
The shirt and my underwear sprawled across the floor, mirrors and glass fogged up, a satisfied sigh escaped my lips, my head falling back as my muscles relaxed.

The hot water running over my head and down the rest of my body, washing away any residue the lake might've left behind, I relaxed.

Hands running through my hair, rubbing my face and running over the rest of my body in a manner so relaxing, I felt my legs almost give in completely.

I knew I'd be exhausted by the end of the day, though didn't anticipate swimming taking a toll on my body quite as badly as it ended up doing.

Another sigh, this one longer and deeper, and I turned the water off, immediately missing the warmth and comfort it provided as my eyes darted around the bathroom.

I cursed, then, pinching the bridge of my nose lightly as I grumbled to myself, hoping I'd find their fresh towels without having to ask for one.

I groaned when I didn't, only laying eyes on a single used towel hanging on the closed door. Unlocking it, making sure my bare body stayed behind it, I sneaked a peek into the corridor, hoping someone, anyone, would coincidentally walk past right at that moment.

They didn't, of course, and I went on to humiliate myself further when a loud "Hello—?!" echoed through the house. Followed by an "Arley?" and then, after a long silence, an even louder "Esmond?"

Frustrated, I pushed the few wet strands of hair hanging into my face behind my ear, mumbling various insults under my breath as I turned around and threw another look around the bathroom, hand still on the door handle.

My head only snapped back towards it when someone lightly pushed against the door, my eyes widening as I threw my whole weight against them with a low squeal.

"Don't come in!" I hissed, unintentionally sounding far meaner than I intended to. But at least the door stopped moving.


"I just—" I sighed, imagining Arley's big, blue eyes, wide and confused with a pout on his face, standing several feet from the door, looking like a kicked puppy at my attitude. "—Just need a towel," I mumbled, poking my head through the small creak between the door and the frame with an apologetic smile on my lips.

His lips tilted upwards into a smile at the words, huffing as his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"Fucking hell." He snorted humorously. "I thought you slipped and cracked your head open in there," He admitted, rolling his eyes at his own dramatics before nodding. "Give me a second." And he disappeared.

By the time he returned, I had pretty much air-dried already. Though, the towel, as well as the extra set of spare clothes he brought, was still appreciated.

Hesitantly, I slipped the dark blue shirt over myself, the sweatpants he handed me way too big but comfortable enough to let it slide.

With a huff, I let myself fall onto their couch, paying no further attention to Esmond on the opposite side of it as I spotted my clothes drying over a chair.

Esmond scoffed. "Mine not good enough?" He inquired casually, sarcasm lacing his voice as he gestured towards the shirt with a quirked brow.

A snicker passed by my lips, eyes flickering over to him. But before I got the chance to reply, another voice filled the room.

"Es—" My head snapped towards the entrance at the unfamiliar voice, body turning just as much to take the girl in.

She seemed shorter than me, long, brown hair falling lazily over her shoulders in a middle part. A few freckles scattered across her face, her bushy brows raising.

Her wrist was covered by a bandage just like Esmond's was. Though, hers seemed more roughened up, less well maintained; all the while, small doodles covered most of it, anyway.

I couldn't really make them out from a distance, though the most prominent colour was a light purple, followed by a green that matched the colour of the living room.

My eyes shot up to hers again, and hers flickered over to Esmond, questioning glance in them as her quirked eyebrow urged him to explain.

"Amidelle — Ellis," he introduced lazily, eyes flickering over from me to the girl. "Ellis — Amidelle."

"No shit," The brunette snickered, rolling her eyes before they fell on me again; Being rude quite obviously running in the family as her eyes scanned for every visible flaw.

She was no older than sixteen, though her glare made me feel like I was being scrutinised by a lady far wiser than me.

She huffed. "All Arley and you ever talk about is Amidelle." She practically spat my name, nose scrunching up in disdain as it left her mouth. "I'll come back later," She announced, excusing herself with a stern nod before leaving the room without waiting for a reply.

My head slowly turned back to her brother, not quite sure whether I should be offended or humoured by her attitude and their obvious similarities.

"Like brother, like sister," I muttered, amusement lacing my voice as his eyes snapped onto me, brows furrowed as he took in the small smile playing on my lips.

He shrugged in return, eyes diverting as he admitted, "I thought you'd take her attitude to heart."

"Why would you think that?"

"Don't know," He shrugged once more. "You seem sensitive," A small smirk played on his lips before the next words left his mouth. "Thought you might start crying."

I snorted dryly. "Over a sixteen-year-old girl that means nothing to me— and only acts like that because her big brother does, anyway?" I questioned rhetorically.

Esmond flipped me off, trying his best not to let the smile tugging at the corners of his lips show before leaning back into the sofa.

Only when my eyes flickered over his body did I notice that he hadn't bothered covering himself up yet. Defined chest and torso still on full display. I blushed slightly at the discovery but diverted my eyes before he noticed I even looked.

I couldn't help for them to wander back onto him, though, discreetly, and without his knowledge glancing over to him for a second or two.

"Pictures last longer, Amidelle," He then hummed, casually and without ever looking at me.

I chose to remain silent in my humility. 

What's different about this chapter compared to the other ones? hehe

See you tomorrow. <3
