
000d, 00h, 00m, 00s

I was back on that familiar path outside of Arcan City before I even truly made up my mind about it. I was not even trying to justify it to myself anymore and actually enjoyed the warm afternoon sun as I walked towards the forest.

Though, I faltered in my steps, coming to a halt right in front of their front yard as the door slammed shut and Esmond turned around right after; a duffle bag swung over one arm and a water bottle in his hand.

His brows knitted together as he took me in once, though he continued walking down the path leading off his property and towards me. When he passed me, his previously furrowed brows raised in light amusement.

"Miss me already?" He asked in passing. It took me a moment to adjust, though I turned around for my gaze to follow him further into the forest. After a second of hesitation, I went to catch up with him, having to pick up my pace in order to do so.

"Not really," I replied to his previous statement, a little irritated that he just continued walking without really acknowledging my presence, even now that I was walking beside him.

When he didn't say anything in return, I scrunched up my nose in annoyance, groaning before stopping in my tracks. "Can you just stop walking for, like, a second?" I complained, and the words actually did make him stop and look over his shoulder.

Only for a second, though, before he picked up his pace again with a teasing smirk on his lips.

Another groan, this one deeper and fuelled with more annoyance, rippled through my throat as I rushed to catch up with him once more. "I'm trying to tell you something," I huffed as soon as I walked next to him again, and he seemed to actually slow down just slightly.

"Okay?" He snorted dryly, sending me a confused look. "Talk, then. There's no need to do it while we're standing around," He shrugged, and I rolled my eyes, though had to admit to myself that he had a point.

"Right," I muttered under my breath, nodding once and taking in my surroundings. Though the sun barely made it through the thick layer of leaves, a few rays did manage to slip through here and there. The air was still pleasantly warm, even in the shade.

Everything was green and brown; earthy colours made the area feel alive and vibrant; a few drops of color of a rare flower here and there only further proved it.

My eyes fell on him again, and I sighed. "Seeing as you complained last time," I began, watching his brows furrow, though his gaze staying in front of us. "I'm officially informing you that I talked to Monroe today."

At that, his head shot in my direction, observing my face closely as his brows knitted together tighter in suspicion. "And?" He followed up after a moment of silence, his head turning back to the front.

"Well—" I faltered in my words, not quite sure what else there was to it. I cleared my throat to think for a little longer while he unscrewed the lid of his glass bottle to take a sip. "People are speculating a promotion," I shrugged, deep in thought and letting the words tumble out without a second thought to save time. "That, or an affair, which— of course—"

I cringed at my own words, startling slightly as Esmond broke into a coughing fit, clearly choking on the water he just drank. Taking the bottle off his lips with another loud cough, he wiped his mouth with his sleeve, eyes still a little wide as he looked at me in disbelieve.

When he calmed down, his nose scrunched up in what could only be disgust at the suggestion. And at that, I had to agree with him.

"And what is it actually?" He asked, clearing his throat.

"I'm not quite sure," I admitted. "He asked about my opinion on something and wondered why I was late—"

"What did you say?" He interrupted, swiftly cutting me off.

"Just that I stayed at—" I contemplated whether I should use the exact same words I used with him, and decided while a light blush coloured my cheeks. "—my boyfriend's house." The volume in which I spoke had dropped significantly, my words barely an audible mumble as they left my mouth.

Though, he seemed to understand them just fine with that insufferable smirk spreading across his lips.

"Boyfriend?" He teased, an eyebrow quirked as he made a sharp turn to his left.

"Well—" I cut myself off with a soft gasp as I turned the corner myself. Being met with a large clearing in the middle of the forest, the sunlight making the lake in the centre of it glisten beautifully.

Only when I took a closer look —wide eyes taking everything in — did I notice the lake was actually a wide river stretching and ending in a small and calm waterfall to our left, natural stones — acting almost like a barrier — slowing the water flow.

One hand shielding my eyes from the sun, my head kept turning left and right as I grasped the sheer serenity of this place. Birds singing, crickets chirping as the water rippled softly against the edge of the river.

He huffed in amusement at how taken aback I was, his body — previously turned towards me — turning back to walk further towards the clear water. I followed him silently, still mesmerised.

A small, wooden pier led a few feet into the water, and he stopped right in the middle of it; the proud grin on his face as he took in my expression almost boyish. I walked past him in a trance-like state all the way to the edge of it, my eyes only flickering over him for a moment to take him in.

"Remember when I told you you don't know what life's about?" He asked calmly, his head tilted slightly and a single strand of hair falling into his face. The sun in his hair and on his face making both seem so much softer.

I nodded absentmindedly at his question.

"I'll show you."


Very much excited, hehe

See you tomorrow. <3
