell us." I said.

"Fine!" Katelyn looked up at us. "Maybe I'm going to study for a test that's coming up soon to get into a theater class." She said. 

"WHAT!? REALLY!?" Aphmau shouted.

Katelyn nodded her head. "Yes." She said.


"NO! ...No guys, that's really sweet of you, but I really want to do this on my own. You've already helped me enough." Katelyn said.

"Sorry, I got a little too excited there. You do what you need to do and we'll be here if you need us!" I said.

"Thanks Aphmau and (Y/N). I hate to leave you alone." Katelyn said.

"PSHH! It's not a big deal! (Y/N) and I hang out with each other alone a lot! We're just gonna sit here and catch up on 'Criminal Brains'. There's a new season on Netflix that we haven't seen yet." Aphmau said.

"Wait Aphmau, (Y/N)... that's not a good idea." Katelyn said.

"Hm? What do you mean?" Aphmau said, tilting her head.

Katelyn rubs her forehead with a sigh. "Every time you two watch or play a scary movie, TV show, or video game with each other, you both FREAK OUT." She said.

"PFFT! NO WE DON'T!" Aphmau and I shouted in sync.

~Flashback | At IHop~

Katelyn puts down a plate of food and makes her way to the kitchen. She puts her hand on the door and jumps when her phone rings. She raises an eyebrow and picks it up. "Hello...?" She said.

"KATELYN!!!" Two voices shouted.

Katelyn pulls the phone away from her ear.



Aphmau and I continued to cry and whine loudly.

Katelyn throws her head up and sighs. "You two are watching that scary TV show, aren't you?" She said.

Heavy breathing is heard from both me and Aphmau as we spit out a "Yes".

"Aphmau and (Y/N), for the ELEVENTH time, it's the dishwasher. I start it everytime I leave the house... Wait, when does Marinara sauce sound like?" Katelyn said.

~End of Flashback~

"Oh." Aphmau and I laughed nervously. "Yeah. We forgot about that." We said in sync.

"Anyway, I'm off. Only call me if you can confirm it's a REAL emergency. Wish me luck!" Katelyn said, walking out the door.

"Good luck studying Katelyn!" Aphmau and I shouted in sync.

"I'm excited. Well... I guess we could try to watch a scary movie alone or something. Aaron's at work so there's no chance of that, Kawaii~Chan is hanging out with Michi, Celestia's asleep, Zane is at work too... hmmm..." I ponder, holding up a finger for each person.

"We could just watch Criminal Brains alone! WE'RE BIG GIRLS! YEAH! WE CAN DO THIS! WE CAN PROVE TO KATELYN THAT WE'RE NOT WUSSES! PSH! WE'LL SHOW HER!" Aphmau shouted, grabbing the remote and changes the channel.

The Criminal Brains intro starts to play, words like "MURDER" and "DEATH" coming up in big letters.

"Hm, so far so good. This isn't so bad." Aphmau said.


"AHHHH!!!" Aphmau and I screamed and hold each other. We then sighed in relief when we realized that it was just a text alert.

"It's just a text message... just a text message..." Aphmau repeats over and over.

Aphmau and I pull out our phones and look at the text.

"Let's see, who's it from? Uh... It's from Garroth." I said.

"We know what you two have done... there's no point in hiding it anymore. Laurance, Dante and I don't know what to say... we'd like to talk with you, ASAP. 😡😤😤" Garroth's text read.

Aphmau and I look at each other in confusion.

"What? Why the sudden text? What is he even talking about?" I said.

"That's weird. Wait. They don't mean..." Aphmau added, but then suddenly gasped. "T-They don't mean... the kiss, right!? There's no way they could have found that out! The only people I told were you and Zane, and they couldn't have seen us kiss in the theater because they didn't say anything about it at dinner! So how could they even know about this!?" Aphmau said, panicking.

"Calm down, Aphmau. Let's just text back." I said.

Aphmau nodded and took deep breaths.

"Garroth? What are you talking about? Can't you just tell me through text?" I texted Garroth.

Garroth texted back almost immediately. "No. I can't. Please come over if you have time. We need to talk with you both sooner than later."

"No way... this is so weird! This can't be happening!" Aphmau said.

"Curiosity has the best of me." I started to text back. "Fine, Aphmau and I are coming over now." I said as I texted back to Garroth.

"I guess it was only a matter of time before they found out." I said, getting up from the couch.

Aphmau got up from the couch as well. "I know. I just... I just don't want to hurt them! They're great friends and... are they going to force me to choose? But I'm not ready!" She said.

I patted Aphmau on her back. "I guess we'll have to face them eventually." I said.

Aphmau and I walk out the door and shut it. We cross the street and walk up the steps.

"Here goes nothing." Aphmau said and rings the doorbell.

Aphmau and I waited for one of the guys to open the door.

"Garroth... hi." I said softly as Garroth opens the door.

"(Y/N), Aphmau, come inside." Garroth said darkly.

"Y-Yes." Aphmau and I said in sync, nervously stepping inside.

"Wait. What are you guys-" Aphmau starts.

Garroth cuts her off, turning to me. "(Y/N)... I need to know something. And you have to tell me the truth." He said.

I turned to Laurance who is staring at me from the living room. "WHY ARE YOU GUYS ACTING SO WEIRD!?" I shouted.

Laurance looks up from his laptop. "Because we know what you've done... both of you." He said.

Aphmau and I started to sweat nervously.

"What!?" Aphmau said.

Garroth peers into both my and Aphmau's faces. "Are your names... Empress_Aphmau and (U/N) on Wattpad?" He said.

Aphmau and I looked at Garroth in shock.

"...W-What?" Aphmau said.

"Are you or are you not Empress_Aphmau and (U/N) on Wattpad?" Garroth said, the seriousness tone not leaving his voice.

"How did you-" I start, but was cut off by Laurance.

"It's them." Laurance said.

"I KNEW IT!" Garroth shouted.


"Ah! Aphmau, (Y/N), you're here!" Dante said, just walking into the room.

"Dante, why are Garroth and Laurance freaking out!?" Aphmau asked.

Dante started to laugh. "You guys! Don't tell me you scared them just because of that story they wrote." He said.

"Story?" Aphmau and I gasped in realization. "OH NO, NOT-" We said in sync.

"Romeow and Meowliet... by Empress_Aphmau and (U/N)." Laurance said, slowly.

Aphmau and I look down in shame.

Garroth pulled out his phone. "Once upon a time, there was a cat named Romeow. He was a street cat with dark black fur and beautiful dark eyes. One day, Romeow was badly injured from defending his territory. Though successful, he was greatly injured. Just then, out of nowhere, a (H/C) and (F/C) cat came out of nowhere to aid him. Her name was MEOWLIET!" Garroth read.

"WHAT!? You read OUR story!? Guys, that means nothing! It was just for fun, and Aphmau and I were not in any way shape or form writing about-" I said.


"You should've just told us." Laurance said.

Aphmau and I look down. "We're so sorry..." We said in sync.


"Look, it just happened! I was- wait... WHAT!?" I shouted.

"Your syntax could be better and you have a few run-off sentences here, here annnddd here." Laurance said, pointing to his laptop.

Aphmau and I burst out laughing.

"Excuse me Laurance. I'll have you know that Aphmau and I took AP English in High School together and we passed that class with honors." I said.

"I know what you did. I was there, remember?" Laurance said.

"Look Aphmau, (Y/N), I think the syntax structure is fine! But honestly, the only thing you guys need to do to make this story better is to make Romeow a handsome blonde cat with blue eyes. That's a dreamy cat perfect for-- Oh wait. (H/C) and (F/C) cat. That's sounds a lot LIKE-" Garroth said, starting to cry.

"Well Garroth, I don't see you writing anything." Aphmau said.

"Well, I mean... I'd like to. I just don't know how to write or be creative for that matter." Garroth said.

"Oh, that's right. I remember you saying Creative Writing wasn't your best subject. I'm so sorry, Garroth. I didn't mean to... Wait, I got it! Let's change that right now!" I said.

"Huh?" Garroth said.

"If you wanna learn how to do Creative Writing, then all you have to do is just keep doing it! Everyone is and can be creative, it's just you gotta keep practicing to get better. So, why don't we all just write a small story, a paragraph long, like a fun exercise. Then we can read it all out and see whose is most interesting. It'll be fun!" I said.

"That actually does sound like fun!" Laurance said.

"I'm down!" Dante said.

"Well, if you believe in me then... I can give it a try!" Garroth said.

I smiled. 

"Perfect! (Y/N) and I will go get our laptops, and once we're finished, we'll read them all out!" Aphmau said.

"Does Travis want in on this?" I asked.

"Nah, he's not here at the moment. He went on a trip with some old friends. He'll be back in a few days." Laurance said.

"Ah, I see. Well in that case, let's get started!" Aphmau said.

Aphmau and I head back to the house to grab our laptops.

~Time Skip~

"Time is up." Aphmau said.

Garroth frantically keeps typing. "NO! I'M NOT FINISHED!" He shouted.

"Pretty sure I got this in the bag." Dante said.

"Alright, who wants to go first?" I asked.

"I will." Laurance said.

"Go on, Mr. Laurance." I said in a posh accent.

"Once upon a time, there was a handsome guard name Laurrrr... Lorelai. He was so handsome that all the girls would come to his village-CITY! Named... Meteli...Opilous. However, he was not in love with any of these girls. He just enjoyed showing off his muscles to them! Then one day, a beautiful angel sailed in on her boat. As he was patrolling the plaza, he saw her come from afar. He himself was nervous to approach her, however she was looking for direction and approached him. He told her that she was as beautiful as a pearl from the lost city of Atlantis. And then they ended up getting married right then and there! The end." Laurance said.

Aphmau and I giggled.

"Is that all you got?" Aphmau asked.

"We had a time limit and it was a paragraph! I had to get to the good stuff!" Laurance said.

"LAME!" Dante groaned.

"Wanna go next Dante?" I asked.

"Oh, sure!" Dante began to read his story. "The year was 2017. Humanity was facing extinction at the hands of the alien potato invaders. Only one human colony remained on the planet, but then the colony was attacked by the alien potatoes! And just as they were looking doom in the eye, they looked up and saw their savior. IT WAS DANTE! WITH HIS AMAZING KUNG-FU MOVES, HE SAVED THE COLONY, ERADICATED THE ALIEN POTATOES, AND GOT ALL THE LADIES BECAUSE HE WAS AWESOME WITH HIS AMAZING MUSCLES!" He said.

We all stared blankly at Dante.

"What? I never said I was great at writing! I'm actually horrible at it!" Dante said.

"Well... I thought it was... creative." Aphmau said.

"Yeah... it's just, maybe you flattered yourself a little WAY too much." I added.

Everybody, besides Dante, nodded in agreement.

"Anyway, my story goes like this." Aphmau said. She brings her laptop close to her face. "Once upon a time in the land of Neko Atsume-"

"MORE CATS!?" Garroth said, cutting Aphmau off.

"GARROTH, SHUSH! THIS IS MY STORY AND I LOVE WRITING ABOUT CATS! Anyways, like I was saying before I was so RUDELY INTERRUPTED... Once upon a time in the land of Neko Atsume, lived a pretty purple and black princess kitty named Applemeow. Applemeow ruled the kitty kingdom with an iron paw. She has many guard cats. There's Garmeow, Laurmeow, Aarmeow, Danmeow, Travmeow and of course her favorites Katemeow and (Y/meow). Katemeow, (Y/meow), and Applemeow were best friends and they watch movies together every Sunday night, but-" Aphmau said, but was cut off by the guys.

"BORRIINGG!" Garroth, Laurance and Dante shouted in sync.

"OKAY, FINE! I'm rusty when it comes to writing! I couldn't think of anything... plus I just like writing about cats. Garroth, I guess you're next." Aphmau said.

Garroth looked at Aphmau in surprise. "Oh, okay." He coughs a couple times. "Once upon a time, there was a blonde kitty cat. YES I'M DOING KITTY CATS TOO, APHMAU! Anyway, there was a blonde kitty cat who was devilishly handsome and he also had a voice of an angel!" Garroth cuts himself off by giggling. "His name was... well, let's call him G. G was the guard of the town Kitty Drop, and loyal to his lord who was a beautiful (F/C) cat named Cup-- UGH- (First letter of name). One day, G decided to tell his lord of his feelings for her... AND HE DID! And she ended up loving him back... HEHEHE! G and (First letter of name) ended up getting married and they had an adorable kitty wedding! And then they had 40 kids!" Garroth finished.

"40 KIDS!?" Laurance and Dante shouted.

"Uhm, yeah. Don't cats have lots of kids?" Garroth said.

"Still! Jeez..." Dante said.

"I thought it was cute! Minus the... 40 kids." I said.

"Aw, thank you (Y/N)! SEE, SOMEONE APPRECIATES ART!" Garroth said.

"My turn!" I cleared my throat. "(Other name that begins with the same letter as your name) gasped for air, coughing up all the water that had entered her lungs. 'OH THANK GOD, I'M NOT DEAD!' She said once she regained her breath. 'Am I?' She questioned as she looked around. Same tree, same water, same men staring at me, same- WAIT A MINUTE.' (Other name that begins with the same letter as your name) looked up at the three men. There was a moment of silence as she started to awkwardly scratched the back of her neck. "...Uhm... hi?" Was what (Other name that begins with the same letter as your name)'s smart self decided to say. A dark blond haired man with green eyes leaned over to a brown haired man, possibly the other man's younger brother, with brown eyes. "I think she's still in shock to see someone as handsome as me." He whispered. The brown haired man hits his brother on the shoulder. "This is nothing to joke about! Who knows how long she was under the water! Heck, she was probably taking her last breath!" He said, scolding his older brother. Suddenly, a guy with dark brown hair and blue eyes, and wearing a beige trench coat suddenly appeared out of nowhere and stood behind the dark blond haired man. (A/N: I bet you all know who that could be.) "Luckily she was able to pull herself out." The man wearing the trench coat said. The dark blond haired man jumped in fright and turned around. "Cas, you can't just appear out of nowhere and scare me and Sam like that!" He said. "I thought that you had called for me, Dean. I happen to overhear you guys talking about this girl that was apparently drowning in the water." Castiel began to explain. Sam, who was apparently the brown haired man, sighed in annoyance. "Dean, let's not argue about this." He said, and began to discuss about a case that they were called to investigate. By now, (Other name that begins with the same letter as your name) was looking up at the clouds. She then tilted her head to see Castiel standing in front of her. "Are you feeling alright, miss?" He asked. (Other name that starts with the same letter as your name) nodded and introduced herself to Castiel, Sam and Dean, surprisingly that Sam and Dean were the famous Supernatural hunter Winchester brothers. Then, she joined the Winchester brothers on their journey to investigate Supernatural cases. THE END!" I read. I looked up at everybody who was staring at me in shock. "...What? Too much?" I said.

"That was amazing! I can't understand how you came up with that!" Garroth said.

"It's just something I whipped up." I said.

Aphmau started to laugh. "Let's face it guys... WE'RE TERRIBLE AT WRITING!" She said.

"It was funny though for what it was!" I said.

"Excuse me and (Y/N) for a moment. We're gonna have to go to the ladies room." Aphmau said.

Aphmau and I got up and left the room.

Dante slowly makes his way over to my laptop, which was left open.

"Dante, what are you doing?" Laurance asked.

"Gonna look at her browser history to see what kind of stories she reads." Dante answered.

"DANTE! THAT'S NOT COOL!" Garroth shouted.

"Don't you want to know if she looks up Gar/N or Laur/N fanfics, hmmmm?" Dante said, wiggling his eyebrows.

Garroth and Laurance became a babbling mess, blushing a bright red.

"That's what I thought." Dante looks at the computer screen. "Okay... let's see. Just gotta go here, open this up and then- WHAT, WHAT THE!?" He said, his eyes going wide.

"What is it!? Let me see!" Garroth said.

Garroth and Laurance run over to see what Dante was looking at.

"Oh my..." Garroth said, his eyes also going wide.

"She--" Laurance said.

"What are you guys doing?" The guys heard a voice say.

Garroth, Laurance, and Dante whip around to see me, wondering they were doing on my laptop. They all screamed in unison, faces turning a bright red, and speaking all at once.

Aphmau walks back into the room, seeing me staring at the boys.

Garroth, Laurance, and Dante start to walk around, still babbling like idiots and passing my laptop to each other.

Laurance eventually hands the laptop back to me and they all stop talking.

"Okay, well then... We're gonna be heading home. This was really fun. I enjoyed hanging out with you guys. We should do it again sometime. Take care! Bye!" I said, walking out the door.

"See you guys later!" Aphmau said, following behind me.

Garroth, Laurance, and Dante still had bright red faces.

"I can't believe she..." Garroth trailed off.

"We speak NOTHING of this." Dante said.


Word Count: 3369 words

A/N: Who else was curious to know what the boys saw on the laptop?
