Chapter 1

"Hi, I'm Miss. Parsons and if you are in here right now than that means I am the teacher of your students. No, no, that doesn't make sense." I closed my eyes for a quick second as I tried to collect my thoughts; releasing my breathe I took another shot at it. "Hi, I'm Miss Parsons, the English Literature teacher." Gently smiling, I turned around and realized that there was about half a room full of adults staring at me, grinning.

"Hi," I breathed out, which was followed by a flowy laugh. "So, by now I'm sure you know that I'm the English Lit. teacher." I continued; watching as their heads bobbed up and down. One parent, who was a spitting image of Carson and Colton had raised their hand, "Uh, yes sir?"

"Yeah, uhm, what grade do my boys to maintain in this class in order to stay in sports?" A smirk had fell onto my lips at the seriousness in his tone.

"Anything higher than a 60." I replied, his response was to slide a hand down the side of his wrinkly covered face nearly knocking his glasses off his face in the process.

"Throughout the school year students will be learning about Shakespeare, mainly." I explained while fumbling with my hands. It was difficult for me to talk to a room full of people who were far more older and wiser than me compared to a bunch of teenagers who still asked me permission to use the bathroom. "They will be performing his plays along with filling out worksheets that relate to it," I continued before another hand shot up, interrupting me.

"Yes?" I asked, quickly pointing to the person in my way of letting them know that I was acknowledging them.

"When's lunch?" The woman asked, she was on the younger side wore her hair tied back into a long black waterfall of waves. With her various piercings it was clear, she was Abbie's mother.

"Your Abbie's mother, correct?" My assumption was correct as she nodded to her head, "you can be expecting a lot of phone calls from me this school year." I grinned which caused the smirk to fall from her pink-painted lips. The room filled with soft chuckles before I continued.

"Usually teachers give the students the rules and grades that they bug you guys to sign," I stopped to turn to my desk and pluck the green paper from it's spot on my desk, "but, I like to avoid the excuses and would much rather get them out of them way now." Passing a generous amount down each aisle, I waited for them to get finished putting their signature and dating them.

"What's today's date?" A deep voice that sent chills down my spine and into my core called from the side.

"September 18th." I replied while going around the room and collecting the one's that were completed. Since it was back to school night and we were following the bell schedule the bell rang on cue, "Class dismissed, just leave the papers on the desk, please and thank you." I smiled as I gathered up the last two.

"Uhm, Miss. Parsons?" That same voice called to me and I hadn't dared to look up, instead I hummed to let them know I was listening. "I would like to set-up a meeting, I'm Mabel's guardian. Would 12:30 on Thursday be alright?"

Busying myself, I merely nodded my head and rushed out a quick "Yes, that would be fine."

"That's great, thank you." The smile leaked into his words and I finally gathered courage to look at the man with such a heavenly voice, although, he had already turned and was out the door. Shame.
