
"Miss. Parsons, do I have to work with Mabel?" Colton, a boy who was used to having things go his way due to his spot on the football team and All-American boy looks, asked. I sighed, pulling off my glasses and setting them on the glossy, wooden desk.

"Yes, Colton, you do." I informed him, watching as Mabel shyly walked towards him with her notebook and pencil clutched tightly against her chest. Colton watched her as a hawk would watch it's prey, carefully and never letting her out of his sight. I slightly smiled at the two, they were a classic cliché.

"Okay," he mumbled not looking over in my direction but in the direction of Mabel setting her belongings on the desk seated directly across from his own. I glanced around the rest of my classroom and grinned at the pairings. I took note of Ricky teasing Fallon, while Fallon attempted to keep her eyes glued to the worksheet placed in front of her.

"This story is so depressing." A male voice called from the back of the room, my head shot up to see it was Carson, Colton's identical twin brother, who wore his blonde hair slicked back. I rolled my eyes as I parted my lips to reply although I was interrupted by another voice,

"So is this class," it was a feminine voice sounding from the same corner as him. A wave of laughter washed over the rest of the class as the words left Abbie's mouth.

"Abbie, why are you in school when you could easily become a clown?" I questioned, resulting in a chorus of 'ohh's' to echo throughout the class from all except Mabel, who stayed focused on her work. Abbie grumbled a string of curses under her breath before turning back to her partner, Jeanne. Jeanne was a girl who enjoyed going with the flow and not attracting too much attention to herself while Abbie was the exact opposite. I moved my attention back towards Colton and Mabel; nearly grinning at the sight of the two.

Colton was doing all that was in his power to gain the attention of Mabel, although it was clear all of her attention was steered towards the paper that was based off of a play called, Othello, written by: Shakespeare. I was pulled from my thoughts as the wooden door to the classroom was pulled open and an older teacher by the name of Mr. Santos walked in. Mr. Santos had about 14 years of teaching English Literature tucked under his belt, while his beer belly hung over it.

"Mr. Santos, what can I do for you?" I asked, taking small steps back until my back came in contact with the cool metal chalk holder that ran across the bottom of the blackboard. He half smiled, in what I assumed was supposed to be a seductive manner although it caused my lunch to threaten to make a reappearance.

"I just thought I would stop by your classroom, you know, take a look around."  He shrugged although his beady, dirt brown eyes stayed glued to my chest ignoring the fact that I was sporting a navy blue turtleneck.

"Well, you might want to actually turn in the direction of the class to do that." I formed a tight smile on my lips as his eyes shot up to meet my pale green ones.  The sound of the bell went off indicating that the last class of the day was over, "Don't forget to tell your parents it's back to school night!" I shouted although, most of the class had packed up and left along with Mr. Santos while Colton, Carson and Mabel lingered behind.

"So, uh, could I get your number so we could work on this?" Colton questioned, rubbing at the side of his shoulder as if it were a sore muscle. Mabel casted her gaze towards her brown boots while she tossed her flip phone around in her hands, her teeth caging in her bottom lip.

"Sorry, I don't have a phone." She muttered before dashing for the door and disappearing down the hallway. Carson released a loud laugh and slapped his brother on the back.

"Sorry, bro. Better luck next time." He told him, before throwing his head back and howling in laughter while Colton hung his head low, in shame.

"Colton?" I said more than questioned, "You really like her, huh?" Colton could barely maintain eye contact with me because of his embarrassment, he only nodded and shoved his hands into his pockets. "Don't worry about it, I'll see what I can do to help." I winked before watching as his blue eyes brightened up a little; he thanked me and walked out the room to catch up with Carson.
