Chapter 8

WARNING : sexual assault does take place during this chapter, if you are not comfortable reading that please skip this chapter - you're not missing anything major

"This project will require some out of school effort as well." I knew that after those words broke the surface of silence groans would follow them. "Now, it's none of my business how that gets done, however I will not stand for one person doing all the work." That's when smirks began to pull at the corner of some of their lips and other's bit onto their for dear life. Carson's hand shot up into the air, a smirk painted on his face causing his eyes to have a glint of wickedness.

"Yes, Carson?" I asked, fearing what was coming next.

"Shouldn't me and Colton just work together since we live together?" He asked, I knew that he was onto my plan of trying to get Colton with Mabel and I wasn't about to give him all the power to destroy it; Colton looked at me with worry flooding his eyes.

"You mean have Colton do that work and you slap your name on it?" I shot back, making sure I emphasized Colton's name. Colton looked at me with a smile spreading onto his face while Carson's smirk disappeared, mine appeared. "Colton will be working with Mabel and you'll be working with Jake." I explained, Jake was another football player - sometimes I had to pair them with friends so my plan wasn't too obvious. I continued to list all the pairings up until we had 2 minutes left of the class period.

"And finally, Naomi and Jackson," Naomi rolled her eyes while Jackson crossed his arms over his wide chest, they often bantered back and forth with each other with teasing smiles. "The due date for this project is set for a week from now so I believe that's the 14th?" I said walking over to the calendar I had displayed on my desk.

"You'd be believing right," A voice called out earning a few giggles to which I thanked them.

"We will be presenting!" Were the last words I could get out before the ringing of the bell disrupted me. A breath I hadn't realized I was holding in my lungs until I felt the heavy weight lift itself off of my chest.

"Hey there, sexy mama," I heard a voice call from behind, it made my skin itch and my eyes shut in hopes that would make it go away.

"Yes, Mr. Santos?" I questioned while trying to keep my hands busy, fumbling with my keys and suddenly struggling to find my coat. "Ah," I gasped out finally realizing that it was thrown over my wheely chair; before I could move to get to two ands settled themselves onto my hips. "Mr. Santos!" The words clawed up and out of my throat.

"Oh baby, just call me Javier," The 'r' rolled it's way off of his tongue while his spit hit the back of my neck, where he took the liberty of moving my hair to the side.

"Please get off of me!" My shouts of fear filled the air in hops that a student or teacher passing by would hear me cry out for help, I wiggled and struggled in his grip, trying will all of my might to push his grubby, small hands off of me.

"Mmmm babygirl, the more you struggle the more it turns me on." The smirk practically dripped from his voice and I felt a bile begin to rise. I felt something begin to poke at my backside, his hand traveled up my waist and I swallowed hard trying to regain some kind of strength.

"Please don't." I squeaked out, Mr. Santos was not a man of height, he stood at maybe 5'4 and if I brought my leg up to kick him where the sun doesn't shine I would easily miss; I wasn't about to succumb to him, though. His hand cupped my left breast and his breath began to get hoarser.

"I've been dreaming of how these two puppies felt," His other hand came up, cupping my right one as well. Prying his hands off of me only seemed to anger him more as he then pressed my hips with a greater force into the wooden desk.

"Let go of me!" I continued to yell, now thrashing in his hold continuously shouting for help until my voice fell weak and settled itself in the bottom of my throat.

"HEY! HEY YOU!" I heard a new voice enter the room, this one was one of authority and filled me with a sense of relief. Mr. Santos's hands were tore from my body and I was quick to scramble and grab my coat.

"Go ahead, Miss. Parsons, I got this scumbag," Hank, the head of security at the school, told me with a nod as he held Mr. Santos's hands behind his back. I mumbled a quick and quiet 'thank you, sir' before my feet carried me out the door.

I all but stumbled into my car as I reached where it had been sitting in the parking lot, that's when it all came hitting me like a train. His hands on me, touching me and grabbing. I didn't care who saw me, the tears poured from me like the heavens opening up the sky for a rainstorm. My hands shook, but I managed to pull my phone from its place in my purse. Sinking against the passenger side, I sat on a patch of ice, yet I wasn't able to care about the frozen water seeping through my pants, I was already numb from the events that had unfolded. I pressed the phone against my cheek, listen to the sound of the dial tone until it disappeared; I hadn't even given them the chance to say 'hello'.

"Harper," I swallowed roughly trying to fight through the tear fest happening behind my eyes, "I'm at school, can you please come get me?"
