
000d, 00h, 00m, 00s

"Does it not become humiliating?" His voice was smooth, unbothered, yet somehow on edge all at the same time. The words left his mouth as soon as I caught up with him and his long strides.

This time, it didn't seem like he was particularly focused on losing me. Though, with the way I stormed after him as soon as I paid, I didn't think he would've lost me on his tail either way.

My mouth dry, jaw clenched as I walked beside him, he continued speaking. I didn't bother looking at him, my focus more on not tripping with the large box in my arms, completely blocking the view of my feet gradually moving.

"What, with you following me for the second time in the span of days? I'd say that's rather humiliating—" He cut himself off as my head spun in his direction, a vicious glare in my eyes. He snickered at the sight. "A third time, and I'd have to call it in for harassment—"

"—As if you're helping the situation by running away!" I snapped, the composure I forced myself to have evaporating right then and there. He had picked up his pace quite a bit, and consequently, I did, too.

Attention still on him; it was a miracle I caught myself from falling flat on the floor before it was too late. Stumbling slightly, I picked my pace up once more to catch up with him, seeing as he simply kept walking without batting an eye.

A gentleman.

"—Running away instead of having an actual conversation about it!" I picked up my words as if nothing even happened.

His facial features still oddly relaxed, he turned his head to face me, opening his mouth to speak before I cut him off. "You know, like normal adults do."

His nose scrunched up at the words, and his eyebrow lifted casually. He hummed in recognition of my words, seemingly thinking about them. And I was almost proud, then, that I managed to speak some actual sense into this man; the frown on my face lifting.

"I don't think there's anything we need to have an actual conversation about," He shrugged, his head turning to take in our surroundings. I groaned lowly at his words, letting my head fall back in irritation.

"Oh, you're right," I snickered, rolling my eyes. "It's just a few numbers on our arm— no biggie."

Taking a look around to calm myself, I noticed quite quickly that we left the modern, white streets of Arcan City behind a while ago. Brows knitting together tightly, my eyes darted across the forest in the distance, the half-paved path in front of me and the green grass to either of my sides.

I've never left Arcan City before in my life. The furthest I've gone was probably the bakery.

Turning around, the City's tall buildings smiled brightly at me, the sunlight reflecting in them. The System's headquarter in the centre of it all.

"Well," He began, his voice making me turn back around only to see he had come to a halt in front of a house I didn't even notice was there until now. "I think you've shown me everything I needed to see. And you definitely saw everything you needed to see to know that this whole conversation is nothing but a waste of time."

He unlocked the door, entering the house without another look back. And if he hadn't just said what he said, maybe I would've had enough humility not to follow him.

But he did say it, and it did irritate me beyond belief. So, I rushed through the door before he managed to close it, almost knocking the box in my arms off.

It seemed like he almost expected my behaviour, not bothering closing the door behind him before making his way through the house as if I wasn't even there.

Forcefully closing the door behind me, I raised my voice just slightly. "You can't just write it off like that! This is my entire life! I've been—"

He came to an abrupt halt in what seemed to be the kitchen, turning on his heels to look at me. His eyes were piercing into mine like daggers. His playful attitude all blown away, I wondered if I actually preferred it to this.

The sudden stop cut me off, almost running into him, and the box in my arms almost falling out of them again, I decided to place it on the counter right next to the door before walking further into the room.

"Says who?" He asked blankly, no emotion portrayed on his face. "Who says this—" He raised his left arm, stepping a little bit closer to me. "— is your entire life?" A scoff escaped his mouth after, and he shook his head in irritation. "It'd honestly be quite sad if that were the case, Amidelle."

My brows knitted together tightly at his words, as well as my name slipping from his tongue; sounding as smooth as honey paired with a sentence that was nothing but poison.

"Says everyone!" I snapped back. "It's normal—"

"Oh, normal, is it?" His brows raised in sheer mockery. "Is that your goal in life, then? Being ordinary?"

Quite literally, yes.

Before I could voice that, though, he continued his little monologue. "Never mind," He quickly waved me off, face contorted in disdain. "No need to waste my time arguing about this with someone who works at The System."

My eyes widened slightly at his observation, wondering for a moment how he knew that. He picked up on my confusion. "Please," He spat. "You practically reek of the place. The neat clothes, tied up hair. I'm surprised you're not running around with your badge on Sunday's, too."

"I'd advise you to watch your mouth," I hissed, stepping yet another step closer to him in hopes it would intimidate me. Though, all he did was point his chin up as he bit the inside of his cheek, not moving even an inch further from me. "Or I might as well just turn you in for that now." My eyes trailed down to his left wrist, the bandage still around it.

He snorted loudly at my suggestion. "You wouldn't do that even if you wanted to."

Eyes locked with his again, my brows raised slightly. "Oh?" I wondered. "Why's that?"

His gaze hardening, I had to look up at him now to hold the eye contact steadily. And just as he opened his mouth, he broke it—eyes trailing over to something behind me, his stern expression softening slightly.

Confused, I turned my head to take a look at whatever caught his attention behind me.

"How'd you know I've been craving these for like a week now? I thought you went to Wallflour's to get your usual thing?" A blonde boy — roughly the same age as the one behind me — casually leaned against the counter, the box of muffins opened while one of them sat in his hand.

His hair was hanging over his forehead messily, silvery, platinum blond locks matching the piercing blue eyes gleaming with child-like excitement as I watched him take a bite from the dessert in his hand.

Behind me, the other one huffed in amusement. "I did get my usual thing," He exclaimed.

"Oh." It was then that his eyes fell on me for the first time. In horror, I stumbled the few steps over to the box, closing it forcefully before sending a glare first his way and then his brunette friend.

"These are for my sister's—" My eyes widened as I remembered, hand flying up to check the time on my watch. "Fuck," I cursed under my breath, sighing loudly after. In a hurry, I grabbed the box and balanced it in my arms as best as I could as I turned around one last time. "Don't even think for a second that this is all!" I hissed, eyes narrowing once more to deliver the message clearly.

And then I rushed past the blond boy, back the way I remembered I came from, an hour late to my own sisters birthday when all I was supposed to do was pick up muffins. 




I'll see you in the next chapter <3
