
The doctor led them back to Mal's room. Mal was hooked up on a blood machine, and she had bandages on her stomach. The doctor said, "Mal, here, has something called Beeumfuzzee. It's a magical diasease, and the only way to catch it, is by a spell, that's put into a potion, or slipped into a drink. Mal has it so serious, if she didn't come sooner, she would be dead. It can be treated, but it takes a long, time, and it does make people miserable. She also, had a burst appendix, which is life threatening." 

Mal looked up weakly. She laid her head back down, and moaned in pain again. The doctor presses a button, and Mal relaxes. She falls asleep, and when they all decide to leave Mal in peace, Jay lags behind. "Jay, come on." Ben says. "Let Mal rest." Jay shook his head. "No. You guys go ahead. I want to stay with Mal. She's saved my life more than once. I'm going to make it up to her. Besides, she's my best friends. Best friends stick together." Ben shrugged, and left. 

Jay sat on the chair next to Mal, and when she woke up time and time again, Jay and Mal would talk, and if Mal was in pain, he would press the button, to help her. The doctors came in to help her. Jay never left once. She was there for 3 weeks, and not one other person came by to visit her. But, on the day she was clear to go, an unexpected visitor came by. 

It was Doug. "Hey Jay. Evie wanted me to give this to you." Doug handed Jay a jar of chocolate, and a jar of strawberries. Mal saw it, and she reached for the strawberrys. Jay handed it to her, and Doug said. "Jay, I need to talk to you. The Beeumfuzzee, I did some research on it, and it does get better, that she can leave the hospital, like she is, but it's not safe, to do major things, like climb a mountain, or run a marathon. She has to wait until some sort of mark, bruise, or spot goes away." 

Doug and Jay looked at Mal, to see if she'd heard. She nodded, and Jay started laughing again. Mal had emtied the jar of strawberries. She nodded as to say she'd heard. "Okay, so Doug, what exactly is Beeumfuzzee?" Jay asked. 

"Beeumfuzzee, is a magical disease, that makes the person infected have flares of pain in the gut, and stomach. The pain comes in burst, and if it gets worse, treated in the hospital, when the pain isn't short bursts. After it's treated, what happens, could be a range of anything. The things that Mal could get, are emotion swings, mood swings, fragileness(IDK how to spell), hallucinations, screaming, doubt, fevers, flares of pain, loss of appetite, short term loss of limb moving, sensitive hearing, sensitive emotions and moods, and short term memory loss." 

"Woah. That bad?" "Yes. But all the infected have said, that 1 caring friend or person has stuck by their side, to help them through it, and by the looks of it, I think you're that caring friend by Mal's side. You've been here ever since the doctor said Mal can have visitors." Doug leaves, and the royal limo comes a half-hour later. Mal climbs in and Jay follows her inside. 
