Chapter 14

"So, Thompson and Cruz is Ace Thompson?" Harper said after regaining her composure from her spit-take. I was wiping up the chocolate milk, that had just exited my sweet sister's mouth and was now displayed on my coffee table, "Damn. Can't say you don't deserve it." I looked up from the now spotless wood and glared at her through my glasses, raising a newly-plucked eyebrow.

"After all I've been through, you have some nerve." I retaliated, which resulted in her shifting uncomfortably after registering the words that just came out of her mouth.

"Rae, I meant with you setting up the kids and what not," Harper bit her lip as if pondering whether or not she was actually going to say what she said next, "it's just, maybe someone's setting you up." She couldn't even look me in the eye, instead her gaze shifted downward as she placed the glass of milk that was left and tilted it into her mouth.

"You have got to be kidding me," I laughed out, hardly able to control my giggles as they continuously spilled out- I felt as if I was getting an ab workout from all this laughing. "HA! I'm with Dustin and might I mention extremely happy." I finally spit out after the fit of giggles left my throat. Harper finished her swig and leaped up, beginning her walk to the kitchen where she placed her glass in the dishwasher.

"He makes me happy." I added, a smile playing on my lips as I followed her and wrung out the rag I had used to clean up her mess.

"I'm just saying, don't lay all your eggs in one basket." She shrugged and with that, she shut the dishwasher door and padded her way over to my front door. "You might regret it, plus you don't even know this boy, Rae, protect your heart." Her tone was hurtful and I wasn't able to get out a word as she slipped on her shoes and slugged her way out the door, I could only stand in my kitchen with my mouth agape. The nerve.

I made my way over to my couch, plucking my phone from where it was snuggled into my pajama pants.

2 Missed Calls from Dustin

"Shit," I mumbled before hitting the redial button, luckily it had only been minutes ago. Pressing the phone to my ear, I made my way over to the couch where I plopped myself into the corner.

"Guess who's back," I was greeted with his gruff voice and my fingers pulled at my blonde hair twirling it around my painted nails.

"Mm, what do you say you come over here and I give you a welcome back party." I suggested, smiling like a maniac at the thought of being alone with Dustin, something tugged in my stomach and I nearly moaned into his ear right then and there.

"Well, I'm not one for parties." He teased, and I rolled my eyes before pouting regardless of the fact that he couldn't see me. "But, you might be able to persuade me."

I thought for a moment before a smirk settled on my lips, "Oh, trust me, this is a party you're not gonna wanna miss." I giggled seductively, which ended up sounding more like I had a frog in my throat.

Dustin's rough laugh filled my ears and the tugging feeling was back in the pit of my stomach. "You got something in your throat there, darling?"

"Dustin, I swear if your ass isn't over here in the next ten minutes you're gonna be kissing mine goodbye." With that, a smile slithered onto my lips.

"You got it, boss." And with that the call was ended and I descended into my bedroom on the search for clothes that were more appropriate for this kind of party.

My breath caught in my throat as there was a knock on the door. I cleared my throat before a quick flip of my hair, fixing my black silk robe to leave very little to the imagination. Lowering my voice a few notches, I tested out a few greetings. "Hello," I tried once with my hand on the knob before rolling my eyes and clearing my throat once more. "Hey big boy," Shaking my head I turned the knob to reveal Dustin leaning against the doorway.

"I'm here to fix a leaky faucet, ma'am." He joked, causing a smile to break out onto my lips and a laugh to escape past them. Giving him a once over and a hum of appreciation I grabbed the collar of his blue and white plaid and yanked him behind closed doors.

"I got another leak I'm gonna need you to take a look at." Flipping all my hair to one side of my shoulder, I hoisted one leg up on his hip and I still didn't feel close enough to him. He crashed his lips onto mine and pried them apart with his tongue letting it slip into my mouth he grabbed my other leg and slid me up onto his waist before groaning into my mouth. His beard scratching against my  soft cheek was almost a turn-on. "You taste like pizza." I mentioned after pulling away for a breather and feeling the heat grow on my cheeks.

Dustin's laugh rumbled through his chest, "You're so damn weird, babe." With that, he pressed us against a wall and his lips covered mine again, his hand slid down my back and onto my ass grabbing one cheek and giving it a squeeze along with a growl of approval. "Mmmmm," His lips quivered against mine. "where's the bedroom?"

Hopping off of him, I grabbed his hand which fit in mine like the missing piece of a puzzle and nudged him in the direction of my room. Once we reached our destination, he sat on the bed giving me access to climb into his lap and resume our make-out. I pulled apart and went for his buttons noting the way his chest heaved up and down and placing a kiss after each button I peeled apart.

 "Relax, baby." I said into one of the kisses and he laid on the bed, allowing me to straddle either side of him. Just as I reached the last button there was a knock on the door and a sigh from Dustin.

"You've got to be kidding me." He clapped his left hand over his face while his right ran through his hair.

"I'll be right back, don't move." I winked after tumbling off of him and tying my robe a bit tighter around my waist. As I walked towards the door I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and quickly patted down my hair, I wasn't sure who was standing behind this door and they didn't need to know all that much about me as a first impression. 

Turning the knob I was greeted with an unfamiliar face and before I could get a word out, they beat me. "RaeLynn Parsons?" The man looked to be in his late 40's and as if he hadn't shaved in weeks and from the rest of his appearance, he hadn't showered either. 

"Yes?" Suddenly feeling more self conscious I pulled my robe around me a little tighter. His hair was thinning in all the wrong places and his dark blue eyes darted from one spot to another, never meeting my own orbs.

"You've been served." He told me and then handed me a yellow envelope turning on his foot, leaving. Once again, I was left by myself with my mouth agape.

Ripping open the envelope, I shook my head thinking this was all one big mistake, but it wasn't and my mouth remained agape as these five words fell out, "Javier Santos is suing me!?"

Disbelief washed over me as Dustin exited the bedroom buttoning his shirt with his eyebrows scrunched together and Speck's whimpered from his dog bed as if he understood me. My head jerked back and my eyes pointed towards the ceiling, "This can't be happening to me." Dustin collected me in his arms and that's when the waterworks were set off.
