
000d, 00h, 00m, 00s

Birthday's in my family had been celebrated the same way for as long as I could remember.

Family brunch in the mornings or early afternoons when it was a school day; It used to be my mother, father, sister, and I— until it wasn't anymore. And for a while, it was just my mother, my sister and I, then.

But soon enough, when Audelle's countdown ran out, Stacy was a part of the family, too. So it was the four of us now; had been for a few years.

After brunch, one of us headed over to Wallflour; usually, if it wasn't my own birthday, that was me. Both my mother and my sister were as lazy as they'd come, and I actually quite enjoyed the walk through Arcan City.

Wallflour's was centuries old. A family-run bakery in Arcan City's outskirts; rent was cheaper there, and Arlene and Alfred, the elderly couple running it, much preferred their location to the busy streets downtown.

It was my dad who introduced the traditional birthday muffins from Wallflour's to us. He grew up in the area and visited the bakery countless times with his friends and family during that time.

And we didn't give it up. Not after we moved across the city. Not after he died.

Perhaps it was the only thing that made all three of us feel like he was still here with us on those few special days.

I spotted the metallic sign as soon as I rounded the corner. White ornaments decorating it and "Wallflour's" written on it in fancy letters, a small smile tugged on the corners of my mouth.

Audelle's birthday was a much-needed distraction from everyone pestering me about the red ink completely still on my left wrist. And while they did ask why Harry Parker — god, how I wished I had come up with any other name — wasn't with me this Sunday, after I gave them the same excuse I gave Eniola, they pretty much left it at that.

I was more than just grateful for it.

It gave me time to breathe, adjust and, eventually, overcome.

I had trust in The System. I knew all I had to do was let time run its course.

The only thing I just couldn't quite overcome yet was how he still made my blood boil whenever I thought of him—the nonchalantness in his dark eyes, the amusement in his sharp features when he mocked me.

Everything about the encounter was infuriating.

So infuriating, indeed, that I felt myself growing irritated at the thought alone, shaking my head as soon as I stepped through the glass door of the bakery. I hoped the action would clear my head, get rid of him in there; to no avail.

He was stuck and not going anywhere. Similar to a particularly nasty flu.

My eyes took in the small store, the white counter displaying only the best, sweetest looking desserts and pastries Arlene and her husband had to offer. The menu and prices were displayed on the wall behind it, a few green plants hanging from the ceiling covering parts of it from my wandering eyes.

I took a deep breath, enjoying the sweet scent accumulating in my nose before sighing in contentment. A light smile gracing my lips, I found myself waiting in the small line. Only one person in front of me waiting for their order while a couple of people were already enjoying their foods and drinks on the small, oval tables.

"Ah, Amidelle," A timid voice called from before me, and my eyes found their way back to the counter in front. Arlene's eyes were on me, a kind smile on her lips as she finished packing up the order. Her short, grey hair bounced lightly as she gave me a courtesy nod. "About time you popped in, dear. We've had your order standing out here since eleven this morning," She explained, humoured, attention dragging away from me and onto the countertop to her left; a square, white box resting on it.

Simultaneously, she placed the paper bag she had packed for the customer in front of me on the counter for him to grab. "There you go. Make sure to give your sister my regards— oh, it's been so long since I've seen her!"

"Of course—"

My cheeks flushed a bright shade of pink when I realised she wasn't speaking to me, but rather the boy in front of me.

"Arlene, of course," He emphasised the same words I had just spoken, a hint of mockery in his voice that was almost familiar.

It only clicked once he turned around, brown eyes dragging up and down my body once before he rolled them, flicking his tongue over his bottom lip.

My brows furrowed as I mirrored his gesture, eyes quickly flickering over his frame before resting on his left wrist for a little longer. A black long-sleeved shirt covered the band-aid. I almost scoffed at the thought of it alone.

When I realised they lingered for too long, I levelled my eyes with his as they twitched into a glare. The gesture only made a smirk spread across his lips, completely unbothered by my presence.

And I couldn't stand it.

I quickly pushed past him, grabbing the box full of muffins Arlene had pointed out earlier without even checking the insides. Trying my best to force a smile on my lips as I heard the door behind me open, I asked, "How much is that, then?"

Suddenly quite stressed, I threw another glance behind me just as he left the store, turning to the left.

I couldn't just let him go. Not again.

"As always, dear," She smiled, and I turned back around. Though, mentally I wasn't quite here anymore. "200 Credits, as always— say, are you alright? You look a bit pale, Amidelle—"

I shook my head vigorously, waving her off with an unfazed scoff. "Nonsense, I'm doing perfectly fine," I murmured casually as I pressed my thumb against the sensor until a robotic voice announced that my payment had been successful.

"I'm really in quite a rush, Arlene. But I'll be sure to come around more often, I promise!" I was already halfway out of the shop, the old lady watching me with a concerned furrow in her brows.

Catching the closing door with my foot, I pushed it open forcefully as I balanced the large carton in my arms.

I didn't know if she said anything in return. If she did, I was already out the door, rushing after the same man again


Miss Amidelle, you are obsesseddddd  LOL 

Opinions on today's chapter? :)
