Chapter 5

Specks, the morning person that he is, decided that licking my face in an impact to wake me up was a very effective way of doing so. And it was.

"Awh, come on now," I muttered in an effort to get him to quit slobbering all over my face, I wasn't able to take off my makeup last night and I hadn't wanted him to get an upset stomach. My legs and arms stretched on their own accord while I pressed my fist to the bed; successfully pushing myself out of the comfy cocoon of blankets I had made myself. Specks jumped to attention once my feet hit the ground and I steadied my feet onto the cold, hardwood flooring that caused a shiver to run up my leg and leave a trail of goosebumps. 

The ringing of a cell phone screeched out for my undivided attention, my eyes quickly surveyed the area before landing on the lit up screen.

"Hello?" I called out once my thumb danced its way onto the green answer button.

"I'm ready for your apology," Harper's perky voice bounced out of the phone, I nearly released a growling-groan at the thought of having that much energy in the morning and I'm a teacher. My mind shifted courses and I had a sudden yearning for coffee.

"Hadn't realized I was the one needing to apologize." I shot back, with unexpected venom bathing each word. My legs lead me to the kitchen where I plucked a bag of coffee grounds from the counter and began working on a fresh pot of coffee.

"Well, guess it's a good thing I'm here to tell you." She informed me, anger coursed through my veins as her words registered to me, she always played the 'I'm younger so be nicer to me' card and quite frankly, it was getting on my last nerve.

"You know what, I don't have time for this. You go ahead and give me this guilt trip," I licked my lips but no moisture could be brought to revive them as my mouth ran dry, "and then you tell me that I need to be the one apologizing? So what? I tried to do something nice?" My voice sounded hoarse do to the army of tears that lined against my eyes threatening to tip over as I harshly ended the call. The pot of coffee I had brewing was long forgotten at the point as I leaned my elbows on the granite counter top and threw my head into my propped up hands. 

The ringing of my cell phone snapped me out of my daydream and my fingers clasped around it not bothering to check the caller i.d. I practically punched it before placing it by my ear,

"What?" It was a cross of a sob and anger, my voice was rough giving the illusion I've been crying for hours on end when in reality they had just barely dripped down to my chin.

"Woah there little Miss., what bit you in the ass?" My heart nearly leaped into the pot of coffee in front of me at the sound of his voice. Sweat rushed to my palms and I was fearful of the phone slipping from my grasp.

"Oh, I-I'm sor-rry," My words scratched their way up my throat leaving a burning sensation as the words flew from my mouth.

"That's quite alright darlin'," his southern drawl hanging off the last of those words, "was going to ask you out to lunch but...." He left room for interruption, although I wasn't going to supply him with it. "Your silence is scaring me, doll."

"Shoot, uh," I swiped my tongue across my lips the second, my tongue felt dryer than the first time. "I think I need the distraction actually, lunch would be great."

"Sounds like a plan, I'll pick ya at a quarter after one?" He questioned the smile drenching each of his words. I nodded before the realization of him not being able to see me slapped me across the face. My eyes wandered over to the clock to find that it was nearing 11 o'clock and I turned so quickly my body lurched forward onto the counter to stay balanced.

"Sound- Sounds good," I spit out, not with any hatred lacing my words. I pulled the phone from my ear and tapped the red end call button before tossing the phone onto the granite table watching as it stopped at the edge, just as my heart did. "Okay, good," I laughed before walking around and into my bathroom.

I was greeted with an unpleasant image reflecting in the mirror. The bags under my eyes were more prominent due to the crying that had just taken place moments ago. My light green eyes having a white ring around the pupil due to my lights, while it also gave the illusion on my hair being a lighter blonde than it naturally was, the red highlights standing out as they did when being roasted in the summer sun. Exhaustion swept over me, as I started my daily routine.

A natural look was the one I decided on as I was only trying to cover up a few blemishes, blush had been discarded from my memory as a apple-like redness swirled on my pale cheeks. My stomach swirled like a tornado, so breakfast was also out of the question. 

I collapsed onto my couch as I waited for his arrival and swallowed roughly in hopes of ridding the lump that glued itself to my throat. The knock at the door had startled me as I stood on unsteady legs to answer it.

His eyes locked me into a trance and I hadn't minded it in the least bit, he wore a smile that sent my heart into overdrive and with drool practically dripping down my chin I blurted out, "Are you from Tennessee?"   
