Chapter 17

"Abbie, you are aware that your grades are slipping in this class right?" I questioned, she rolled her bright blue eyes and I frowned at her actions. Her jet-black hair had strips of bright pink and purple going all throughout it, it looked as if she had took the time this morning to crimp it.

"Let me ask ya something, teach," she leaned in her chair and threw her feet up on the desk, that I stood leaning against, unfolding my arms I swatted them down which she replied with another eye roll. "Why do you pair everyone up in this class with their crushes and lovers except me?" My mouth had fallen open at her words, I had always paired Abbie up with any other floater girl that had already had a boyfriend or didn't show any particular interest towards one boy.

"Well, Abbie I had always figured," She cut me off.

"Everyone always figures, 'oh I thought you were lesbian'," Her voice switched over to a deeper one, one that mocked a man's voice. "well I'm here to tell you that I'm not." I squinted my eyes at her, Abbie was a hell of a lot more complicated than I had thought for her to be. To any passer byer she was your stereotypical goth punk girl that swore off anyone from the opposite sex.

"Listen, I truly am sorry, is there any particular boy you had in mind." Once the words had registered to her she immediately shifted her gaze to her hands that were placed palm side down on her lap, she stared at the hot pink nail polish that was chipping away.

"Kerson," she mumbled through gritted teeth, to this I grinned.

"I'm sorry? Can you repeat that?" I teased and she looked up and shot me a glare before rolling her eyes once again, collecting her things she walked to the door and huffed out a breath as if I was her mother sending her to her room.

"I said Carson." Her voice was clearer this time and I smiled triumphantly as the door opened and slammed shut.

"Teenagers." I breathed out, the smile never venturing off of my lips.

I snuggled into my throw pillows as Keeping Up With The Kardashians played on the television Harper was out on a date tonight and I watched my phone like a hawk incase things headed south.

"Specks, knock it off." My puppy looked up at me with side eyes and perked ears as I lightly shooed him away from playing with my duck slippers. He whined, but reluctantly stopped gnawing at them and hopped onto the couch settling himself so that his body lay behind my legs and his head on top of them, I smiled at him and reached my arm out to pat him on the head. "Good boy." I cooed. Turning my attention back to the television as something that sounded like glass had shattered and yelling ensued.

My ringtone began to play and I casted my eyes over to it to see if it was even worth picking up, Mr. Cruz's Office, flashed across the screen and I scrambled to pick it up, Speck's looking up alarmedly.

"Hello?" I answered, fumbling for the remote with my other hand to hit the pause button.

"Hello? Miss. Parsons?" I giggled in response to his confused voice.

"Yes, you called me," I reminded him, with a smile playing on my lips that was also evident in my tone.

"Right, I've spoken with Mr. Santo's lawyer and he tells me that he is willing to drop charges if you drop yours," my mouth fell open and then closed, I resembled a goldfish. Before I had a chance to give my response, he expanded, "don't worry, I already said no." My heart felt lighter when this news was delivered to me, the breath that was suffocating it left my lungs.

"Thank you." My voice cracked with emotion, there was not a snowball's chance in hell that I was dropping these charges.

"We are gonna win this if it's the last thing I do." A laugh flooded the speaker on both ends, a smile was left as remnants. His voice was reassuring and that's what caused hope to flood my heart.

"Thank you, talk to you soon." I told him, his reply was a quick goodbye and then a click, the phone line went dead. I brought my phone away from my ear to see I had missed calls from Dustin and an unread text from Harper. Opening the ladder first I was greeted with a blushing emoji and the word 'Success!' smiling, I quickly typed a 'Congrats!'.

Scrolling through my contacts I stopped at Dustin's name and clicked on the call button. The dial tone had only lasted a millisecond, "Wanna tell me what school project takes close to two hours to finish, Miss. Parsons?" His voice was angry, causing a smirk to fall onto my face.

"No, but I can think of a couple projects for us to do that may take two hours." I countered, my voice casting out onto a huskier side.

"RaeLynn, I'm not playing with you." His voice grew serious, he had always been extremely protective of Mabel. My lips scrunched together and danced over to the side as I stretched out the palm of my left hand.

"I'm sorry, but you have got to let that girl live a little," I tried to reason with him and he huffed out a breath, like a two year old not getting his way for the first time.

"You say that an awful lot," he pointed out, grumbling the entire sentence out, "I've never parented before." My face softened at this, it was true.

"I know, and it's not your fault." Silence blanketed the conversation before a thought popped into my mind, "But you're an awful good Daddy to me." My voice fell towards the end and a chuckle escaped my lips, Dustin roared out a string of laughter as well.

"Well maybe I can come over and practice my parenting." My smile fell as he said this.

"Okay, you made it weird." I told him, offering a laugh nonetheless.

"I know, I'll be over in ten." He ended the call causing me to spring up from my spot and get ready for his arrival.
