
I startled slightly when he pushed himself onto his own two feet in a matter of seconds, a low "Alright then," escaping his mouth in a sigh.

Quickly, and before I had the chance to lose the courage to say what I needed to say after a conversation like that, I rose to my feet as well. Stumbling slightly as I rushed after him.

"Can I say something?" I asked, a kind of desperation in my voice that made him raise his brows in expectation.

Though, he nodded, turning around to face me.

With a deep breath, I only came to a halt once right in front of him, and it took everything within me not to break our eye contact as my head tilted upwards.

"I just wanted to apologise," I deadpanned, trying to seem calm and collected when I felt like breaking down. "I feel awful— and I never meant to—" I cut myself off with another deep breath. "I see it now. And I'm sorry, you know; for ever—" Feeling my eyes brim with tears, I diverted my gaze, turning my head to the side and focusing on a particularly green plant hanging on his wall. "This whole thing sucks, and I—"

I sighed, blinking as fast as I could to get myself under control again. "What I'm trying to say is," I began once more. "I should've listened to you— trusted you from the beginning. And I'm truly sorry for causing this mess. I should've never told him— them anything about you—"

When my words were met with silence, and said silence persisted for several long seconds, I dared a glance in his direction, finding a sympathetic smile on his lips as he nodded his head just slightly.

He was listening to me, I could tell. Though the impatient look on his face didn't go unnoticed— was hard to miss, almost as his eyes darted down to my lips for a split second.

"Have you got it all out?" He wondered, though contrary to his usual self, his voice was soft, almost like he feared to break me if he spoke any louder.

Nonetheless, my brows knitted together slightly at his words, unsure of what kind of reaction that was. After a muttered "Yeah," I understood, though.

Because his lips landed on mine not a second after. And they moved against mine so longingly and lovingly, for a moment I forgot what I had even said in the first place. He whispered a "Thank you" against my lips, and I remembered.

His hands found themselves cupping my face, thumb absentmindedly rubbing light circles on my cheek as my arms crossed behind his neck, the initial moment of shock all forgotten about as I melted into his touch;

Craving more and not understanding the feeling that formed in the pit of my stomach at his touch. A sensation that made its way through my body, claiming every part of it and making me feel like I was floating, just for a little while.

A sensation that made heat crawl up my neck, all the way into my cheeks. A sensation that made its way through my veins— all the way up to my left wrist, where it turned into a light, searing sensation all in the matter of seconds, too.

The unexpected pain made me twitch, as a result disconnecting our lips and making me realise how little I wanted him more than just a few inches away from me. My body ached and longed for his touch as soon as his lips weren't on mine anymore.

"I did say never say never." My gaze flickered over to Arley stood in the doorway, his arms crossed in front of his face, blond hair hanging into his face as he sported a know-it-all grin on his lips.

Though, I didn't have much time to acknowledge the boy further; my attention forced back onto that sensation in my wrist as another jolt of pain crawled up my arm once more. My brows furrowed, eyes back on my wrist as I turned it.

Esmond mirrored my gesture almost simultaneously; both of our gazes stuck on our forearm. I wasn't quite sure what to make of the sight before me.

The usually still countdown on my wrist, still reading 000d, 00h, 00m, 00s, was no longer its usual dull red. Instead, a fiery gleam surrounded the numbers, my body feeling hot and my skin burning right where numbers were supposed to be against my skin.

A pained hiss escaped my mouth at the sensation, though I couldn't take my eyes off of the scenes playing out right in front of me. My breath had picked up, and my mind was unsure of what to make of any of it.

Dumbfounded and perplexed, I watched the numbers I had been born with burning themselves out of my skin. Just like that, leaving no residue but flushed skin behind as the searing sensation stopped all at once.

I felt Arley's presence beside us but didn't dare look around, still unsure of what the other two's reaction would be once I did. But he represented my own reaction quite well once he broke the thick silence hovering over us.

"What the fuck?"

My eyes snapped up to him first before inevitably landing on Esmond still opposite me, his expression just as clueless as mine. Neither of us moved, but I glanced at his own wrist to find it just as bare as mine was.

Carefully, I traced my finger over my forearm, nothing reminding me of the countdown that had been against it for 21 years. My breath hitched at the contact, and my breaths turned into shaky inhales.

With wide eyes, I raised my head for our eyes to connect, and they did just a moment later.

"What does that mean?" I wondered, my voice letting him know all I needed from him was an answer to this. He must have one. He was the man who thought he knew it all— who else would know, if not him?

And he cocked his head to the side, unsure of how to answer my question as his face twitched with nerves.

"Freedom," He almost whispered. "It means freedom."


I'm happy with this chapter. 

Does it seem like this was planned from the beginning? I sure hope so. LMFAO

Last chapter tomorrow. :( <3
