
000d, 00h, 00m, 00s

"One more, one more!" Arley giggled, a gleam of complete and utter excitement in his eyes as he watched me tip the glass over, the alcohol burning on its way down my throat.

Shuddering as I shook my head, I let myself fall back into the couch, watching him copy my movement and taking another sip as well. Vision a little blurry, I couldn't help the slurred giggle escaping my mouth.

"I don't get drunk, ever—" I mumbled, shaking my head at my own behaviour. He laughed.

"I can tell— you've barely had three." His head gestured towards the empty glass in my hand, a grin on his lips as he poured himself more of the dark liquor.

While I barely had three, this was his sixth glass, at least.

"You're a bad influence," I figured out with a shrug, pointing my finger right at his face before giving in to the need to poke his nose. He scrunched it up, and I laughed at the sight.

I wasn't quite sure how we got here.

With a sigh, he leaned back into the couch as well, head falling back to rest on top of the backrest for a moment. With a content smile on his lips, he ruffled through his own hair once. And my attention fell onto his left wrist; no bandage around it.

I would've probably refrained from asking if it wasn't for the alcohol in my system— it was a rather personal question, after all.

"Why don't you wear one of those—" A hiccup interrupt my question. "—stupid bandage's? Like Esmond?" 

His own gaze trailing over to his wrist, he lowered his arm to rest it on top of his lap, making sure the numbers on it were visible to me.

000d, 00h, 00m, 00s

My brows knitting together slightly as I waited for him to go on.

"Because I believe in them," He shrugged, seemingly deep in thought, eyes still glued to the numbers on his wrist. A smile played on his lips as he added, "In a way, at least."

Almost unconsciously, I scooted closer towards him, admiring the countdown on his wrist that looked just like mine. Run out, yet just like me, he was alone.

Eyes batting open, he looked at me intently for a moment before I diverted my own gaze to look back at his wrist.

"Her name's Lea—" He interrupted himself with a singular, humourless laugh. "—well, was, really." Shaking his head at the memory, a deep sigh escaped his lips. "She died a few years back."

While my mouth opened, it took me a little longer to say something. "I'm so—"

"—Sorry," He finished my sentence for me. "I know. It's alright. I'm alright." Not quite sure what to say in return, I just looked at him. "I like to keep her spirit alive by talking about her every now and then, you know? She was lovely."

"I bet she was," I encouraged with a nod, a small smile on my lips as I noticed he still had one on his.

"Alright, well, that took quite the turn," He admitted then, his voice a little shaky as a nervous laugh rippled through his throat. "I'll get us something to eat, just—" He cut himself off with a small sigh as he got off the couch. "— don't feel bad for me?" He asked. "Please?"

I would, of course. How could I not?

I nodded. "You got it."

With a relieved smile, he hurried towards the three steps in the corner before rushing off into the kitchen.

The silence intensified the feeling of the alcohol rushing through my veins, becoming painfully aware of how little I drank and how much of an effect it had. But it was normal for him; to drink hard liquor every now and then. So, I adapted.

Fortunately, that silence only lasted so long. And I would've been grateful if it was anyone else breaking it. Anyone but him.

"And she comes crawling back yet again." I didn't have to turn around to know who was stood in the archway leading into the living room. I didn't bother checking.

"I was invited, actually, thank you very much," I shot back, hoping he didn't hear the way I accidentally slurred the second half of that sentence.

Though, by the way he snorted humorously once the words left my mouth, I'm pretty sure he picked up on it. "Why on earth are you drunk on a Monday afternoon?"

"Monday evening," I quickly corrected, calming my own conscience with the assurance I wasn't day drinking.

"If it makes you sleep better at night," He shrugged, his voice sounding closer now. At once, he took a big step over the backrest of the couch instead of taking the proper way down the few steps to the side. His sudden appearance next to me had a gasp escape my mouth as my hand flew up to my heart in horror.

"What are you doing?" I hissed, hand still on my chest and my eyes still double their usual size. I had a hard time calming my heart that threatened to jump out of my chest at any second now— clearly startled by his sudden appearance next to me.

"Well, this is my house, isn't it?" He shrugged, readjusting his posture to make himself comfortable.

"Well, this is a big room; no need to sit right there," I pointed out, brows furrowing slightly as I gestured towards the little amount of space between my own body and his.

My eyes flickered up to his face for the first time, then, noticing the smug smirk on his face instead of the scowl I had expected. His tongue poked the inside of his cheek in amusement before he rolled his eyes once.

"Well—" He began once more, this time mocking the word due to how frequent both he and I had used it. "It clearly bothers you, so I'll stay right here, thank you very much."

"It doesn't bother me," I shot back, my nose scrunching up at the words, though going to move to my left, anyway.

His hand on my wrist stopped me in my movement, seeing nothing but a challenging gleam in his eyes as I looked back at him. "Don't move, then," He simply stated, an eyebrow quirked.

My breath picked up just slightly, the alcohol in my system surely the reason for the sensations forming were his hand touched mine.

Seemingly pleased with my reaction, he just leaned forward to grab Arley's glass still standing on the coffee-table, eyeing it carefully only for a moment before tipping the rest of the liquor down his throat.


Writing drunk scenes is my absolute favourite, so I figured why not include one hehe

Also, poor Arley :( But also characters with tragic back stories have my heart :)

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter!

See you tomorrow. <3
