Game night

Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos were in the boys' room, playing a board game called loaded questions. Mal and Carlos were on a team, and Jay and Evie were on a team. Carlos and Mal were winning, and Mal read the final question that Evie and Jay had to answer. Jay paled, and Evie's face scrunched up.

 When they answered, Carlos read them out loud. Mal and Carlos looked at each other, and laughed. They laughed so hard, the fell out of their chairs and rolled on the floor with laughter. Evie started fake slapping Carlos, while Jay took hold of Mal and threw her on Carlos's bed. Mal jumped on Jay's shoulders and started to mess up his hair. 

A knock came from the door, but no one heard it from all the yelling and laughing coming inside. Carlos now had Evie on his shoulders, and Evie tackled him to the ground. Mal laughed harder, and Mal screamed as Jay fell on the floor on his back. Mal screamed again as Jay was pinning her to the ground. 

The door opened and Ben saw everything that happened. Mal somehow managed to get out from behind Jay, and sat on his stomach. Evie was sitting on Carlos's legs, and holding down his arms. "Ahem." Ben said. The friends all looked at him.

 Evie got off Carlos, and Jay stood up, which made Mal fall on the ground. Jay laughed, and held out a hand to Mal. Mal grabbed it, and pulled Jay down. Jay was surprised as Mal stood up and laughed. Jay got up and fake growled. He grabbed Mal's waist, and she squealed as Jay set her on top of Jay's canopy bed. "Jay, please get my girlfriend off the top of your bed." Ben said. Jay grumbled, and Mal jumped down and Jay caught her.

 She thanked Jay and walked over to Ben. Ben stared at his smiling girlfriend, and decided he couldn't break her heart, and tell her he was secretly dating Evie behind her back. Evie was looking at Ben, waiting for him to tell his girlfriend about their secret relationship. "I. Uh. Just came to make sure you guys are doing okay." Ben said. The friends all nodded, and said they were fine. 

Mal said goodbye to Carlos,Jay,and Ben and went down to her room. Evie and Ben went out in the hallway, and Evie said, "Ben. When are you going to man up and tell her? She's my best friend, and she would have told me if she was dating someone in secret. I want to do the same to her, but you said you want to tell her. Do it, or I'll do it myself." Evie left to her room, leaving Ben staring at the ground. 
