Discovered love?

She ran away, as fast as she could, brushing tears out of her eyes. Carlos and Ben stood up at the same time, but Jay was already gone, chasing after Mal. Mal was on a rooftop running. Jay climbed faster than her, and ran faster than her too, so he caught up pretty fast.

She was about to fall off the side, but Jay grabbed her wrist, and pulled her back to him. She accepted his hand, and she sobbed on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her. He sat down, and pulled her down with him.

People were gathered in the street below, and Ben called up to them, "Jay, are you okay?" "Yeah! We're fine!" He yelled back. It was dark out and past curfew when Mal finally stood up. She and Jay ran along the roof tops all the way back to their dorm rooms.

Mal collapsed tired onto Jay's bed accidently without thinking, and so did Jay. Carlos walked into the room, with Jane, Lonnie, Doug, Ben, Evie,Chad, and Audrey. They all saw Jay and Mal, and gasped.

Mal and Jay were sound asleep, and didn't hear a thing. Ben, Evie, and Carlos stayed watching them the whole night. During the night, they saw Jay reach for Mal's hand. She took it, and they smiled in their sleep.

Carlos grinned too. He remembered back on the Isle, when he and Evie had first caught the two in the same bed at Jay's house. Mal was escaping her mom, and Jay had let her bunk with him. They were holding hands in the night, and were smiling and whispering what sounded a lot like, I love you to each other.

Evie was remembering this too. When Jay and her had become friends, Jay dumped Mal for her, which was another reason that Mal had hated Evie. But, it looked like they made up, and were back together again.

Evie told Ben this, and Evie and Carlos had walked in on them kissing one time when Jafar was gone from his shop for 2 days. Ben hadn't reacted well to this, and was angry. In fact, Jay and Mal had been in love for many years, since they were 13, almost 5 years.

At the cotillion, Mal had chosen Ben over Jay, but then, after Evie and Ben told them they had been dating, they must have gotten over it really fast. They always had. Whenever they fought, they always made up really fast, no matter what the argument was.

When Mal and Jay woke up, Jay and Mal smiled at each other, remembing their old love memories from back on the Isle. Mal and Jay's personal favorite memory of their love on the Isle, was when they were watching Ben's birthday fireworks/party from the rooftop of the highest building on the Isle.

Carlos was Jay's friend at the time, and he was bringing Evie along, even though Mal hated both of them. Carlos and Evie were getting snacks for them all, and Jay and Mal were on the roof, waiting for the show to start. 

Jay kept looking at Mal when she wasn't looking, and she did the same to him. Jay took Mal's hand, and they smiled at each other. Finally, Jay kissed her, and she kissed back, and Mal pinned him to the roof. 

Someone above them cleared their throat. Mal and Jay stopped kissing, and sat up. "Jay?" Carlos asked. "Yes?" "Um, never mind." Whenever Evie and Carlos weren't looking, the two would sneak glances, hold hands, kiss, or hug. 

When Evie and Carlos got tired of waiting, they decided to leave. When Jay was sure they were gone, he handed Mal a little box. Mal opened it, and screamed silently. It was a ring, that was gold, banded, with 2 green dragons on it. The words ingraved said, I'll be with you forever.

Jay had a matching one, except his had a snake on it. They wore them everyday, and no one noticed what they were, or who they were from. Even in Auradon, the two wore the rings, right up to the point, where Jay dumped her for Evie. 
