Chapter 11

Mabel hasn't torn her eyes off of my frame for the whole class time; her mocha colored eyes darting to the clock every so often as her pencil tapped anxiously against the imitation wood table set in front of her. I clicked my nude colored fingernails against my own desk, closing my eyes as I tilted back in my cushioned chair and listening to the sound bounce from its place on the desk and into my ears.

"Miss. Parsons!" A voice boomed from the back, jolting me out of my serenity, quickly sitting up my eyes focused on a tall figure, their hazel eyes framed with glasses that sat perched on the edge of their nose. 

"Principal Simmons," I swallowed roughly, suddenly feeling a lack of saliva. Principal Simmons was a very strict woman, never married, no kids, she had a no bull crap kind of policy. She carried herself with an aura of authority surrounding her, graying hair pulled back in a bun without a fly away in sight, her skin tone was that of a rich, dark chocolate and no blemish dared mark her face. "How can I help you?" Standing, I offered her a small smile as I flattened my pencil skirt to show a more professional appearance.

"May I speak with you, outside," she pressed the word "outside" into the air rougher than the other words that penetrated their way into it, like bullets nonetheless. "Yes, yes, of course." I answered, following her to behind the bulk of the wooden door that creaked as it's hinges swung open.

Once we were sure the children would no be able to eavesdrop, she began, "Why are you back?" The question had not surprised me as the school had given me a week of excused absence and even went out of their way to find me a temporary substitute, who I had an awkward run in with earlier this morning. "I'm sorry, that was awfully rude, but what I'm trying to say is, why are you back so early from your leave?" Her thinning lips stretched out into what I suppose was meant to be a smile.

"Well, I was informed that, Mr. Santos was let go and I felt that it was punishment to the children, my not showing up." And that was the honest to goodness truth of the entire situation, what with the problem gone what excuse did I have to not show up and educate my students? Principal Simmons raised a penciled eyebrow, silently daring me to change my answer, however, I stood there, shifting in my flats.

"Yes, well, don't let me keep you from your students then," she nudged the door open as an offering for me to slip through, with a gratefully took and with that I was walking back to my desk unscathed, "Oh, Miss. Parsons, I'll need to see Mabel McGuire, her brother is here to pick her up." Principal Simmons was now standing at the door with it open so her full body was exposed to the inside of the classroom.

"Oh okay, Mabel this assignment is due tomorrow in class," I started and was cut off by the sound of her voice cutting through my words.

"I'm afraid I won't be here for the rest of the week, Miss. Parsons, My brother and I are going to see our father, although I'm sure he's told you," Her last words of choice holding much more venom than I thought would be possible from a girl such as herself. This was a surprise to me, Dustin mentioned nothing of the sort. "Well, as soon as possible will be alright." I gave her a toothy smile, acting as if what she said had no impact on me whatsoever.

I watched as she slung her olive green backpack over her right shoulder and exited the classroom with Principal Simmons, feeling a sense of anger towards Dustin for leaving me out of the loop on this sort of thing. It's not like we're an item, that kiss could have meant nothing to him. My thoughts were shattered as a hand was raised right in my line of vision, Colton.

"Yes?" He looked a bit skeptical as to the exchange Mabel and I had shared, as did the rest of the classroom.

"Uhm, who am I going to work with on my project now?" Before I had a chance to reply, another voice had for me.

"That's what brothers are for!" Carson's voice came barreling through the air as he sat at his desk with his feet resting on the table and a piece of beef jerky hanging from the side of his lips mocking the look of a cigarette. Colton looked at me, asking if it was true with his eyes to which I could only answer with a shrug. Carson had not been paired with anyone as everyone that worked with him only had complaints.

I mouthed a sorry, while he breathed out a deep sigh and my thoughts once again engulfed my mind, not allowing any other thoughts to cross it.
