Mal doesn't listen

No matter how much Jay continued to tell her, that the doctor said not to run a lot, or to do too much at one time, like running on rooftops, she still did it anyway. She didn't care. She was sick of listening to dumb rules made by doctors. Besides, she thought. I feel fine. 

So Mal continued for2 weeks, running around a lot, and jumping/running on rooftops, annoying everybody at night. Jay and Mal were insepearble now. There wouldn't be a moment, where you wouldn't see them not together. 

If you even tried to separate them, you couldn't. It was like they had been stuck together with super glue. Ben and Evie continued to mope around, from not being able to get back together. Ben always watched Jay and Mal run through the hallways with Carlos and Dude. 

Ben had always been jealous of their friendship. He had never had friends that would run around with him, tell him secrets, have pillow fights, have friend fights, or even run around screaming their heads off with him. 

But, Mal, Jay, Carlos, and Dude was that group of friends, always having fun, never worrying, or being unhappy. Evie and Ben had tried to make peace with them several times, but they didn't want to. 

But, one day, 3 weeks after talking to Mal and Jay in Ben's office, Mal and Jay were no where to be found. Carlos and Dude were out and about, but they were always unhappy. There was no running in the halls screaming, no pillow fights, no friend fights, and no runnning on rooftops.

Ben was worried about their health, even if they didn't like him anymore. He went down to Evie's room, and knocked on the door. Carlos answered it, and Dude barked from Evie's side."What are you guys doing in here?" Ben asked. 

"Carlos is worried about Mal. He said she's really sick." Evie said petting Dude's head. "What do you mean she's really sick?" Ben asked. "I mean, really sick. She has headaches, stomachaches, gut aches, naseua(?), a really high fever, and she just sits there next to Jay, feeling terrible." 

"What's wrong with her?" "No clue Ben. She looks terrible too. Her face is super pale, like a vampires, her eyes faded to a washed out green, she is terribly skinny, just like on the Isle, and her hair is all matted down." Carlos told him. 

"Can I go see her?" "I guess you guys both could if you wanted, just don't say anything, you know, bad." Carlos returned. Evie and Ben nodded. Carlos got up, and him and Dude led the way to their room. "Jay? I'm coming in with 2 peeps!" Someone inside yelled back something, but it was muffled. 

"He says it's okay to come in." Carlos opened the door, and waved them inside. Mal was laying on Jay's bed, lifeless. Everything Carlos had said about her, unfortuantly, was true. "Jay, what's the matter with her?" 

Jay looked up from staring at Mal. He took her hand again, and said, "Doug came in when this started with Fairy Godmother, and they told us, that it's from that dumb Beeumfuzzee she had. Apparently, she wasn't supposed to run a lot, like I had told her not to, until her big bruise was gone." 


Jay was about to answer, when Dude yelled, "AWKWARD!!!!!!!!!!" "DUDE!" Carlos shushed him. "The bruise is on her stomach. Why?" "How would you know?" Ben yelled. "I just do because she was wearing a crop top yesterday!" "Oh. Don't I feel like a fool." Ben said. 

"Gee. It's not like you've never acted like one either!" Jay yelled back. Mal stirred, and cryed out. Jay grabbed a cloth towel, that was sitting in a bowl of water, and immediatly started dabbing her forehead with it. She relaxed, and grabbed Jay's hand. She relaxed complety, still knowing he was there.

"I think it's best you leave." Jay said to Evie and Ben. "Wait. Before we go, I want to ask you one question." "Fire away Ben." Jay answered. "How come, your love is so special?" Jay smiled still at the floor. 

"The thing about us, is special, because it's true. Not fake, not a one month thing. Back on the Isle, she used to, well, I don't know if it's my place to tell you, but back on the Isle, Malificent, and Jafar would do terrible things to us." 

"Like what?" "Like abuse us. That's what. Now, shut up and let me finish." Ben snapped his mouth shut, and Jay continued. "Whenever things like these would happen to either one of us, we would always find peace in each other. The only reason we were abused, was because we loved each other, and secretly, my dad loved that too, but he couldn't show that." 

"And, after every bad thing happened, we've just found happiness, and comfort in each other, knowing that we're still there for each other. Which is exactly why we have matching rings. We've known and have been best friends since we were 3, when we moved in next door to the Bargain Castle."

"Do the math Ben. Mal and I are both 17. 14. 14 years Ben. When I found out she was dating you, I hated myself. I was mad Ben. I wanted to leave, I wanted to leave this place forever. Go back to my dad. But, deep down, I knew, what you gave her, would never be the same as what we gave each other." 
