Ben's accident

The next morning, Mal couldn't keep snickering at breakfast. Ben had barged into Jay's room, while Mal was asleep. Jay and Carlos were at Tourney practice. He just sat watching her, unaware to her. She woke up, with someone breathing on her. She sat up, rubbing her eyes. She saw a blurry figure next to her, and screamed. She hit the figure, and wacked him with her pillow. The figure groaned, and Mal's eyes focused. It was Ben. His forehead was red, and he was holding it. She picked up her pillow, and looked inside. She had picked up Jay's pillow, the one that was left on her air matress. What was inside, was Jay's missing Tourney stick that was broken in half. Ben ran out of the room. Down at breakfast Mal sat down, and had gotten glares. When Evie approached her and said, "Mal, why did you hit my boyfriend with a broken Tourney stick?" "Well, it was self defense. I woke up from him breathing on me, and he was watching me sleep. It was wierd. I didn't know who it was. Excuse me for trying to protect myself." Evie walked away with her head in the air. Mal rolled her eyes, and this time, Ben and Audrey sat down across from her. "Mal, why did you hit Ben in the head?" "Excuse me Audrey. If your vision was blury when you first woke up, and you saw someone watching you sleep and breathing on you, you would've hit that person with something. Jay's broken Tourney stick just happened to be in the pillow I was using." Ben glared at Mal. His forehead had a huge bruise, and his nose was broken. Ben growled, and stormed away. Audrey glared at her, and everyone else glared at her too. "What is everybody looking at?" Mal said. "You hit Ben on purpose!" someone yelled out. Mal stood up, and glared at everyone. She climbed on the table, and yelled as loud as she could, "IS EVERYONE HERE NOW? CAN I SAY IT ONE MORE TIME, I ACCIDENTLY HIT BEN WITH JAY'S BROKEN TOURNEY STICK,BECAUSE IT WAS IN A PILLOW,AND BEN WAS WATCHING ME SLEEP. I COULDN'T SEE WHO IT WAS,SO I HIT HIM WITH A PILLOW,EXPECTING A PILLOW,NOT A BROKEN TOURNEY STICK!!! I SHOULD REALLY-" Mal got cut off, by Jay pulling her off the table. She crossed her arms, and pouted. "Jay, I was in the middle of yelling at them." Mal says in a whiny voice. Jay laughed and Carlos grinned as he and Jay sat down on either side of her. Mal saw Ben glareing at them, and he smashed into a wall. That's how Mal ended up snickering the whole morning, also beacuse he ended up with a unicorn bandage on his face. 
