The truth unveiled

Mal and Jay get back to Auradon Prep, and everyone gives them glares as Mal limps through the halls back to her room. Mal opens the door, and Evie and Ben are there talking quietly. "Ben! Evie!" Mal exclaims happily. She walks over and gives them both a big hug. "I'm so happy you're okay!When I didn't see you in the hospital, I'd thought something happened to you!" Jay touched Mal's arm and said, "Mal, the doctor said you have to rest." Mal sighed and said,"Okay, okay." 

She took off her shoes and climbed in her bed. Evie sat down next to her. "Mal, are you feeling okay?" Evie asked. Mal nodded smiling,then frowned. "How come you never came to visit? Your boyfriend Jay was there the whole time, but you never were." "Mal, I really wanted to, but, it's just, well you see. The thing is Mal, I didn't want you to get hurt more. Ben, you tell Mal now,or I'll just do it myself. Ben, you told me you'd tell her 4 months ago,but you've kept it a secret for 4 months now. I'm tired of keeping it secret.Mal deserves the truth."Evie said. 

Ben looked down. Jay walked over and sat down on the other side of Mal. Ben walked over to Mal, and sat on the edge of her bed. "Mal, I don't love you anymore. I found someone else, someone that loves me more than you have, and we've, well we've been dating since the cotilion. Mal I'm sorry, but I've been dating Evie for 4 months. You said you don't know if you're strong enough to be a queen, and Evie showed me, she's strong enough. I love her, and she's going to be the lady of the court, and she's going to marry me." Whatever was left of Mal's smile, dropped off her face.

Mal swallowed, and she said,"So, you mean to tell me, that your breaking up with me, and that you've been dating Evie behind my back, for four months, since the cotilion?" Ben nodded slowly, afraid of what Mal would do when she got mad. Mal rose slowly from her bed. She started shaking again, and that meant she was angry, and about to yell. "get out. Get out. GET OUT NOW!" Mal said yelling at Evie and Ben.

Ben and Evie looked at each other, and ran out of the room as Mal started crying.Jay took Mal's hands, and hugged her. She cried on Jay's shoulder for 2 hours while Jay hugged her and comforted her. She eventually quieted down, but they realized she was asleep. Jay carried her to her bed, and laid her down. 

Evie looked at Ben and said, "I feel terrible." "You should be." Jay said, now in front of them. "Why would you do this to Mal? Ben, she loves you so much, and Evie, you were her best friend. She told you two everything!" "Jay I-" " "Don't Evie. I also saw those rumors you two spread about Mal and me cheating on you two. I really don't think we should be friends anymore right now." Jay said shutting Mal's door, right as Carlos slipped in. 
