
000d, 00h, 00m, 00s

The fact that I was already rather tipsy didn't keep me from continuing to drink.

They kept refilling their glasses. So, I did, too.

Though, I did slow down my pace while they both seemed to pick up theirs; shotting, and laughing and talking— almost like I wasn't even there.

I didn't mind. And, in all honesty, even preferred it this way. Observing their dynamic, how comfortable they were around each other and the way they joked between themselves.

Watching Esmond letting down his guard, even if it wasn't for me.

I told myself it was the alcohol that made the sound of his laughter enjoyable, and that made my lips twitch into a smile when an occasional giggle escaped his.

It was the alcohol that made me notice the way his nose crinkled when Arley irritated him, the way his eyes squinted just for a moment when the liquor burned down his throat before his ringed hand ruffled through his own hair.

Noticing all that, I wondered whether I should drink more often.

Noticing that I noticed in the first place made me quickly lower my glass and shake my head to rid myself of the thoughts.

"I should probably—" I began, a laugh escaping my lips after I interrupted myself with a single hiccup. "'Should probably go home." I nodded to myself, getting up at once and immediately falling back into my seat when my surroundings started spinning.

Maybe if I had acted out more when I was younger, this wouldn't be so immensely overwhelming now.

"I honestly don't think you're going anywhere," Arley mentioned, amusement lacing his voice as he eyed my position on the couch with a grin. "Can you even walk in a straight line?"

"What? Of course," I waved off. With a yawn, I repeated myself. "I'm going home now," I said, fully convinced by my words—the only thing missing the action required to actually get home.

They both looked at me, waiting for me to get up, walk away, or even just move. But I just sat there. Not really feeling like getting up anymore at all.

"Never mind that, huh?" Esmond huffed, a hint of amusement in his own voice as he locked eyes with his blonde friend.

Instead of myself, they both stood up simultaneously. Exchanging a quick look before Esmond simply left. Not another glance thrown my way.

His friend rolled his eyes, though gave me a cheeky smile as he looked back at me. "Just stay," He shrugged, raising his brows at his own suggestion. The couch is big, or you can have my bed—"

"—No!" I quickly interrupted, eyes a little wider. "No, I mean— I don't want to be a hassle. No need to—"

"Alright, alright," He laughed lowly, throwing his hands up in defeat. "Just stay here, then."

"I don't think—" I shook my head, cutting myself off with another singular hiccup. "I can't sleep in this, and—" Gesturing towards my work clothes, he cut me off once more.

"I'll bring you something to sleep in. That's hardly as big of an issue as getting you home now." He made his way over to the door without so much as a questioning glance my way before he disappeared out of the room.

I wondered how he was still managing to form coherent sentences after all the alcohol in his system. And I wondered how he was still able to walk a straight line when I couldn't even get out of my seat without falling right back into it.

Sighing in defeat, I tied up my hair into a messy bun— the end product probably not presentable to anyone. I didn't really care, and neither did I have the motor skills to do so in my state.

Seeing a silhouette in the reflection of the window and hearing footsteps approaching from behind me, I simply figured it would be Arley, and therefore didn't pay much attention to him.

Though, when it was brown hair that filled my vision instead of blond one, I did a double-take. Furrowing my brows, my eyes followed Esmond through the room before he leaned himself against the wall next to the window.

My eyes rested on him while his tried everything in their power to not look at me. And though my attention was entirely on him, I couldn't react quick enough when he threw the shirt my way.

With a muted thud, it hit my head before casually hanging off it and blocking my field of vision. A scowl on my face, I fished the piece of clothing off it, eyeing first it and then him cautiously.

His lips twitched into a smile at the scene. "Don't get your hopes up; it's not mine," He shrugged casually, eyes almost forcefully diverting once more.

"I was hoping you'd say that." Rolling my eyes, they flickered through the barely illuminated room.

When he didn't make any attempts to reply or leave the room, I cleared my throat a little awkwardly. "Do you mind?" I muttered, another yawn escaping my lips when I waved the grey shirt around mid-air. With a scoff and a brow quirked, he turned around.

Why wouldn't he just leave?

Waiting ten seconds to make sure he wouldn't turn around, I quickly shrugged the blouse I was wearing off, and the large shirt on. Happily realising it covered everything down to my knees, I did the same with my pants.

Frankly, I didn't think I would've done that in a completely sober state of mind. While I've felt a lot clearer in my head by now, there was definitely a rest-confident the alcohol left behind.

Patting down the shirt one more time, making sure it covered everything it needed to cover, I cleared my head to signal it was okay to turn back around.

Without even looking at me, he went to grab the three glasses resting on top of the coffee table. Eyeing the plates as well, probably deciding whether to take those as well, he turned around, then. Therefore, deciding against it.

I wasn't quite sure what it was that made me call out his name just as he was about to step through the archway out of the room. But I did it, anyway.

"Esmond," I muttered, already half-asleep as the fatigue from earlier caught up with me.

He faltered in his steps, though I couldn't see whether he turned back around or not. My eyes were closed, and my head comfortably resting by the armrest of the sofa.

"You're not half as bad when you're drunk, you know," I went on, knowing he wouldn't respond before I did.

A single scoff filled the otherwise silent room, and with the flick of a switch, the rest of the lights around me turned off. "Go to sleep, Amidelle."

Not even sure if I just imagined his words, I simply hummed in contentment. "Goodnight," was the last thing I heard before I dozed off into a dreamless sleep without so much as a blanket. 

As I said, drunk bonding is my favourite <3 hehe could you tell

Anyway, I can't wait for you guys to see where this whole thing is going!!

Hope you enjoyed! See you tomorrow. <3
